The cause of high gas prices


New member
Sep 21, 2004
The dimscum are blocking legislation on the House and Senate floors that would allow more drilling and more exploration for oil.

Not to be outdone, their evil minions in the environmental whacko groups are pursuing the dimscum agenda on a different front. And if you think for one second these environmentalist whackos are not part and parcel of the dimscum party and their movement...then count yourself among the whackos.

The dimscum are proving, RIGHT NOW, that they don't have the wherewithall to lead this country to anything but destruction. They are holding us hostage in order to get carbon credits on ANY energy bill coming out of Congress. They are blocking (in totality) any and all eforts to expand oil exploration and exploitation.

Democrats support more drilling," he said. "In fact, what the president hasn't told you is that the oil companies are already sitting on 68 million acres of federal lands with the potential to nearly double U.S. oil production. That is why in the coming days congressional Democrats will vote on 'Use It or Lose It' legislation requiring the big oil companies to develop these resources or lose their leases to someone else who will."

Utter fucking horseshit. Anyone with half a shred of common sense knows this is utterly ridiculous. Businesses don't simply buy land rich in whatever it is they're selling and then just sit on it, especailly when customers are clamoring for lower prices and more supply. The dimscum tell oil companies to drill where there is no oil...then block them from drilling where there IS oil.

This one takes the cake for me though:

“This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax, it’s an absolute hoax on the part of the Republicans and this administration” Pelosi said at her weekly press conference. “It’s a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact that their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

I actually watched this on CSPAN in the middle of the night... insomnia..

This crusading c*nt must be removed from power. She is perpetuating an absolute lie. ANWR has 10 billion of PROVEN RESERVES, OR ABOUT HALF OF THE ENTIRE PROVEN RESERVES IN THE UNITED STATES.

Drilling on a 2000 acre spot to access half of the nation's proven reserves in NOT A HOAX. I'm serious as a heart attack: she needs removed for trying to destroy us.

Feb 22, 2005
More drilling wont do jack shit, people!!!

First, it will take several years for that oil to reach the pump.

Second, that oil will go on the global market. You guys think that they will sell you for 30 dollars a barrel when they can get 150$ from foreigners??? Price is where supply meets demand (except in places like Venzuela and ME)

On Meet the Press a few months ago, they were saying that it would have an effect of about 30 cents per gallon on the price. Is that really worth it at this point??

The only beneficiaries of the offshore drilling will the the oil companies, not the regular Joes

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
More drilling wont do jack shit, people!!!

First, it will take several years for that oil to reach the pump.

Second, that oil will go on the global market. You guys think that they will sell you for 30 dollars a barrel when they can get 150$ from foreigners??? Price is where supply meets demand (except in places like Venzuela and ME)

On Meet the Press a few months ago, they were saying that it would have an effect of about 30 cents per gallon on the price. Is that really worth it at this point??

The only beneficiaries of the offshore drilling will the the oil companies, not the regular Joes

That's the same thing they were saying five years ago.

The problem with the lockstep rank and file is that they continue to believe proven liars even when the truth slaps them in the face.

The elitists have determined that we the people don't need SUVs and big houses and all of the consumables that are available in the marketplace, so they've decided to limit the available resources such as energy - as long as they have what they need, they don't care about the rest of us.

We need to increase refining capacity as well as domestic drilling. We need to look at hydro elctric, wind and nuclear energy and anything else that is worth developing.

The Democrats are in solid charge of the congress, yet they won't send Bush anything he can sign - WHY?

They believe this eco-crap that's being bandied about - and rather than attempt to meet consensus with the American people, they'll severely limit supply and blame eveyone but themselves.

And you proles have fallen for their line.

At this point, i won't laud the Republicans - they also saw this comning and did nothing. What shocks me is the lemming-like way the proles follow their leaders over the precipice.

Sep 22, 2004
JD doesn't seem to realise that all private shareholder owned oil companies exist to maximise shareholder profits, not to give him cheap oil.

If you want cheap oil then you'll have to move to Venezuela JD.


Sep 21, 2004
I think that there are two major reasons for the high oil prices. 1. The bad Muslims who want to destroy the economy and 2. Global warming. Hope this helps.


Feb 22, 2005
"The problem with the lockstep rank and file is that they continue to believe proven liars even when the truth slaps them in the face."

What is exactly is Bush adm batting average in the forecasting department???

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
That's the same thing they were saying five years ago.

The problem with the lockstep rank and file is that they continue to believe proven liars even when the truth slaps them in the face.

The elitists have determined that we the people don't need SUVs and big houses and all of the consumables that are available in the marketplace, so they've decided to limit the available resources such as energy - as long as they have what they need, they don't care about the rest of us.

We need to increase refining capacity as well as domestic drilling. We need to look at hydro elctric, wind and nuclear energy and anything else that is worth developing.

The Democrats are in solid charge of the congress, yet they won't send Bush anything he can sign - WHY?

They believe this eco-crap that's being bandied about - and rather than attempt to meet consensus with the American people, they'll severely limit supply and blame eveyone but themselves.

And you proles have fallen for their line.

At this point, i won't laud the Republicans - they also saw this comning and did nothing. What shocks me is the lemming-like way the proles follow their leaders over the precipice.

I agree with you, bblight. Republicans don't have any balls to fight this socialist hysteria. They could have taken a stand 10 years ago and told the Dims, limo-liberals and their eco-wacko special interest groups to go jump off a cliff -- ANWR, onshore drilling, nuclear power...any/all forms of energy the PRIVATE sector would VOLUNTARILY explore.

Republicans were elected by the people to drain the swamp and made partners with the alligators instead.

I think if Obambi wins and the economy tanks -- depression style -- you'll start to see everyday successful normal folks run for office, challenging and winning Republican primaries.

I just don't want to see Democrats bring the country to it's knees the way Carter did. I don't want to see Americans experience such unnecessary hardship. It's not their fault the loony Dems are crazy and evil, while the Republicans are supplicating wimps.

Free markets work -- if only government would get out of the way.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
nother 4-8 billion for indymac bailout

15 billion might be injected into FNM/FRE by monday

on the taxpayer dime just like bear stearns

print biatches!!

just gotta throw in the helicopter ben comment since this is like the 10th+ time that the gas price discussion has come up

and as usual i'm the first to point out monetary policy

Feb 22, 2005
"and rather than attempt to meet consensus with the American people, they'll severely limit supply and blame eveyone but themselves."

According to the Arabs noone is crying for more oil, meaning there is enough.

I say they are right! Are there any shortages anywhere in the world????

Demand hasnt doubled in the last 12 months but how many times have you heard that the price went up because of "fears of potential disruptions" -which yet to materialize

Besides there is no such thing as local or foreign oil. ALL oil is global (unless they decide to not sell it to you. Which they never will unless they want an Atomic sandwhich from Uncle Sam)

Talking about who is falling for the party line hook line and sinker:ohno:

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
"and rather than attempt to meet consensus with the American people, they'll severely limit supply and blame eveyone but themselves."

According to the Arabs noone is crying for more oil, meaning there is enough.

I say they are right! Are there any shortages anywhere in the world????

Demand hasnt doubled in the last 12 months but how many times have you heard that the price went up because of "fears of potential disruptions" -which yet to materialize

Besides there is no such thing as local or foreign oil. ALL oil is global (unless they decide to not sell it to you. Which they never will unless they want an Atomic sandwhich from Uncle Sam)

Talking about who is falling for the party line hook line and sinker:ohno:

Does OPEC artificially control the price of oil? Or is the oil market based on natural laws of supply and demand?

This is a very simple straightforward question.

Feb 22, 2005
No its not a simple question because financial guys/futures traders have their hands in the "cookie jar" as well

Its sort of like when everybody bets on one side of a game, those odds will go up. It may unwarranted but the price will go up.
But in the "oil game" there is no game to be played, no settle date, no right or wrong, just speculation.
My money is on the speculators. Yes I know the speculator vehemently deny it, blaming it on lack of supply and China blah blah blah

Have you heard of any shortages, lately? If there is not enough to go around, there has to be shortages somewhere, no?

And since 2004 the bets in the oil futures market went up significantly (I may have read threefold somewhere) which coincides with the jump in the price

New member
Sep 21, 2004
More drilling wont do jack shit, people!!!

First, it will take several years for that oil to reach the pump.

Christ, you're still out there? So says those who have participated in blocking oil exploration and the building of refineries for the last 10 years. if they hadn't done so back in the mid-90s, wouldn't we be getting some of those benefits of drilling...oh, I don't know. Right about NOW?

Pay very close attention: if you can guarantee increased production in the FUTURE, then it creates downward pressure on the price. In other words, if you aren't going to drill and refine's just going to be worse in the next 10 years.

If the price were based on supply, then yes...some experts have said oil would be around $30.00 a barrel. I forgot to mention the "paper oil" trading before...this is another major factor in what's driving the price up.

The elitists have determined that we the people don't need SUVs and big houses and all of the consumables that are available in the marketplace, so they've decided to limit the available resources such as energy - as long as they have what they need, they don't care about the rest of us.

bb nails it, as usual. We don't live in a communist nation, nor are we a collective. Not everyone can drive a Prius...many workers have to haul things for a living. Carpenters, construction foremen, brick layers, electricians, etc can't exactly drive a Prius. They need pickup trucks even though those aren't the most fuel-efficient options. Heavy Duty Vehicles are the backbone of many a small business.

It's a fair point to say America and Americans could practice more conservation, but these whacked out dims cannot waive a wand and force everyone to drive some tiny windup toy to save a few bucks in gas.

Funny though...some of these fucks are finally starting to change their tunes because it's costing them $4.50 a gallon to attend those basement Polpot worship meetings in the next town.

Feb 22, 2005
Offshore Drilling Comes Up Empty

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<!-- //Iksula Changes begin//Name: Iksula//Date: April 22, 2008//Issue No. : 202 CAF STAFF


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<!-- end user picture -->By Bill Scher
June 17th, 2008 - 10:34am ET

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<!-- //class blog_post_info -->As Sen. John McCain gears up to give a speech in Houston, repeating his call to lift the moratorium on most drilling off America's shores, MSNBC's First Read suggests, "McCain’s call for lifting the ban could ... be seen as a pragmatic, short-term solution to high energy costs that could play well in places like Michigan..."
Pragmatic, short-term solution? Only if the media doesn't report on how little oil is off our coasts and how long it would take to get it into people's gas tanks.
Last month, I noted that President Bush's push to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- where an estimated 10 billion barrels of oil lie -- would only reduce the price of crude oil per barrel by about 50 cents, 17 years from now, according to Bush's own Energy Department. My colleague Isaiah just pointed me to a new Department of Energy analysis, adjusting that estimate to 75 cents.
The price of crude oil per barrel has jumped 100 dollars in the Bush Era, leading prices at the pump to more than double. Shaving the crude oil price 75 cents by 2025 amounts to no savings at the gas station.
That's what we would get for ANWR's 10 billion barrels. What about the moratorium areas off continental America's coastlines?
McCain's speech today estimates that there 21 billion barrels in the moratorium areas. That seems a touch high. The Energy Department put it at 18 billion a few years ago. Popular Mechanics reports an estimate of 19 billion.
Regardless, it's about double of what's estimated in ANWR.
So, if lifting the moratorium on most offshore drilling has double the impact on price as lifting the ANWR ban would, that's only $1.50 off the price of crude per barrel. Combined with ANWR, it's $2.25.
Again, by 2025. Again, little to no impact on the price at the pump, today or tomorrow.
Not pragmatic. Not short-term. There is simply not enough oil.
UPDATE: Just to put a fine point on it, lowering the price of crude oil per barrel by $1 is roughly equal to a reduction in price at the pump of 2.5 cents per gallon. So lifting all of the above moratoriums, lowering the price of crude by $2.25 per barrel, would lower the price at the pump by less than 6 cents by 2025.
Meaningless, after prices have skyrocketed more than $3 a gallon between Dec. 2001 and today

Feb 22, 2005
Proven oil reserves

<TABLE class=wikitable><CAPTION>Summary of Reserve Data as of 2007</CAPTION><TBODY><TR><TH rowSpan=2>Country</TH><TH colSpan=2>Reserves <SUP>1</SUP></TH><TH colSpan=2>Production <SUP>2</SUP></TH><TH>Reserve life <SUP>3</SUP></TH></TR><TR><TH>10<SUP>9</SUP> bbl</TH><TH>10<SUP>9</SUP> m<SUP>3</SUP></TH><TH>10<SUP>6</SUP> bbl/d</TH><TH>10<SUP>3</SUP> m<SUP>3</SUP>/d</TH><TH>years</TH></TR><TR><TD>Saudi Arabia</TD><TD align=right>260</TD><TD align=right>41</TD><TD align=right>8.8</TD><TD align=right>1,400</TD><TD align=right>81</TD></TR><TR><TD>Canada</TD><TD align=right>179</TD><TD align=right>28.5</TD><TD align=right>2.7</TD><TD align=right>430</TD><TD align=right>182</TD></TR><TR><TD>Iran</TD><TD align=right>136</TD><TD align=right>21.6</TD><TD align=right>3.9</TD><TD align=right>620</TD><TD align=right>96</TD></TR><TR><TD>Iraq</TD><TD align=right>115</TD><TD align=right>18.3</TD><TD align=right>3.7</TD><TD align=right>590</TD><TD align=right>85</TD></TR><TR><TD>Kuwait</TD><TD align=right>99</TD><TD align=right>15.7</TD><TD align=right>2.5</TD><TD align=right>400</TD><TD align=right>108</TD></TR><TR><TD>United Arab Emirates</TD><TD align=right>97</TD><TD align=right>15.4</TD><TD align=right>2.5</TD><TD align=right>400</TD><TD align=right>106</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venezuela</TD><TD align=right>80</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>2.4</TD><TD align=right>380</TD><TD align=right>91</TD></TR><TR><TD>Russia</TD><TD align=right>60</TD><TD align=right>9.5</TD><TD align=right>9.5</TD><TD align=right>1,510</TD><TD align=right>17</TD></TR><TR><TD>Libya</TD><TD align=right>41.5</TD><TD align=right>6.60</TD><TD align=right>1.8</TD><TD align=right>290</TD><TD align=right>63</TD></TR><TR><TD>Nigeria</TD><TD align=right>36.2</TD><TD align=right>5.76</TD><TD align=right>2.3</TD><TD align=right>370</TD><TD align=right>43</TD></TR><TR><TD>United States</TD><TD align=right>21</TD><TD align=right>3.3</TD><TD align=right>4.9</TD><TD align=right>780</TD><TD align=right>12</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mexico</TD><TD align=right>12</TD><TD align=right>1.9</TD><TD align=right>3.2</TD><TD align=right>510</TD><TD align=right>10</TD></TR><TR><TD>Total</TD><TD align=right>1,137</TD><TD align=right>180.8</TD><TD align=right>48.2</TD><TD align=right>7,660</TD><TD align=right>65</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=6><SMALL>Notes:</SMALL> <DL><DD><SMALL>1 Claimed or estimated reserves in billions (10<SUP>9</SUP>) of barrels (converted to billions of cubic metres). (Source: Oil & Gas Journal, January, 2007)</SMALL> <DD><SMALL>2 Production rate in millions (10<SUP>6</SUP>) of barrels per day (converted to thousands of cubic metres per day) (Source: US Energy Information Authority, September, 2007)</SMALL> <DD><SMALL>3 Reserve life in years, calculated as reserves / annual production. (from above</SMALL></DD></DL><SMALL></SMALL>
<SMALL>So you guys still think that itty bitty that they might dig up would even scratch the surface:nohead:</SMALL>

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Here's a point worth considering

Gasoline is selling for about $4.10 per gallon locally

Heating oil is at about 4.25 per gallon

Electricity is at an adjusted rate of about 17 cents per kwh.

Nuclear, wind and hydro-electric power could keep the cost per kwh stable while freeing up fuel for other uses -

Don't listen to me - check out T Boone Pickens energy plan that the Democrat controlled congress is studiously ignoring -

As I've already noted, there's a lot of legislation BOTH parties could have passed in the last ten years - but neither has done so - In my opinion, their inaction smacks of elitism and nothing else.

This is a problem all of us Americans face - the inability of the leadership of both groups to form a consensus on the nations problems and act on it.

They haven't done so and the lockstep reaction of the party faithful from both parties is a major reason.

The congress fiddled while Rome burned.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not drilling here because it will take 5 years to retrieve is more stupid than idiotic. It's like a Major League team saying let's none participate in the draft because it will take 5 years to develop players.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Not drilling here because it will take 5 years to retrieve is more stupid than idiotic. It's like a Major League team saying let's none participate in the draft because it will take 5 years to develop players.

:lolBIG: :103631605

Feb 22, 2005
You wanna drill, drill. Fine by me.

My point really is, that whoever thinks that the drilling will result in vastly lower gas prices is grossly misinformed, because it WILL NOT

Jan 19, 2005
The dimscum are blocking legislation on the House and Senate floors that would allow more drilling and more exploration for oil.

Not to be outdone, their evil minions in the environmental whacko groups are pursuing the dimscum agenda on a different front. And if you think for one second these environmentalist whackos are not part and parcel of the dimscum party and their movement...then count yourself among the whackos.

The dimscum are proving, RIGHT NOW, that they don't have the wherewithall to lead this country to anything but destruction. They are holding us hostage in order to get carbon credits on ANY energy bill coming out of Congress. They are blocking (in totality) any and all eforts to expand oil exploration and exploitation.

Democrats support more drilling," he said. "In fact, what the president hasn't told you is that the oil companies are already sitting on 68 million acres of federal lands with the potential to nearly double U.S. oil production. That is why in the coming days congressional Democrats will vote on 'Use It or Lose It' legislation requiring the big oil companies to develop these resources or lose their leases to someone else who will."

Utter fucking horseshit. Anyone with half a shred of common sense knows this is utterly ridiculous. Businesses don't simply buy land rich in whatever it is they're selling and then just sit on it, especailly when customers are clamoring for lower prices and more supply. The dimscum tell oil companies to drill where there is no oil...then block them from drilling where there IS oil.

This one takes the cake for me though:

“This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax, it’s an absolute hoax on the part of the Republicans and this administration” Pelosi said at her weekly press conference. “It’s a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact that their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

I actually watched this on CSPAN in the middle of the night... insomnia..

This crusading c*nt must be removed from power. She is perpetuating an absolute lie. ANWR has 10 billion of PROVEN RESERVES, OR ABOUT HALF OF THE ENTIRE PROVEN RESERVES IN THE UNITED STATES.

Drilling on a 2000 acre spot to access half of the nation's proven reserves in NOT A HOAX. I'm serious as a heart attack: she needs removed for trying to destroy us.

Nancy Pelosi is one sick women

Anyone at this point who is stopping us from drilling should resign
Monday morning!

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