OK Guys,,,, Here are the FADES for tonight,,, weve got a big slate,,,
CLEV 400
DET 100
I will post Lines and teams to TAKE in a few minutes,,,
SportsSAVANT asked me to go over my system again,,,
this is a ROAD TEAM FADE SYSTEM,,,, we will FADE a road team UNTIL THEY LOSE as long as they are Playing 3 games or MORE on teh road straight,,,
we will BET against them 100 first, If we lose then 200 next,,, if we lose 400 next,,, if we lose 800, then FINALLY 1600 for the last Play againts them,,,
this FORMULA DICTATES the 96% of all teams will LOSE One of the 5!!!! ROAD GAMES,,,,
now here is the catch,,, Yes it does suck to have to Lay a POTENTIAL 1600 on 1 game,,, well I know,,, I almost had to do it last Fing night!!!!
there are some Tweeks I have modified the system,,, first,,, if we get to the 5th game,,, I will be betting 1800 not 1600,, this is to recoup Vigs,,
and SECOND,,, if a DIVISON LEADER goes on a road trip,,,, I will Probably FADE them Like this,,, 100, if lose then 125, If lose then 200, If lose then 325,,,,,
you get eth picture,,, I am Modyfing the Formula to work with my environment,,,
all the best guys,,,, and if you have any suggestions,, it would be great to hear them,,,
CLEV 400
DET 100
I will post Lines and teams to TAKE in a few minutes,,,
SportsSAVANT asked me to go over my system again,,,
this is a ROAD TEAM FADE SYSTEM,,,, we will FADE a road team UNTIL THEY LOSE as long as they are Playing 3 games or MORE on teh road straight,,,
we will BET against them 100 first, If we lose then 200 next,,, if we lose 400 next,,, if we lose 800, then FINALLY 1600 for the last Play againts them,,,
this FORMULA DICTATES the 96% of all teams will LOSE One of the 5!!!! ROAD GAMES,,,,
now here is the catch,,, Yes it does suck to have to Lay a POTENTIAL 1600 on 1 game,,, well I know,,, I almost had to do it last Fing night!!!!
there are some Tweeks I have modified the system,,, first,,, if we get to the 5th game,,, I will be betting 1800 not 1600,, this is to recoup Vigs,,
and SECOND,,, if a DIVISON LEADER goes on a road trip,,,, I will Probably FADE them Like this,,, 100, if lose then 125, If lose then 200, If lose then 325,,,,,
you get eth picture,,, I am Modyfing the Formula to work with my environment,,,
all the best guys,,,, and if you have any suggestions,, it would be great to hear them,,,