It's NOT a big underdog bet. A big underdog bet is +1200, not +300. +300 would mean that there is at least a 25% chance that this film stays under that number, and, frankly, there is a less than 10% chance that it stays under $45mil.
Oren, T2's adjusted per theater numbers were about $19mil for the 3 day and $30mil for the five day. This film is being released in uwards of 3700 theaters, with more than 7500 prints. With 3700 theaters, using $19mil, would yield a 3 day of $70mil, roughly, and a 5 day of $110mil, roughly. That is if you assume NO increase from T2. Even if you assume a slight decrese and put the numbers at $15k for the 3 day and $23.5k for the 5 day, you are talking about $55.5mil for the 3-day and $87 for the five day.
Again, there is almost ZERO chance that this film goes under $45mil. You know I'm a pretty big proponent of value betting, and, I will be honest. If I could get 10/1 odds on the UNDER $45mil, I STILL wouldn't bet it. Save your money.