THE 7th ANNUAL 2018 LV HILTON STYLE NFL CONTEST (Picks & Standings Thread)


Oct 15, 2018
IDK you.. You don't know me... and thats cool. TBH I don't care how he moderated you or the forum because simply it doesn't affect me. Not to be a dick to you, just be straight.

But I'm not sure why your upset I'm doing this. I think hotshot will be grateful. I'm not in a gambling ring with BAS. that was a ridiculous statement by a loon. I was a long time poster here and a Mod under Hache/BAS for a number of years. I have a connection to this place, as fucked up as it currently, there's a part of me that one day it will be an enjoyable spot. If you think BAS is a POS then should you be happy this is an offer?

However, BAS is not a POS. The site - debatable... I don't know what happened to him. I haven't spoken to him outside of the rx in literal years. But I'm not betting on BAS' life. I think he'll make it right, and if he can't SBR will have no choice but to step in. I can help a poster, I'm not pressed for the money any time soon, I believe I will get mine eventually with an additional buck and everyone will be happy. I believe that BAS will step in. If BAS can't, SBR will. It's that simple to me.

I agree that Greenbacks was a loon. However what impeccable timing he seemed to have, accuses BAS of being in a gambling ring, then almost instantly the guy vanishes with 35k of posters money. The fact that another poster he accused of being in the ring is now offering to buy up his debt at a discount is also interesting..3rdly the fact that management has said absolutely nothing to reassure contest winners that they will be paid isn't interesting at all...simply shows what a shit show sack of shit this site is..

Like you said Defying we don't know each other at all and I have no skin in this game, but this stuff sickens me. No one is asking BAS to drive into work or do some stressful job report. What is being asked is he take 10 min to send out some PP or simply call an associate to do it for him...Management should be working on this right now and updating every contest winner the progress of getting this done...not have these contest winners take a loss on buy outs because of worrying about how crooked this site is...

You might not think you have pull Defying but I was instantly put on post review once I mentioned you...once again maybe just another coincidence...but very interesting.

Dec 29, 2006
fuck it....i'm not buying shit sorry everyone. good luck getting paid.

I honestly hope you do and honestly think you will get right eventually.

This seriously ain't worth my time to be made out like a fucking bandit

Really you don't think we'll be paid or you would have already bought out at least the two of us who publicly responded to your offer.

It's ok to change your mind, but your excuse is bullshit and you and everybody else here needs to realize that.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
Really you don't think we'll be paid or you would have already bought out at least the two of us who publicly responded to your offer.

It's ok to change your mind, but your excuse is bullshit and you and everybody else here needs to realize that.

wow. fwiw, i did not buy anyone out. It's comments like this or Patsfan that make this not worth it for me.

All you guys see is the $ i would've profit from this. We all know there is a risk and I still fully believe everyone will get paid. Was trying to help some people out and get compensated for the risk I'm taking on. But seriously, this is not worth it.

Dec 29, 2006
Today is the first I'm hearing about all of this. People not being paid. BAS out of commission. BAS health issues.

I have full faith in BAS. If anyone wants insurance or just doesn't want to deal with the uncertainty anymore, I'll buy anyone and all of you out for $0.75 on the dollar. (75% of your prize money)

I may not get anything from BAS or it may take many months, but I believe in him and will take the risk for 25% of the prize.

That's what you posted in the other thread. The truth is that you DON'T have full faith in BAS or you would have grabbed the thousands you could have (and probably still can) from buying out winners.

It's ok to change your mind, get cold feet or whatever, but its obvious your words yesterday were a bunch of hot air.

Who gives a shit what patsfan thinks is a fair? Apparently you do, but I certainly don't.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
you guys are so fucking annoying. try to help and i get shit for it.

so i say i'm staying out and i get shit for it.

Feb 10, 2009
I know this sounds crazy never understood BTC and or got into it. Still a ****** kinda guy

your missing out as a gambler. btc is easiest way.

cliff notes: download coinbase, verify your info, once good, click "accounts", click BTC. (stands for bitcoin).. very very important to click BTC and not BTH... There's a QR symbol in the top right, click that, copy address. That's your unique anonymous address to accept payments.. like your paypl email address but randomized... i send it to that adddress, takes an hour to transfer, then you get it, you click the giant sell button and turn into to cash by directly depositing into your bank(small fee taken by coinbase for the exchange)

boom done.

Dec 29, 2006
Shdw01 helping may have been a small part of your intentions. Most of us realize you mostly were trying to make some easy and quick money from what you initially thought was a sure thing. Which was having full faith in BAS. If your full intentions really were to help you would have paid 100%. You shot off your mouth before really reading fully into the situation and now are using lame excuses to justify your cold feet. You aren't going to admit this because you may not be looked at with the same eyes by the cool crowd here. It's obvious whether or not you do so because a person's actions always matter more than their words and especially with these types of situations.

If BAS returns, I also expect to be fully paid, but as I've mentioned, I want and need the money more sooner than later so I am willing to accept less to be paid now.

Dec 29, 2006
Wow...weren't you one of the guys accused as being part of BAS's gambling ring, and now all of a sudden you are offering buy outs for his simply adorable.

I'll say this again...I understand why you guys want buy outs, but BAS is a sack of shit and so apparently is this site...this should be something that is being handled directly by management and there should be a timeline of 48 hours for everyone to get paid. The fact that this site is sitting by and allowing buy outs while stay silent it complete and utter horse shit!!! To settle this would take all of 10 min, you know if they money is actually where it is suppose to be...

Captain Lee, in a bit of irony at one time I was being stiffed by the poster StandformSam for $500. I made it public after he sent me a PP then immediately put in a dispute, I was eventually paid after putting public pressure on him in the OS. After this incident I warned anyone else that bet with him about how he operated and BAS thought this was too much and banned me from the OS. I truly didn't care until this latest incident arose.

Roger and keep that torch burning.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
and i still think everyone gets paid. if you think anyone is willing to help and pay 100% you are pretty stupid. I have said from the beginning it is insurance. I make the money that i think is fair considering the risk. If i think the risk changes, my % should change too.

Feb 10, 2009
holy fuck you are irritating, how much are you owed?

dang shdw. a forum legend just getting destroyed by accusations ... no worries, ill reject his offer until he apologies. would you like him to submit an embarrassing act as a form of an apology. Ideas?

Dec 29, 2006
yeah fuck it ill take 3750 but as mentioned yesterday I've never used ****** so it has to be money orders sent registered mail. You can subtract a few bucks for money orders and also subtract double whatever the registered mail postage costs are. if you're actually going to do this send me a pm and ill send you my information. bas and i always have dealt with money orders both posting up and him paying me.

Dec 29, 2006
dang shdw. a forum legend just getting destroyed by accusations ... no worries, ill reject his offer until he apologies. would you like him to submit an embarrassing act as a form of an apology. Ideas?

I never responded to you because as I've mentioned several times, I don't use ******. You didn't know that because again you stepped into a thread without actually reading them.

Feb 10, 2009
I never responded to you because as I've mentioned several times, I don't use ******. You didn't know that because again you stepped into a thread without actually reading them.

joke dude. youll be okay.

also, i did read them. and i'm not offering paypl. maybe you didn't read? anyways....

its funny you are asking people to jump through hoops to do you a favor. I know that's how BAS operated. I get that you want it to be that simple, but it's not and convenience matters to all of us... i'd be surprised if you get someone to meet your demands. I do think youll get paid obviously though, just the question of when... good luck

Dec 29, 2006
I sure will and thanks for your concern.

Somebody making $1,250 is really a big favor. Ok lol I'd say its an agreed deal with that person pocketing a decent amount of coin without much effort and I'm accepting that. I won two contests here this year and I'm ready to be paid (already was paid 3k for the college football contest) and move along until next August. If the contests even exist.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
I sure will and thanks for your concern.

Somebody making $1,250 is really a big favor. Ok lol I'd say its an agreed deal with that person pocketing a decent amount of coin without much effort and I'm accepting that. I won two contests here this year and I'm ready to be paid (already was paid 3k for the college football contest) and move along until next August. If the contests even exist.

when i end up losing $3750 then you may think different.

Dec 29, 2006
When BAS pays you it will be like you were the contest runner up without ever having to post up or pick winners.

I've given away $1,250 on sillier things.

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