2-1 Yesterday +160
Looking at a couple of games Today, not sure if it will be 2 or 3.
HOUSTON ASTROS +140 for 2 Units
Yes, I'm going on the "other" side of the 2nd Hottest team in the Majors.
Because I am looking at the NEW Astros Pitcher Randy Wolf, with his 5-3 record vs. the Brewers in the past 3 years.
Plus Jeff Suppan has a 3-7 record vs. Houston in that same time-frame.
YTD 91-76-3 Plus 15.18 Units
Looking at a couple of games Today, not sure if it will be 2 or 3.
HOUSTON ASTROS +140 for 2 Units
Yes, I'm going on the "other" side of the 2nd Hottest team in the Majors.
Because I am looking at the NEW Astros Pitcher Randy Wolf, with his 5-3 record vs. the Brewers in the past 3 years.
Plus Jeff Suppan has a 3-7 record vs. Houston in that same time-frame.
YTD 91-76-3 Plus 15.18 Units