Texas What University


Nov 11, 2004
Really? Christian? Let us pray. How is it possible that on the precafice of a bowl game involving millions of dollars, does a head coach like fat head Gary Patterson, who makes 3.2 friggin million annually, not lock a 22 year old kid/quarterback up in a hotel room somewhere? and screw the whole he's an adult at 22 this is a 3 million a year coaches fault... every year its the same old song and dance. ##) now what? oh yeah, there will be plenty of nfl teams in line. :neenee:

RX Old-Timer
Sep 21, 2000
Cant blame GP for that. Completely on TBoykin, leave the bar, don't push the officer if that's what happened. Personally, I would not have suspended him unless we've got eye witnesses showing that he shoved the officer, I let justice takes it's course. I only say that with everything that has gone on with police in the past few years. The officer might have money on Oregon or worse, be a fan us Texas. As someone whose made many trips down to the Alamo Bowl and riverwalk, I've never seen cops on the riverwalk. If it's true, then let justice run it's course, otherwise, I'd have played him...

New member
Sep 12, 2010
I thought I read coach had a curfew and they checked in and left around 1am. I don't blame the coach for this. They are adults and know whats right and wrong.

New member
Sep 12, 2010
Cant blame GP for that. Completely on TBoykin, leave the bar, don't push the officer if that's what happened. Personally, I would not have suspended him unless we've got eye witnesses showing that he shoved the officer, I let justice takes it's course. I only say that with everything that has gone on with police in the past few years. The officer might have money on Oregon or worse, be a fan us Texas. As someone whose made many trips down to the Alamo Bowl and riverwalk, I've never seen cops on the riverwalk. If it's true, then let justice run it's course, otherwise, I'd have played him...

Cops was called in after he got into a fight with bouncers at the bar trying to kick him out.

New member
Oct 26, 2014
Cant blame GP for that. Completely on TBoykin, leave the bar, don't push the officer if that's what happened. Personally, I would not have suspended him unless we've got eye witnesses showing that he shoved the officer, I let justice takes it's course. I only say that with everything that has gone on with police in the past few years. The officer might have money on Oregon or worse, be a fan us Texas. As someone whose made many trips down to the Alamo Bowl and riverwalk, I've never seen cops on the riverwalk. If it's true, then let justice run it's course, otherwise, I'd have played him...

Eye witness accounts have have him punching an officer..... That's grounds for automatic suspension. Playing Boykin in this game would have got GP fired immediately. He was drunk at a bar got into an altercation in the bar, struck a bartender/bouncer, then proceeded to fight outside the establishment in which case he then struck an officer.... Facing felony charges.... Justice is taking its course, and GP did the rigt thing suspending him immediately. He broke team rules, he broke civil laws, simple as that.

RX Old-Timer
Sep 21, 2000
From the police report (McManus is the police chief). It was clearly poor judgement.

After walking away, the suspect -- bystanders told police it was Boykin -- charged officers. McManus said he was swinging and struck an officer in the face. Several officers then took Boykin to the ground. After officers threatened to use a stun gun on Boykin, he was arrested. In addition to the charge of assaulting a police officer, he faces charges of resisting arrest and public intoxication, according to the police chief.
"We don't know if he was swinging at the officer or somebody behind him," McManus said. "In any event, the officer was struck in the face and suffered injuries."
McManus said the officer suffered a swollen face, bruises and abrasions. The crime-scene investigative team photographed the officer's injuries, and he was treated by emergency medical personnel.
"Clearly, this was not an appropriate way to act," McManus said of Boykin's behavior. "He was heckled, and he responded to it."



RX Old-Timer
Sep 21, 2000
Playing Boykin in this game would have got GP fired immediately. He was drunk at a bar got into an altercation in the bar, struck a bartender/bouncer, then proceeded to fight outside the establishment in which case he then struck an officer.
This is TEXAS where football is king. GP would not have gotten fired, however, he's a pretty strict disciplinarian and it would have been out of character even for him. And please know that I am by no means condoning the actions of Boykin. He was being released with friends to go back to the hotel when apparently he turned around and went back at someone. With all the negative media around cops "mis-reporting" incidents, unless I saw it on camera, I would not believe it.

New member
Jan 5, 2014
Screw Boykin, GP is a class act and so is TCU. He has been given a great oppurtunity and he pissed it away.

Nov 11, 2004
so that fat bastard patterson cashing those 3 million dollar checks doesnt have any accountability here..? if he has a curfew its his curfew and his responsibility to make sure his staff checks these kids and keep em on a short leash. wtf is the quarterback of a huge school like tcu doing anywhere near a bar? he shouldnt be near a liquor store either. if kids will be kids then parents need to be parents AND the parents of Bonky Boink put their kids life in the hands of fat head Patterson. im not saying the kid wasnt wrong after the fact for the assault but he should have never been there and that... is Pattersons fault


Oct 1, 2005
Boykin's fault here. Other than putting guards on the hotel floors or at the exists, you cant do much else but assume your kids will do right.

Boykin went out late...drank...got taunted...and the alcohol got the best of him.

unfortunately and sadly happens to a lot of folks every day and weekend.

Nov 11, 2004
Boykin's fault here. Other than putting guards on the hotel floors or at the exists, you cant do much else but assume your kids will do right.

Boykin went out late...drank...got taunted...and the alcohol got the best of him.

unfortunately and sadly happens to a lot of folks every day and weekend.

you know sdf .. i know that 22 is supposed to be an adult, not in a university where football dwarfs academics. 3 million a year and fat head cant corral his kids for a week? come on. what a black eye and patterson should get fined if that was possible. what a shame

RX Old-Timer
Sep 21, 2000
you know sdf .. i know that 22 is supposed to be an adult, not in a university where football dwarfs academics. 3 million a year and fat head cant corral his kids for a week? come on. what a black eye and patterson should get fined if that was possible. what a shame
Look at how GP has handled kids with issues in the past. He has kicked them off the team. See Big12 defensive player of the year Devonte Fields who GP cut loose. Fields ended up at L'Ville. Did the same with QB Pachall a few years ago. He's been pretty consistent running players off when they've gotten into legal issues off the field. Again, you can't lock them in the rooms. This was a one-off and completely out of character for Boykin. I'm sure he regrets it. But this can't be laid at GP's feet.

New member
Sep 12, 2010
Memphis how can you blame the coach for this?? Just because the coach makes 3 mil plus doesn't mean shit. You sound like a liberal, blaming everybody else but the person who caused all this. Bet you believe spoons make people fat too...

New member
Oct 26, 2014
I think what Memphis is saying is this:

a game of of this magnitude between two high profile teams has to warrant a bunch of attention from each coaching staff. Yes Boykin is an adult and it's his choice to break team rules, but Patterson could have stationed a couple of GA's or low level coaches at the elevators and exits. Put the entire team on one floor and station coaches on each available exit and say here's the deal.... If you guys try to leave the hotel you're done. The team and game is bigger than the individual. Kids will be kids but these are college athletes not pros. In college, especially with a game of this importance and NFL draft status on the line, you HAVE to corral these players. Listen I played a professional sport and when you're a pro, no one gives a rats ass what you do, where you go or when you come back.... There are no rules, you are just expected to put up numbers and do your job. And I went out EVERY NIGHT. That's not a joke or any sort of embellishment, I went out hard and often. But I stayed in the game because I put up decent numbers. In college however you are representing a university and its standards whether you like that or not. I can tell you personally I got popped in college for drinking on a road trip, there was about 15 of us..... Our coach almost lost his job. I've never felt worse about an event like that than I did that next morning when he ran out asses into the ground all day. Patterson should have done a better job keeping an eye on his players. I understand if he doesn't want to do that because he wants to treat them like pros or grown men, but ultimately when you're a head coach in college you are solely responsible for the actions of every player on the team. You have to be a parent to every player on that team because every parent of those kids is expecting you and your staff to keep them in line, out of trouble, and walking away with a degree. Lofty expectations I know, but it's the reality of the situation. It always comes back to the coach. Even when it's the players fault like it was in this case. Guarantee Alabama and Clemson won't even allow their guys out from here on out.

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