The Case Against Barack Obama...Shoots to #5 NY Times Best Sellers !


Mar 7, 2005
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Book Description
He's the media's darling, the fresh face of the Democratic ticket. But what does Barack Obama really stand for--and will his extreme liberal agenda and complete inexperience in global affairs endanger the country? That's what David Freddoso, investigative reporter and National Review Online columnist, examines in The Case Against Barack Obama. In this shocking exposé, Freddoso explores the reality behind the rhetoric, the plans behind the promises, and the faults behind the façade, revealing: * Why Obama's inexperience and extreme left-wing voting record is more dangerous than any threat we face today
* Why the Rev. Wright debacle reveals Obama's poor judgment of character and deceitful nature
* Why it won't be politics of change with President Obama--it will be liberal politics as usual Freddoso exposes the real Barack Obama: a typical big-government politician, the #1 most liberal U.S. senator, and--if he were commander in chief--a serious threat to our national security.

About the Author
David Freddoso has covered politics for six years and is a hard-hitting political reporter for National Review Online. Before working at NRO, Freddoso worked closely with legendary political journalist Bob Novak on the Evans and Novak Political Report, and worked as a reporter for the national news weekly, Human Events. He has a master's in journalism from Columbia University.


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Cool...thanks for the link.

Should be available Used for about $5 come the holiday season and will make for good reading as we prepare for Obama's inauguration.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Anything with Obama's name is going to sell like hot cakes.

273 ;)

Mar 7, 2005

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Cool...thanks for the link.

Should be available Used for about $5 come the holiday season and will make for good reading as we prepare for Obama's inauguration.

Good One..Or in the clearance racks and garage sales for 50 cents a copy.. LOL


New member
Jul 21, 2006
lot of books with obama's name.

obama himself has 2 new york time best sellers.

i heard obama has something coming out this fall to.

Mar 7, 2005
lot of books with obama's name.

obama himself has 2 new york time best sellers.

i heard obama has something coming out this fall to.

Not bad for a guy that put out a forged birth might want to consider that while you page through his books. :missingte

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Not bad for a guy that put out a forged birth might want to consider that while you page through his books. :missingte

that is a certificate of live birth that wasnt used. i still find it odd that you want to know everything about him. you arnt like that with mccain. it dont matter anyways, since your state is going blue.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Man the New York Times is so over...If you listen to the right wing bloggers they are the only ones buying know so they can bitch about it....

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Mon, Aug 4, 2008 3:22pm ET
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Unfit for Publication: Corsi's The Obama Nation filled with falsehoods
Summary: In its preface, Jerome Corsi compares his new book, The Obama Nation, to his 2004 book Unfit for Command. The comparison seems apt: Just as Unfit for Command contains false attacks on Sen. John Kerry's military service, a Media Matters review finds that The Obama Nation similarly contains numerous falsehoods about Sen. Barack Obama.

In the preface of his recently released book, The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, author Jerome Corsi writes: "My intent in writing this book, as was the case in coauthoring Unfit for Command, is to fully document all arguments and contentions I make, extensively footnoting all references, so readers can determine for themselves the truth and validity of the factual claims." Indeed, Corsi's comparison of the two books seems quite apt: Just as Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry contains false and baseless attacks on Sen. John Kerry's military service, a Media Matters for America review finds that Obama Nation similarly contains numerous falsehoods about Sen. Barack Obama.
Media Matters previously documented false and baseless charges Corsi made in Obama Nation about Obama's positions on the Global Poverty Act of 2007 and nuclear weapons. Media Matters also pointed out false statements Corsi made while discussing the book with Fox News host Sean Hannity, concerning Obama's position on abortion and Obama's memoir Dreams From My Father (Crown, 1995).


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Spy, Media Matters is a left wing organization, what does anyone expect them to say, Corsi’s book is filled with truth? Of course they will contradict just about everything said in the book. With BO’s sketchy past it’s hard to determine what’s true and what’s not. The book on Kerry imo was a he said she said at best. What you did have is film of Kerry before Congress condemning his fellow countrymen for what amounted to war crimes. Undoubtedly some of what said was true but to make a blanket statement like that didn’t play well with the American people. I haven’t read Corsi’s book nor will I because it wouldn’t have an effect on my vote. But for the voters who don’t follow the candidates as closely as you and I it will make a difference in their selection because they will tend to believe what they read and even if they are skeptical they have no way proving whether the information is true or false. When the ads start hitting the TV here in Vegas and around the country with BO’s own voice from his audio book there will be no refuting what he said. Just like Kerry, BO’s own words will be his down fall.

New member
Dec 16, 2004
so your counter to a left wing media outlet criticizing a right wing book is "they are lefties..what do you expect them to say"

this is irony at it's best

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
so your counter to a left wing media outlet criticizing a right wing book is "they are lefties..what do you expect them to say"

this is irony at it's best

It's not a counter, it's a fact. What's the irony?

New member
Dec 16, 2004
because you're talking about a book that contains negative stuff about Obama by an author who WANTS TO SEE OBAMA LOSE.

I'll use your words....

What do you expect it to say?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
because you're talking about a book that contains negative stuff about Obama by an author who WANTS TO SEE OBAMA LOSE.

I'll use your words....

What do you expect it to say?

I guess I didn't look at it that way. Fair enough, you got a point there.

There's no such thing as leftover crack
Apr 2, 2005
Spy, Media Matters is a left wing organization, what does anyone expect them to say

Media Matters is run and founded by David Brock. David Brock was formerly a right wing hit man and wrote a book similar to this one that attacked Anita Hill. Brock eventually got a conscience and now has a site that confronts right wing falsehoods (Media Matters). If anyone should know the inner workings of the right wing attack machine, it is him.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Media Matters is run and founded by David Brock. David Brock was formerly a right wing hit man and wrote a book similar to this one that attacked Anita Hill. Brock eventually got a conscience and now has a site that confronts right wing falsehoods (Media Matters). If anyone should know the inner workings of the right wing attack machine, it is him.

Brock got a conscience when he realized there was more money to made as a left wing hit man than a right wing hit man. Don’t try to make him out to be a crusader, he’s a business man plain and simple and Soros pays better than most.

Media Matters has not always been forthcoming about its high-profile backers. In particular, the group has long labored to obscure any financial ties to George Soros. But in March 2003, the Cybercast News Service (CNS) detailed the copious links between Media Matters and several Soros "affiliates"—among them, the Center for American Progress, and Peter Lewis. Confronted with this story, a spokesman for the organization explained that "Media Matters for America has never received funding directly from George Soros" (emphasis added), a transparent evasion.

Nor were groups cited by CNS the only connection between Media Matters and Soros. As investigative journalist Byron York has noted, another Soros affiliate that bankrolled Media Matters was the New Democratic Network. In addition, Soros is reported to be involved in the newly formed Democracy Alliance, a partnership of some 80 affluent financiers who each have vowed to contribute $1 million or more in order to build up an ideological infrastructure of leftist thinks tanks and advocacy groups. News reports list Media Matters as a main beneficiary of the Alliance's funding. By August of 2004, Media Matters' operating budget had already doubled to $4 million.

To summarize, Soros and his Open Society Institute pour millions of dollars into the coffers of MoveOn, the Center for American Progress, and Democracy Alliance. In turn, these organizations funnel some of that money to Media Matters.

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