Thanks for the memories.


Nov 25, 2006
This place has changed a lot in the last 20+ years and obviously I haven't changed with it so it's for me to bow out.

Sep 20, 2017
Guy had a lot of trolls coming after him in his NFL thread

Probably what got him
He was trolling(maybe not trolling but obsessing on certain things he should have let go of) first though

He didn't like the censoring in some of the threads I think
But also got mad about some of the trolling of people posting picks in his thread lol
He is more beneficial than not
He should stay

Dec 15, 2017
He was trolling(maybe not trolling but obsessing on certain things he should have let go of) first though

He didn't like the censoring in some of the threads I think
But also got mad about some of the trolling of people posting picks in his thread lol
He is more beneficial than not
He should stay
Agreed. Seemed like him and GMan couldn’t get enough of each other

He usually has good insights and pretty often a nice record

Dec 18, 2017
Agreed. Seemed like him and GMan couldn’t get enough of each other

He usually has good insights and pretty often a nice record
Not true. You should know better than that and say so. He was also interfering between You and I last year 33.
He couldnt get enough bashing posted in my threads and thats why he kept on posting in my threads. All three of them di it day after day.

Dont be insinuating and say I couldnt get enough of him. I wanted him nd the other two Stooges OUT of my threads for bashing.

If someone wants to challenge me, then post plays and do it. Tell me what you have to better my plays. We are here to help - not bash. He bashed several here. Its NOT OK.

People shouldn't be a pussy and bash someone when you cant back up your own shit.
If any person doesnt post plays in each sport, then they have nothing to say.

I never posted anything to him before then. He ALSO started bashing MistaFlava! He bashed others here as well.
He also was sarcastic to Indiana? WHY? That guy is one of the best posters here.
He bashed my records and purposely ignored the years of winning.

Him, Doc Holliday and Motor City Madman all conjoined together to bash my capping systems. Thats where it ALL started.

It got real bad when they bashed my College Bowl record here which was the Bowl season leader for going 26-9!
Im sure you remember when DOC told the whole Forum fade my plays when I was at 9-2 i n the first week of the Bowl games. He then ran away when I kept winning and he ran away.

Then they bashed me to justify my losing plays. They NEVER ever mentioned all the wins.

Doc and MCM hated when I brought up being the leader here in Bases for 2019 and 2020. They used only the covid-19 year plays, as the reason to downplay my winning years.
You know it and so do all that followed it.

The first two guys DOC Holliday and Motor City Madman recently got banned here for it. Lou was next if he didnt stop and was warned about it several times.

All 3 of them started without me ever going into their posts. In fact, all three of them didnt post plays and all criticized mine.

Only Lou posted plays in Pro football and talked about going 50-40 for ONE year. Thats fine. GL to him for winning last year. But that doesnt make him the expert to bash anyone.
Guy had a lot of trolls coming after him in his NFL thread

Probably what got him
People stared trolling him long-after he was doing it obsessively to me and others.
Dont act like anyone started on him first. That Didnt happen -EVER!
Thats WHY he was warned.

He PM'd me many times and bashed me just to get my attention. RX read all the bashing and interveened on him.
They (Trolls)were all reacting to his attitude towards others.

Doc and MCM and him all claimed no one will ever win betting a thousand baseball games and bashed me every day for how many plays I made.
When I lost they all, chimed in. When I won, they said I was just lucky, but never posted the wins in their

They are just a bunch of assholes that cant win at baseball or much of anything else...

If anyone had any class between the 3 of them they would have said they were wrong when the baseball record is sitting there every day. But thats who they are. Just bashers.

Lou bashed MistaFlava after Flava posted an amazing 70-% in NFL for all season. When he ran into a bad run, he bashed him for it..

Are you going to say you didnt know that? 4 thousand viewers read it in Flavas thread.

Lets help each other here -NOT bash!

BOL on your plays the rest of the season..
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my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
I hope he returns he has some solid info. Thicker skin fellas it’s free speech.

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