I think the whole situation is well-documented across the street a year or two ago and maybe to some extent rehashed here from time to time. It involved Firepay.
The basic story is that Firepay was chargedback accidentally - by accidentally I mean a mistake by MY bank. They refunded the money back to Firepay, but Firepay never gave it to Olympic thanks to the credit being manually entered (by Firepay) as a SECOND chargeback. I worked this situation for probably 8 months until they finally told me to forget it, and the case was closed. The entire time, I spoke with Wally from Oly and he wouldn't get involved, even though it was their money and their processor that was screwing THEM. I am not out any money, because I lost at Oly with those deposited funds. But Oly is apparently out a dime (or two?) over this, and they closed my account. I even had very specific details and proof to everything. My bank tried to call all parties involved to fix everything, but it got hung up with Firepay, who I had to call long distance every week, deal with a new employee every month mand get put on hold up to an hour sometimes.
In the end, I spent so much time and money trying to do the right thing and track down this money for Oly, when all along, I feel it was their responsibility to talk with their processor and get their own money back. What did I get? A closed account for my efforts.
Wally is a complete schmuck (for lack of better words in the forum).
Do a search for the complete story.