for giving the Republicans
1) The Presidency
2) The Senate
3) The House
4) Complete dominance of State Governors
5) Complete dominance of state legislators
Thank you for giving the republicans over 1,000 more elective offices
Thank you for giving the republicans the most power they've had in our nation's history
What you accomplished is called the ultimate rejection.
You're the worst president in history, and your destruction of the democratic party is stone cold proof. No spin necessary
Thank you thank you thank you
1) The Presidency
2) The Senate
3) The House
4) Complete dominance of State Governors
5) Complete dominance of state legislators
Thank you for giving the republicans over 1,000 more elective offices
Thank you for giving the republicans the most power they've had in our nation's history
What you accomplished is called the ultimate rejection.
You're the worst president in history, and your destruction of the democratic party is stone cold proof. No spin necessary
Thank you thank you thank you