That poll must've been made by a very reputable organization, as they have the smaller section of the pie chart labeled 57%, and the larger section is 38%.
Let me guess. They called Punter 100 times.
Funny, the latest polls before the bill was passed showed 75% of the people DO NOT support this disaster.
Cant wait till November.
I see how it is. Every liberal leaning poll is a lie and every conservative leaning poll is the gospel, right?
It may have been more on the disapproval side, but no way it was 3-1
Besides its not like its the first time ever a bill was rammed thru. Republicans have done it as well. And as Senator Kyl said it "elections have consequences". And the Republicans got their asses kicked in the last two
The HC bill is so good for the country that Texas, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Utah and Washington all have agreed to file a lawsuit challenging the legislation.
Maybe it’s me but that doesn’t sound like the current administration was paying much attention to the people.