The bogus missing 380 tons of explosives falls apart..


New member
Sep 20, 2004
As the reports come in the latest report from the IAEAs own inspection records show there was 3 tons of explosives at the Al-Qaqaa facility on January 14, 2003. Which was 9 weeks before US troop even made it to the facility.

America has destroyed 400,000 tons of ammo and explosives and this lie has to piss off everyone that has or knows anyone in our fine military.

The jackals in the media are the enemy within and Kerry is as low as it gets.
Oct 21, 2004

What does Kerry have to do with it????

Ghees ... the Repubs blast and shred Kerry apart and you guys claim "Bush had nothing to do with it ..."

This is nothing more than what politics is all about .. no difft than Bush spreading rumors about Anne Richards being a lesbian or Bush spreading rumors about McCain having a black child or being mentally unstable from his time in the POW camp

Bush runs neck and neck with anyone when it comes to getting down in the mud and we will all pitch in to send ya to the optometrist to get the ol eyes checked if ya dont think so

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Come on you know the left wing media and Kerry are working together to try to steal the election anyway they can.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gameface, are you intentionally lying or are you just misinfirmed?

IAEA Says It Warned U.S. About Explosives

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=420 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=center><TD width="40%"><!-- Yahoo TimeStamp: 1098984218 --><!-- recent_timestamp 1098984218 2946 secs not stale 28800 secs -->49 minutes ago
</TD><TD noWrap align=right width="60%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="1%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="1%"> </TD><TD noWrap width="99%"> Middle East - AP</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- TextStart -->By WILLIAM J. KOLE, Associated Press Writer

VIENNA, Austria - The U.N. nuclear agency said Thursday it warned the United States about the vulnerability of explosives stored at Iraq (news - web sites)'s Al-Qaqaa military installation after another facility — Iraq's main nuclear complex — was looted in April 2003.

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AFP - 27 minutes ago </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- recent_timestamp 1098985261 1903 secs not stale 28800 secs --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="1%">·</TD><TD width="99%">Japan races against clock to free hostage in Iraq
AFP - 31 minutes ago </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- recent_timestamp 1098984709 2455 secs not stale 28800 secs --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="1%">·</TD><TD width="99%">100,000 civilians have died from Iraq War and aftermath: Lancet
AFP - 40 minutes ago </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=middle><TD>Special Coverage </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Melissa Fleming, a spokeswoman for the International Atomic Energy Agency, told The Associated Press that U.S. officials were cautioned directly about what was stored at Al-Qaqaa, the main high explosives facility in Iraq.

Some 377 tons of high explosives — HMX and RDX and PETN — are now missing from the facility, and questions have arisen about what the United States knew about Al-Qaqaa and what it did to secure the site.

Iraqi officials say the materials were taken amid looting sometime after the fall of Baghdad to U.S. forces on April 9, 2003, though the Pentagon (news - web sites) is suggesting the ordnance could have been moved by Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s regime before the United States invaded on March 20, 2003.

Fleming did not say which officials were notified or exactly when, but she said the IAEA — which had put storage bunkers at the site under seal just before the war — alerted the United States after the Tuwaitha nuclear complex was looted.

"After we heard reports of looting at the Tuwaitha site in April 2003, the agency's chief Iraq inspectors alerted American officials that we were concerned about the security of the high explosives stored at Al-Qaqaa," she told the AP.

"It is also important to note that this was the main high explosives storage facility in Iraq, and it was well-known through IAEA reports to the Security Council," Fleming said.

IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei informed the United Nations (news - web sites) in February 2003, and again in April of that year, that he was concerned about HMX explosives, which were stored at Al-Qaqaa.

The explosives' disappearance has become a flashpoint in the final week of the U.S. presidential campaign, with Democratic nominee John Kerry (news - web sites) accusing the Bush administration of ignoring the threat.

IAEA inspectors last confirmed that the agency's seals on the explosives were in place and intact in early to mid-March 2003, days before the invasion began March 20.

The IAEA sought Thursday to clarify reports that the amount of missing explosives may have been far less than what the Iraqis said in an Oct. 10 report to the nuclear agency.

ABC News, citing IAEA inspection documents, reported Wednesday night that the Iraqis had declared 141 tons of RDX explosives at Al-Qaqaa in July 2002, but that the site held only three tons when it was checked in January 2003.

The network said that could suggest that 138 tons were removed from the facility long before the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003.

But Fleming said most of the RDX — about 125 tons — was kept at Al-Mahaweel, a storage site under Al-Qaqaa's jurisdiction located outside the main Al-Qaqaa site. She also said about 10 tons already had been reported by Iraq as having been used for non-prohibited purposes between July 2002 and January 2003.

"IAEA inspectors visited Al-Mahaweel on Jan. 15, 2003, and verified the RDX inventory by weighing sampling," Fleming said. She said the RDX at Al-Mahaweel was not under seal but was subject to IAEA monitoring.

"IAEA inspectors were in the process of verifying this statement ... and would have proceeded later had they stayed in Iraq," Fleming said. The nuclear agency's inspectors pulled out of Iraq just before the U.S.-led invasion and have not been allowed to return for general inspections despite ElBaradei's requests that they be allowed to finish their work.

The agency became involved at Al-Qaqaa because of the presence of 214 tons of HMX, which — like RDX — is a key component in plastic explosives but also can be used as an ignitor on a nuclear weapon. Fleming said it was the HMX that was the agency's main focus.

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ABC said the inspection report noted that the seals at Al-Qaqaa may have been useless because the storage bunkers had ventilation slats on the sides that could have been removed to give looters access to the explosives.

But Fleming said the inspectors had also checked the ventilation slats to ensure they had not been tampered with, and that they concluded "the confinement was sufficient" as long as the site was regularly checked. They could no longer do that once they pulled out just before the invasion.

IAEA inspectors last saw the explosives in January 2003 when they took an inventory and placed fresh seals on the bunkers. Inspectors visited the site again in March 2003, but didn't view the explosives because the seals were not broken, she said.

Agency inspectors who have returned twice to Iraq since the war focused only on Tuwaitha, a sprawling nuclear complex 12 miles south of Baghdad. In June 2003, inspectors investigated reports of widespread looting of storage rooms at Tuwaitha, and they returned in August 2003 to take inventory of several tons of natural uranium that had been stored there. They have not been allowed back to Al-Qaqaa.


New member
Sep 20, 2004

Dig deeper. It's down to 3 tons 9 weeks before US forces arrived. There is not one source that confirms the US had control of any explosives at this site.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
ABC news has obtained IAEA documents that show AL-Qaqaa facility housed only 3 tons of explosives 9 weeks before US troops arrived. NOT ONE SOURCE HAS EVER SHOWN THE US HAD CONTROL OF ANY EXPLOSIVES FROM THIS SITE.

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Bush has let Kerry cook his own goose. Not my style, as a prefer a in your face type a president, but it was inevitable as Kerry is an angry and irresponsible person. The problem is, the media doesn't report the truth to the ignorant democrats as they possibly could be cured with knowledge. Once Kerry is taken away on the stretcher November 3rd, the so called news media will self destruct soon after.
Bush got the kiss of death last night by Dick Morris - Morris said Bush wins easily. I consider Morris ( until he proves himself with this prediction ) part of the enemy within. Even Dickwad may see the writing on the wall that all the polsters have been trying to hide the past three years. It is criminal what they media is doing to their own sheep - there will be riots and tears all over the place because of the false hope they have been given, some may turn on their prophets like Rather, Jennings, Matthews etc... Remember demis, good ol' Christian right wingers will be praying for you on November 3rd and the good ol' boys will be fighting the bad guys for you.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Bush pulled the rope a dope on Kerry. This story was 18 months old they knew it wasn't true (the media and Bush) so Bush was silent for 48 hours and let the idiot Kerry run his mouth so now there's no turning back on Kerrys part. If the Bush admin provides proof the story is BS on day one the media and Kerry may back off the story. What a clown Kerry is to post the BS on his website and start running his mouth as if it was fact. The internet and talk radio will save America from the radical enemy within left.
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role player
Sep 20, 2004
That is true and obviously the Bush teams intentions, but, the ingnorants don't listen to talk radio or read internet websites on politics. Their to busy downloading music and listening to, well I would at least hope, Pink Floydd. These ignorant demi kids are tommorow's republicans. Hear me now, I'm not talking about the stupids who there is no cure for, but the University of Wisconsin student types who believe that if your not liberal you have not a heart and later believe that if your not a conservative you have no brain.

The media must be handed over to people like :think1: you.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Soldiers are coming forward with the truth as we speak this is going to blow up in their face by the weekend.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Do you believe the US military had control of 380 tons of explosives and while guarding the explosives they were stolen out from under our troops? If you do I can't help you, you're on the verge of becoming Wilm2. The story is 18 fukkin months old and no one can confirm the US ever had control of these explosives, LMFAO!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gameface, no the military didn't take control of the explosives, that is the problem. They failed to heed the warnings from the IAEA. This is not a fault of the soldiers, this is a fault of the leadership and it starts at the top.

The IAEA is reiterating that the explosives were taken post-invasion...

Nuclear watchdog insists Iraq explosives taken after US invasion

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=420 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=center><TD width="40%"><!-- Yahoo TimeStamp: 1098993918 --><!-- recent_timestamp 1098993918 1301 secs not stale 28800 secs -->21 minutes ago
</TD><TD noWrap align=right width="60%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="1%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="1%"> </TD><TD noWrap width="99%"> Mideast - AFP</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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VIENNA (AFP) - The International Atomic Energy Agency stepped back into the controversy over missing explosives in Iraq (news - web sites), insisting that almost 330 tonnes had indeed vanished from a depot in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites).

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It contradicted a claim on US television that the amount was much less.

The fate of the missing explosives has become a major issue in the US presidential election campaign, with Democratic challenger John Kerry (news - web sites) accusing incumbent President George W. Bush (news - web sites) of incompetence in his handling of post-invasion Iraq.

The ABC news network reported Wednesday that the amount of heavy explosives allegedly missing from the Al-Qaqaa weapons depot south of Baghdad might be be considerably less than the amount reported by Iraqi authorities, possibly as little as three tonnes.

In fact a total of 328 and half tonnes of powerful high explosive, that could be used by terrorists to produce massive blasts, had vanished from the area since the US victory in Iraq in April 2003, the agency said.

IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming also said Thursday that the nuclear watchdog had asked the United States to keep watch over the depot following the looting of another former nuclear site near Baghdad in April 2003.

"After the IAEA became aware of reports of looting at the main nuclear site of Tuwaitha, its chief Iraq inspectors alerted American officials that we had a concern about the security of the high explosives stored at Al Qaaqa.

"It is also important to note this was the main explosive storage facility in Iraq and it was well known through IAEA reports to the Security Council," Fleming said.

IAEA director-general Mohammed ElBaradei initially told the United Nations (news - web sites) earlier this week of the disappearance, after April 9 2003, of 342 tonnes of explosives stocked at Al-Qaqaa as a result of theft and looting from unsecured sites.

The 342 tonnes were made up of 195 tonnes of HMX, 141 tonnes of RDX and six tonnes of PETN.

He cited a letter to this effect from the Iraqi science ministry dated October 15 and said the quantities had been checked by IAEA inspectors in January 2003.

According to an IAEA note seen by AFP the amount of RDX was marginally lower. Three tonnes were stocked at Al-Qaqaa itself and 125 tonnes at a subsidiary storage site at Al-Mawaheel, part of the Al-Qaqaa complex.

Inspectors had been to Al-Mahaweel in January 2003 and checked the amount of RDX there.

It said Baghdad had now explained the difference of 13 tonnes between the 141 tonnes of RDX originally said to have been stocked at the Al-Qaqaa complex and the figure of 128 tonnes now being used.

Ten tonnes had been used for permitted civilian activities -- quarry blasting-- and the fate of the remaining three tonnes would have been accounted for later. In any case RDX was not a major priority for the agency.

"HMX is much more serious than RDX, it can be used as a trigger for nuclear weapons," an official said. "The HMX stocks were under IAEA seals."

You're going to need to make up a new excuse Gameface. I guess you can say the IAEA are liberal liars and in cahoots with Kerry.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
So, it's okay that THREE TONS of ammo is missing? This is fine with you guys? Seriously??

It's also okay that securing ammo dumps was a Tier 2 priority but securing the oil fields ranked a Tier 1?

All this and somehow Kerry comes out as the irresponsible jackass?!?

Y'all are so fücking stupid I'm not sure how you dress yourselves in the morning.
Oct 21, 2004
No kidding ...

Gameface: YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE in the entire country outside of Matt Drudge that is talking about this ...

How in the hell is this Kerry's fault? I thought there used to be a saying in regards to the Presidency that the "Buck Stops Here" ...

This is almost laughable that Kerry is getting blamed .. I've had it with the Cheney administration and will vote Kerry come Tuesday

New member
Sep 20, 2004
xpanda said:
So, it's okay that THREE TONS of ammo is missing? This is fine with you guys? Seriously??

It's also okay that securing ammo dumps was a Tier 2 priority but securing the oil fields ranked a Tier 1?

All this and somehow Kerry comes out as the irresponsible jackass?!?

Y'all are so fücking stupid I'm not sure how you dress yourselves in the morning.

X, should we have just left the oil fields alone and let Saddam light them up like 1990? That did wonders for the enviroment didn't it?

3 tons of ammo are nothing compared to the 400,000 tons we have captured (even assuming, which the facts say otherwise, that the 3 tons were still there when US troops arrived). People that I know who have returned from there say that there were ammo dumps in just about every school they ran across...awfully hard to secure so many of those dumps.

New member
Oct 21, 2002
Shotgun said:
X, should we have just left the oil fields alone and let Saddam light them up like 1990? That did wonders for the enviroment didn't it?

3 tons of ammo are nothing compared to the 400,000 tons we have captured (even assuming, which the facts say otherwise, that the 3 tons were still there when US troops arrived). People that I know who have returned from there say that there were ammo dumps in just about every school they ran across...awfully hard to secure so many of those dumps.
Yes sir since we had a third of the troops military experts said we needed to secure the country in the first place. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz wore Tommy Franks down on this issue until he finally caved. Now he has to support Bush or look like an appeaser.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

First off I'm not so sure we can trust a word the IAEA says, afterall they said NK, Iran and Lybia weren't developing NUKES and today we know that's far from the truth. Since you and others are using them as a honest above reproach organization which I don't believe, but I'll go along with it. According to ABC news they have obtained inventory records from January of 2003 which show the Al Qaaqaa facility housed 3 tons of explosives. So to answer your question Xpanda the US troops arrived 9 weeks after this IAEA inspection, do you get the 3 tons were moved during the 9 weeks prior to the US troops arriving. There is not one shred of evidence the US ever had custody or arrived and left explosives at this site, NONE. Xpanda is anyone home????????????????????????

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well Gameface, you got egg on your face now. We now have VIDEO PROOF that the explosives were there well after the invasion.<!--StartFragment -->

Report: Video Shows Explosives Went Missing After War

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=420 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=center><TD width="40%"><!-- Yahoo TimeStamp: 1099005506 --><!-- recent_timestamp 1099005506 1415 secs not stale 28800 secs -->23 minutes ago
</TD><TD noWrap align=right width="60%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="1%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="1%"> </TD><TD noWrap width="99%"> Top Stories - Reuters</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - [size=-1]ABC News on Thursday showed video that appeared to confirm that explosives that went missing in Iraq (news - web sites) did not disappear until after the United States had taken control of the facility where they were stored. [/size]

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="1%" align=left border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="99%"><CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=150 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><CENTER>
AP Photo </CENTER>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><!-- start 2004 10/28 16:10 expire 2004 11/04 15:11 --><CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=150 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sectiontitles><CENTER>Related Links</CENTER></TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD class=leftcolumnmain><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="1%">•</TD><TD width="99%">Video Suggests Explosives Disappeared After U.S. Took Control (AP)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></TD><TD width=5> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>[size=-1][/size]

[size=-1]The disappearance of the hundreds of tons of explosives from the Al Qaqaa storage facility has become a hotly contested issue in the U.S. presidential campaign. [/size]


[size=-1]Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) said it was an example of President Bush (news - web sites) bungling the Iraq war. Bush countered that Kerry was making wild accusations without knowing the facts. [/size]


[size=-1]Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) said it was possible that the explosives had been removed from the site before the U.S. forces arrived there. [/size]


[size=-1]ABC said the video was shot by an affiliate TV station embedded with the 101st Airborne Division when members of the division passed through the facility on April 18, nine days after the fall of Baghdad. [/size]


[size=-1]ABC said experts who have studied the images say the barrels seen in the video contain the high explosive HMX, and U.N. markings on the sealed containers were clear. [/size]


[size=-1]The barrels were found inside locked bunkers that had been sealed by inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency just before the war began, ABC reported. [/size]

What's the excuse du jour now?

BTW, I think this news is why the Bush market at tradesports has suddenyl dipped below 50. i.e. Bush is now the UNDERDOG to win at the tradesports market.

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