Alright fair enough Willie. But lets consider this. The strategists from our campaign decided to attack heavily in states we had no business winning (i.e. Ohio, N. Carolina, Virginia). They revolutionized the fundraising practice by encouraging donors to donate what they could and exercised an aggressive email campaign request for repeat donations in small amounts. The Barack Obama website created back in 07 outclassed anything other candidates website by leaps and bounds. It was the center and heartbeat of the campaign. The site itself turned into another online community ( e.g. facebook, myspace, flicker, youtube.etc) with the website. It was a way to connect with other volunteers all around the country. Voters / volunteers created their own profile and created, found or suggested their own events to hold. With the money raised the campaign was able to put hundreds of field offices into key battleground states at a drop of a dime. And the enthusiasm of volunteers was endless. They would donate cars, travel mile credits, time and manpower in order to round each other up and head to volunteer in field offices. I can almost guarantee the exposre of Barack Obama's signs or bumper stickers out numbered Clinton and McCains 3:1 in any city or state. And the top down organization was first class. In the field offices, strategies or emphasis in target cities changed at the drop of a dime. However it was never reflected in the field offices. There was never a lack of direction and objectives were always clear. This was critical to keep volunteers enthused to spread the word to recruit even more volunteers. This was the epitome and very definition of "grass roots"
With the above said, this all took place before the economy sunk in October. Certainly the economy was a factor to help push him over the top. But it was by no means a reason this campaign was a success. The economy hadn't happened yet when Obama trounced Clinton in the primaries or shocked the country when we won in Iowa.
Also it doesnt hurt to have a once in a lifetime candidate to pull it all together.