Blue, yes I will have his plays for tommorow and from what I understand, he will have his biggest play of the year tommorow..I will refer to him in the thread tommorow as the "Money Man" and his record is legit, he went 7-0 last Saturday and I did list his plays last Sat in my thread..Man he is very solid, and he is actually one of the cappers to some Syndicates that I follow..So check it out tommorow, and I should have it up arounf 30-45 minutes before the first game..
As far as the record of the services, I don't keep the ytd on them I know most are not doing good at all, however you can go back thru my posts for the year and I list the services name and picks each time I post..Be sure and check in tommorow there will be alot of GOY picks tommorw and I may even have some up tonight..