Sydney Powell: "It will be biblical"

Oct 30, 2006

DTR Press Release: 02/15/23

February 15, 2023​

Two new class action lawsuits filed against The United States in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims

Defending the Republic, along with Co-counsel Dale Saran and Andrew Meyer, is proud to announce two new class action lawsuits filed against the United States in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims for its wrongful conduct in using the Department of Defense’s (DOD) COVID-19 vaccine mandate to punish military service members who lawfully declined the experimental vaccines.
In these lawsuits – Botello v. United States and Bassen v. United States – Defending the Republic represents current and former members of the National Guard and Armed Forces Reserves (Botello) and former Active-Duty Service Members (Bassen) who were wrongfully discharged or dropped from active service, and as a result were wrongfully denied pay and benefits. The lawsuits seek backpay, restoration of benefits, reinstatement, correction of military records, and damages for systematic violations of religious liberties for a class of 70,000 to 100,000 National Guardsmen and Reservists and over 8,000 former Active-Duty Service Members.
Many of these service members had their religious accommodation requests to the vaccines unlawfully denied, in violation of the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. They were subjected to what courts have described as the military’s “sham” process for reviewing religious accommodation requests that amounted to little more than “theater.” Other service members simply refused experimental and unproven COVID-19 vaccines that did not confer immunity and caused significant side effects, including death.
There is no doubt that these members of the National Guard, Reserves, and Active-Duty members from all branches were capable and ready to serve their country. They should have been allowed to continue to serve with distinction – and without being forced to take these ineffective vaccines. Instead, the Biden Administration retaliated and stripped these heroes of their retirement benefits, reduced their pay, and in the most extreme cases, completely removed them from service.
The DOD purged over 100,000 service members and would have purged tens or hundreds of thousands more if not for the injunctions in place against five of the six Armed Services. This is the greatest reduction in force since the end of the Cold War and likely the greatest self-inflicted threat to national security and military readiness in our Nation’s history as we face the prospect of war with rival superpowers on multiple fronts around the world.
In reaction to this, the Congress has eliminated the DOD COVID-19 Mandate in the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act, where nearly 80% of the House and Senate directed Secretary Austin to “rescind” the mandate. “Rescind” is a legal term of art meaning that the mandate is null and void from the beginning and must be undone from the outset with full retroactive effect and to restore all adversely affected service members to the position in which they would have been absent the mandate. The DOD has rescinded the mandate, but it has refused to consider reinstatement or backpay for wrongfully discharged service members.
Defending the Republic will not stand back and let the Biden Administration punish the unvaccinated. These class actions will seek reinstatement and compensation and restore the rights of tens of thousands of the bravest Americans.

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Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
Oct 30, 2006

Good News Friday: 03/03/23

March 03, 2023​

Dear Patriots,
It is rare to hear conservative ideas, facts and solutions spoken out loud and in public.
To hear conservatism spoken boldly and enthusiastically, tune into any part of this weekend's CPAC gathering.
Here is the Friday agenda.
Here is the Saturday agenda.
You can watch live streaming at the link.

Orig Price: $50 / SALE PRICE: $35.00

1- We hope our military members gain back all their lost pay and status after refusing the injection.
American Action
Troops Wrongly Discharged Due To COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal NOW Allowed To Rejoin
According to senior enlisted advisers who testified before Congress today, service members who were discharged from the military due to refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine, despite a denied waiver request, now have a pathway to rejoin.
Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston explained that the process to rejoin would be similar to what a service member goes through after a break in service, as long as they meet the qualifications. The Army recently published its guidance, and the Marine Corps released its identical guidance today.
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass also confirmed that the Air Force policy is similar and officials are handling requests on a case-by-case basis. While Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Honea did not specify if the Navy has released guidance, he noted that the process for all services will be the same based on a memorandum from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, with actions expected by late March.

2- As we have mentioned before, the fastest way to stop this insanity is to not participate. Congratulations to this team for refusing to compete against a boy who says he is a girl.
The Blaze
Christian high school girls' basketball team takes a stand, forfeits playoff game rather than compete against male opponent
A varsity girls' basketball team at a Christian high school in Vermont has forfeited a playoff game rather than compete against a team with a male participant.
On the evening of February 21, the No. 12 Mid Vermont Christian School Eagles of White River Junction were scheduled to take on the No. 5 Long Trail Mountain Lions of Dorset in the first round of the Vermont Division IV girls' varsity tournament. However, the Eagles dropped out of the tournament and therefore forfeited their chance to compete for a state title after they learned that one member of the Mountain Lions is actually a male.
"We withdrew from the tournament because we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players," MVCS head of school Vicky Fogg stated in an email to Fox News Digital. "Allowing biological males to participate in women's sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women's sports in general."

3- A big step in removing people who have died or moved away from the voter rolls. This cuts out an opportunity to cheat.
The Epoch Times
Election Reformers Get New Tool to Pressure States to Clean Up Voter Rolls
A new interactive website database is now available free to individual citizens and election reform groups across the country to help in the fight to get all states to obey a federal election law mandating regular voter roll maintenance.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), a national, non-profit, law firm dedicated to election integrity, announced the launch of the website on Feb. 27.
The data provided on the website is designed to encourage some defiant state election officials to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).
"We hope this interactive database will draw attention to the hundreds of thousands of errors in the voter rolls. Every error in the voter rolls is a vulnerability in our elections that can lead to fraud and abuse. Election officials must do their job and keep accurate voter rolls," said PILF president J. Christian Adams in a press release.
According to the federal statute, state election officials must "conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters."

4- Lori Lightfoot, the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose re-election. We pray better leadership for Chicago is coming soon.
The Epoch Times
Lori Lightfoot Loses Reelection Bid for Chicago Mayor
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, lost her reelection bid to former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, who are headed to a runoff election on April 4 after no candidates received a majority of votes.
Lightfoot is the first incumbent Chicago mayor to lose a reelection bid since 1983, when Jane Byrne, the city's first female mayor, lost her Democratic primary.
5- We have talked about almost all of these lies but it is good to have the list all in one place for easy reference. Read and print out the entire list at the link.
Dr. Marty Makary at New York Post
10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked
To be clear, public health officials were not wrong for making recommendations based on what was known at the time.That's understandable. You go with the data you have. No, they were wrong because they refused to change their directives in the face of new evidence. When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.
At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.
In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.
Here are 10 ways they misled Americans:
Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity
A Lancet study looked at 65 major studies in 19 countries on natural immunity. The researchers concluded that natural immunity was at least as effective as the primary COVID vaccine series.In fact, the scientific data was there all along — from 160 studies, despite the findings of these studies violating Facebook's "misinformation" policy.
Since the Athenian plague of 430 BC, it has been observed that those who recovered after infection were protected against severe disease if reinfected. That was also the observation of nearly every practicing physician during the first 18 months of the COVID pandemic. Most Americans who were fired for not having the COVID vaccine already had antibodies that effectively neutralized the virus, but they were antibodies that the government did not recognize.

QUOTE: What's most amazing about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and public health officials is that there have been no apologies for holding on to their recommendations for so long after the data became apparent that they were dead wrong. A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust.
Be Happy. Share. Pray.
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic

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Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States
Oct 30, 2006

Telling the truth is a revolutionary act

March 13, 2023​

Dear Patriots,

The key to success for the totalitarian, anti-America, woke cabal is to keep truth from the majority of the people.
The left, worldwide, works very hard, in a multitude of ways, to shut down truth, facts, and alternative opinions and solutions. This past week, we saw some cracks in the wall of lies they have erected.
We pray that more lies are uncovered and new facts are unearthed on January 6, Covid-CCP, injections, and voter fraud, to name a few topics.
Truth telling is an act of bravery. We pray for all the Truth Tellers.
1- While many worry that Tucker Carlson was forced by his bosses to throttle down on his J6 videos, the fact remains, a lot of information was still shown to a lot of people. On Friday, Tucker opened his show with this over-view of his work and the reactions to it.
This article below is also a good analysis by Christopher Roach.
Christopher Roach at American Greatness
So Much for Transparency
In an age of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Tucker Carlson's release of January 6 video is a big step in the direction of undermining trust in an establishment that deserves little.
The Left and NeverTrump Right spent four years claiming "democracy dies in darkness" while extolling the virtues of resistance and transparency. Thus, their extreme overreaction to Tucker Carlson's acquisition and release of raw video footage from the January 6, 2021 Capitol protests is startling and a bit tin-eared. The leadership basically are saying: "Who you gonna believe, us or your lying eyes?"
Critics can call this release a lie all they want, but the footage doesn't lie. In fact, compared to the cherry-picked material already in the public domain, the broader record undermines some of the key narratives Democrats have concocted. For example, Officer Brian Sicknick is seen walking around, apparently in perfect health, after his supposed murder. An alleged violent insurrectionist, the QAnon Shaman, appears being led calmly from door to door by helpful Capitol Police.
Carlson's critics from both wings of the uniparty seemed to think they could keep a lid on reality and use their extravagant and overwrought rhetoric about an INSURRECTION to reinforce their false narrative. No such luck. This fragile edifice was already starting to crack before Carlson's exposé.

QUOTE: Tucker Carlson is no guy sitting around in his pajamas. He has massive influence, which is why January 6 enthusiasts are so concerned. More important, video evidence is unique, in that it speaks for itself and is, mostly, self-authenticating. The video itself refutes key claims of insiders about the significance, scale, and violence of January 6.
Government insiders are not merely paranoid, but also seem to think they can put the genie of an engaged, distrustful, and critical citizenry back into the bottle. This seems as unlikely as legacy media turning away from its egregious partisanship. It is certainly possible the regime's repressive efforts will grow. The nationwide dragnet and harsh punishments of mere trespassers who protested on January 6 has already imposed a major chilling effect on "in real-life" right-wing activism.
But hiding video and then having it released and repeated so dramatically also imposes a cost. It reveals our nation's leadership class, yet again, as craven liars. And it will only further decrease trust and respect by the citizens for those in power.
Without the automatic compliance that flows freely from trust and respect for authority, the government will find its efforts more difficult and the need for reliance on force more common. Its chief mode of persuasion will be instilling fear.

2- Despite being denied all the rights afforded United States citizens under our Constitution, J6 political prisoners have gathered in their Washington D.C. gulag every evening for over 700 days to sing our country's anthem. It was recorded and made into a moving song and video, with an assist from President Trump. You can listen here.
Trump and J6 Prison Choir hit No. 1 on iTunes, boot Miley Cyrus
Donald Trump knocked pop star Miley Cyrus off the top of the iTunes chart over the weekend.
The former president's duet with the J6 Prison Choir called "Justice for All" features Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance while his group of background singers — made up of people jailed for their involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot — sing the "Star-Spangled Banner."
The collaboration was No. 1 on iTunes' Top 100 list Saturday, booting Cyrus's "Flowers" from the coveted spot. The 2-minute and 20-second ditty remained No. 1 on Sunday.
Kash Patel, who worked in the administration and remains a Trump ally, told Breitbart News that the ex-president "broke the music industry" because "we put America First values back front and center."
Patel said the song, available on a number of streaming services since its debut March 3, "speaks to what's on so many Americans' minds."The "official music video" to go with the single was released on the social media platform Rumble on Saturday.

3- Videos are now on social media showing that on Jan 6, people dressed like Antifa members changed shirts and hats behind trees, to make themselves look like Trump supporters. Did the J6 Committee or the FBI investigate these people?
Jan. 6 Videos Show Antifa Infiltrating Trump Supporters, Trumpers Stopping Vandals
Videos of Jan. 6, 2021, some of which were previously censored, are now circulating online and sparking controversy and shock. The videos show people who appear to be Antifa infiltrating Trump supporters and Trump supporters stopping Antifa vandalism. Another video shows a man who said he witnessed Antifa disguising themselves and saying they wanted to make Trump supporters look bad. The eyewitness further insisted the Jan. 6 protesters committing vandalism were not Trump supporters.
Over 950 Americans were arrested in connection with Jan. 6, per the Justice Department — though not Ray Epps, even though there's video and text message evidence that he said he helped orchestrate the riot and that he called for storming the Capitol ahead of time.
Many of the Jan. 6 prisoners were deprived even of necessities like basic medical care, and they reported physical abuse. Conditions were (and are) so bad that prisoners petitioned to be transferred to Guantanamo, as they are being treated worse than terrorists.
Those who spread lies about Jan. 6 or suppressed video evidence have a lot to answer for.

4- The left is pushing hard for this method of voting, in all fifty states. Be aware of this and work to fight against it in your state. If the Democrats want this, it is bad.
The Epoch Times
Ranked-Choice Voting: The Latest Elite Fad Pushing Toward Social Disintegration
Enter the latest policy fad being actively pushed, primarily by progressive elites: ranked-choice voting (RCV). The notion of RCV has been around since the 1800s. It was used by the Oscars for the "Best Picture" category before 1945 and by Australia for over a century in federal elections. Historically, use of RCV in U.S. elections was sporadic. Recently, though, two states, two counties, and 58 cities have converted from traditional plurality to ranked-choice systems. Twenty other states are presently evaluating such systems, with the Arizona Senate recently voting to prohibit RCV.
Under plurality voting, the candidate with the most votes wins. Under RCV, voters must rank the initial slate of candidates in the order of their preference. If no candidate receives a majority of over 50 percent of first-choice votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and their votes are redistributed to the remaining candidates according to the voters' second-choice preferences. This redistribution process is repeated until one candidate receives a majority of over 50 percent.
Proponents of RCV argue that the main benefits are that, unlike plurality voting, RCV (i) guarantees majority satisfaction (over 50 percent) with the final winner; (ii) assures that no voter's preferences are left out in computing the final result; and (iii) it saves money by replacing actual runoff elections with virtual runoff elections that are computed instantly from the ranking of candidates provided by voters on their original ballot.
However, RCV has serious issues. First, the most marginal candidates may end up being the winners. Second, under RCV, it's possible that increasing the ranking for a particular candidate can actually decrease that candidate's chances of winning. Third, in practice, RCV ballots are confusing and actually result in an increased number of spoiled ballots due to simple mistakes (nearly 15 percent in New York City's 2021 mayoral election).
Summing up—at a time when we desperately need to increase confidence in our election system, this elite-concocted solution-without-a-problem will have the opposite effect. Voters will rightly view this system as (i) unpredictable and, hence, untrustworthy; and (ii) yet another violation of their constitutional rights.

5- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr continues to be a strong advocate for every aspect of children's health. At the link you can watch an interview with him regarding the shocking way injections are forced on our children.
The Epoch Times
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Part 1): The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the founder and chief legal counsel of Children's Health Defense and author of "The Real Anthony Fauci," shares his journey from environmental activist to a fierce critic of the vaccine approval process in this comprehensive two-part interview. Not a single vaccine on the childhood immunization schedule has been tested against a true saline placebo, he argues.
How did we get to where we are today?
How is it that the Bill of Rights was essentially suspended during the pandemic?
And what role did America's intelligence agencies and military-industrial complex play in all this?

6- Almost nothing happens UNANIMOUSLY in the House much less the Senate, but this, shockingly, did!
PJ Media
Dr. Fauci Should Be Terrified After What Congress Did
On Friday, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to declassify all U.S. intelligence information on the origins of COVID-19.
The bill previously passed the Senate by unanimous consent last week and now awaits President Biden's signature. He says he hasn't made a decision yet, but should he sign it, the relevant intelligence would need to be released within 90 days. While the bill doesn't have an enforcement mechanism, there is nevertheless a significant amount of pressure on Biden to sign the bill, and with unanimous, bipartisan approval, the backlash he could face by vetoing it would probably be significant. Getting this many Republicans and Democrats to agree on anything is a sure sign that there is a strong desire to get to the bottom of COVID origins and hold the responsible parties accountable, and vetoing the bill would only confirm to the voters what they already suspect: that Biden is compromised by China.
I don't know what Biden will do, but one thing is for sure: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the NIAID, must be feeling the pressure right now. Fauci publicly refuted the lab leak theory of COVID's origins for over a year and prompted a study specifically to contradict it, even though he'd been told in the early days of the pandemic that COVID-19 had "unusual features" that "potentially look engineered."
Most Americans already believe that COVID originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Should intelligence confirming this be released, it will no doubt be a problem for Dr. Fauci, who devoted time, resources, and his reputation to discounting the theory. Given the bipartisan hunger to get to the bottom of COVID's origins, Fauci can't be happy right now. In fact, I suspect he's terrified.

Read. Listen. Share. Pray that more lies are revealed
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic

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Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States)

Aug 17, 2009
Wasn't she gonna release the KRAKEN? LOL all she released was a crock of BULLSHIT all based on an email she radomly received from a LUNATIC like herself!!!

A voting machine company’s $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News has rocked the conservative media giant, exposing rifts between its journalists and the star hosts, and executives more concerned with mollifying pro-Trump viewers than accurately reporting that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen.
But the strangest revelation so far from the Dominion Voting Systems case against the cable channel may be the alleged source of the voter-fraud claims that sparked the lawsuit: a single email from a previously unknown woman who was convinced, among other things, that late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered while being hunted for sport.
That unhinged email to Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell has now become a centerpiece of Dominion’s case, raising questions about how Fox could allow obviously fake claims from a total stranger with no credentials to make it on the air.
Even Maria Bartiromo, the Fox host whose show first aired the claims, admitted in a deposition that the email was ridiculous.

“It’s kooky, absolutely,” Bartiromo said.
But the idea’s origin is even more “kooky” than Bartiromo might realize. In an interview with The Daily Beast, the woman behind that email—a Minnesota artist named Marlene Bourne—said that she based her now nationally prominent ideas about election fraud on a wide variety of sources, including hidden messages she detects in films, song lyrics she hears on the radio, and overheard conversations she hears while in line at the supermarket checkout.
“Yeah, I’m crazy,” Bourne told The Daily Beast. “Crazy like a fox.”
Powell didn’t respond to requests for comment. A spokesperson for Dominion declined to comment.
In a statement provided after this article was published, Fox called the lawsuit an effort to “silence the press.”
“FOX News will continue to fiercely protect the free press as a ruling in favor of Dominion would have grave consequences for journalism across this country,” the statement read.
Bourne, who makes what she calls “cactus art” using glitter and Swarovski crystals, might seem like an unlikely person to plunge the most-watched cable network in the country into an embarrassing, expensive lawsuit.
Bourne said she has never met Powell, or communicated with her beyond that one email. She doesn’t even watch Fox News, because she considers the network and all other major media outlets to be “psyops”—short for psychological operations carried out by nefarious forces as part of what she called a “mass global unconventional warfare” plot to divide Americans.
But on the afternoon of Nov. 7, 2020, just hours after Fox and other major media outlets called the election for Joe Biden, Bourne sent Powell, Fox host Lou Dobbs, and conservative activist Tom Fitton an email laying out the case against Dominion as she saw it. In Bourne’s telling, Dominion machines used software to convert 3 percent of all votes for Donald Trump into votes for Biden.
Bourne had seen Powell defending Trump online and thought the lawyer would be the perfect person for her theories.
“OK, let’s send some information that will steer her in the right direction,” Bourne told The Daily Beast. “I was on a roll, let’s put it that way.”
But Bourne didn’t stop there. In a flurry of names and statistics, she laid out a scenario in the email where the world is controlled by a sinister cabal —one that fatally hunted Scalia for sport (in reality, Scalia died in his sleep in 2016).
“Justice Scalia wasn’t accidentally shot during a hunting trip,” her email read. “He was purposefully killed at the annual Bohemian Grove camp. A club for members of the Mega-Group, during a weeklong human hunting expedition. NEVER accept an invitation to be a guest at that camp. Ever.”
Bourne peppered the email to Powell with “facts” about herself, claiming that she had once felt her soul leave her body after being shot in the back and that she had been “internally decapitated” during a car accident.
“The Wind tells me I’m a ghost, but I don’t believe it,” Bourne wrote.
Asked about the “wind” that gives her ideas, Bourne responded to The Daily Beast with a question of her own.
“Well, let me ask you something,” Bourne said. “Do you believe in telepathy?”

Bourne admitted in her email to Powell that her ideas were “pretty wackadoodle.”
But less than an hour after receiving the email, Powell had ignored the many red flags the email contained about Bourne’s credibility and forwarded it to Bartiromo.
Three minutes later, Bartiromo forwarded Bourne’s theories to her producer and replied to Powell, saying the lawyer had provided Fox with “very imp[ortant] info.”
The next day, Fox aired a pre-taped interview with Bartiromo and Powell on Bartiromo’s show, Sunday Morning Futures. The segment appears to be based in large part on Bourne’s email—in Bartiromo’s deposition, she was unable to point to another source for Powell’s ideas.
During the deposition process, a lawyer for Dominion said the discovery process didn’t turn up any other documents used by Bartiromo’s staff before the segment aired that mentioned Dominion.
Bartiromo’s producer said in her own deposition that the show “never used” the email. But the Nov. 8 segment on Bartiromo’s show echoed a number of claims made in Bourne’s email. Powell said Dominion software “used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip,” converting Trump votes into Biden votes.
Bartiromo referenced false claims that she would have read a day earlier in Bourne’s email. At times, Bartiromo even used identical phrasing to Bourne’s email.
For example, Bourne’s email reads:
“Don’t you find it curious that Nadeam Elshami, Nancy Pelosi’s longtime Chief of Staff is a key executive there, and that Richard Blum, Senator Feinstein’s husband, is not only a significant shareholder of that company, but in Avid Technologies as well?”
Bartiromo repeated phrases from the email, like “longtime chief of staff,” “key executive,” and “significant shareholder”:
“I also see reports that Nancy Pelosi’s longtime chief of staff is a key executive at that company,” Bartiromo said. “Richard Blum, Sen. Feinstein's husband, a significant shareholder of that company.”
The identical phrasing is more visible because Bartiromo’s claims, taken from Bourne’s email, are false. Dominion hired Elshami’s lobbying firm, but he wasn’t a “key executive” at the voting machine company. And Blum, the husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), has no financial connection to Dominion.
Bartiromo and at least one Fox executive have scrambled to distance themselves from the email in the aftermath of Dominion’s lawsuit. In her deposition, Bartiromo said it was “inherently unreliable” and agreed that it was “nonsense.”
In an October deposition for the Dominion lawsuit, David Clark, the Fox executive who oversaw Bartiromo’s show, agreed that the segment should not have run if it was based only on Bourne’s email.
“I will concede that this email is crazy,” Clark said.
Lawyers for Dominion would later seize on Bourne’s most outlandish claims, noting in a motion filed last month that “the full force of the email’s lunacy comes across by reading it in its entirety.”

In a discursive 40-minute interview with The Daily Beast, Bourne threw out a jumble of ideas that centered on ties between telepaths, the Bank of the Vatican, the NXIVM sex cult, and the 1970 film Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
And she explained where she got the conspiracy theories like the one that Fox somehow allowed to reach its airwaves, prompting the threat of a $1.6 billion judgment. Essentially, in Bourne’s telling, she conjures her theories out of nothing.
“It’s just really interesting where I’ll have the TV on, and I’ll hear a word or a person’s name, and for whatever reason, I can’t explain it, it’s going to compel me to look it up online, I’ll do a little digging,” she said. “Instead of saying I rely on my intuition, I say ‘the wind’ is talking to me. It’s just a fun way of living my life, don’t you think?”
Bourne gets her theories from song lyrics and glimpses of magazine covers. She’s working on a book styled after the Ancient Aliens television series that focuses on the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. She has an elaborate theory about the deep state and the media: in Bourne’s telling, the CIA controls the Washington Post, the FBI runs the New York Times, and the State Department runs Politico and CNN.
Bourne didn’t realize her email had become a key part of the Dominion trial until a reporter from The Daily Beast contacted her, but she didn’t seem surprised.
“My point of view sometimes is so far outside the box it’s not even on the same playing field, it’s not even on the same planet,” she said.
For example, Bourne got the idea that Scalia was murdered in a human hunt because it just made logical sense from what she had seen from watching movies and television.
“What’s one way to get rid of a Supreme Court justice in order to get the kind of people that you want on it?” Bourne said. “Hunting.”
UPDATED to include comment from Fox News.
Oct 30, 2006

Recent News Good News Friday: 03/17/23
By Editor​

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Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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TruthSocial- @realsidneypowell
Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States)
Oct 30, 2006

We are in the midst of volatile times

March 22, 2023​

Dear Patriots,
We are in the midst of volatile times. We are justified to be completely furious about the many aspects of our daily lives being ruined by leftist policies and attacks.
It is important to keep our heads.
Keep sharing information.
Pray without ceasing for our embattled country.
1- Please do not take the left's bait. Do not participate in any protest about the possible arrest of President Trump.
Glenn K. Beaton at The Aspen Beat
Dems will infiltrate Trump street protests to turn them violent
Donald Trump has characterized his impending arrest this week as a political vendetta, and has urged his supporters to take to the streets in protest.I agree with him that it's a political vendetta, but disagree about taking to the streets.
It is indeed a nakedly political act by the Manhattan District Attorney. Numerous other prosecutors including sophisticated federal prosecutors have reviewed this same evidence, and have declined to pursue this case.
Unless there are violent protests. You think the protests won't turn violent? Consider this. The Dems want that violence in order to paint Trump and his supporters as violent people. They are sure to infiltrate the protests in the guise of being on Trump's side, just as the FBI apparently did on Jan. 6, for the express purpose of inciting violence in otherwise peaceful crowds of Trump supporters. Trump, his supporters, and Republicans in general will get the blame.
My advice to Trump supporters is don't take the bait. If you stay home, Trump can and will win his case and very possibly his campaign. On the other hand, if you take to the streets, it might feel good, but the price you pay for that evening of feel-goodery will be another four years of a presidency led by the stupid, corrupt Biden crime family that is destroying America.

2- More background information on the weak case against President Trump.
Margot Cleveland at The Federalist
Indicting Trump Will Usher In America's Banana-Republic Stage
A Manhattan grand jury appears poised to indict Donald Trump, according to news reports and the former president himself. Here's what you need to know to understand the chatter about the anticipated criminal charges against Trump—and why the move to indict a former president for the first time in our country's history will make political prosecutions the new norm in America.
Even before reaching the merits of the legal theories being bandied about to charge Trump criminally, a public suspicious of the Get-Trump attitude seen over the last seven years will notice the statute of limitations seems to bar Bragg's prosecution of Trump. But Bragg has two ways to sidestep the two- and five-year statutory time limits.
Should prosecutors nonetheless prove their case, it is only a misdemeanor, unless they can further establish Trump intended "to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission" of another crime. Proving either will be even more challenging.
First, to establish Trump intended to conceal a violation of federal election law, the Manhattan D.A. would need to prove Trump had committed an election-law crime. While Cohen alleged paying off Daniels to advance Trump's electoral chances, Trump has another justification, namely avoiding any embarrassment for himself and his family, that does not run afoul of federal election law.
Proving Trump intended to commit tax fraud would likely be a difficult case to prove as well, with prosecutors needing to establish Trump's knowledge of the intricacies of the corporation's tax filings to show he held the requisite intent.
This inside-the-law analysis reveals an exceedingly weak case, but that is only a fraction of what the public will care about. On top of the questionable charges, the general public will see a man hounded for seven years with false claims of Russia collusion and other supposed crimes. They will see a statute of limitations that on its face appears to have run. And they will see a local prosecutor pushing charges previously rejected by a federal U.S. attorney.
Then there was the public pressure placed on Bragg to indict Trump, best exemplified by the backlash he faced after he apparently backed off charging the former president for crimes supposedly connected to the Trump Organization's finances. At the time, "two prosecutors quit his office," and "one of the prosecutors, Mark Pomerantz, wrote a highly critical book that the media has celebrated."
In short, the public will see a vindictive political prosecution of Trump.

3- Attacking conservatives is becoming a big issue.
'Rogue DAs' Attack Conservatives
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told Newsmax Tuesday that "the left is using the judicial system" to go after "conservatives who are fighting for Americans," like former President Donald Trump.
"This is what the founders were worried about," Paxton said during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Chris Salcedo Show." "This is one of the reasons they separated, because they were not getting due process. The court system was being used against them in political ways."
"And here we are today ... we have rogue DAs and rogue prosecutors at the federal level who go after conservatives who are fighting for Americans, and Trump is no exception," he continued. "He's in their way, and they've done everything they can to take him out of office and they've done everything they can to keep him out of office. I would not be surprised if they trump up some charges — no pun intended there — to just take him out of the battle."
When asked what states can do to rein in rogue district attorneys who pursue political prosecutions, Paxton said it's important to call out abuses of power.
"We can only do what we can do in our own states, but we can speak out and we can not be afraid to speak out and call it what it is, which is out of control rogue prosecutors, so that the American people understand what's going on here," he said. "This is what happens to you if you go fight the fight for the American people or for your citizens. They will come after you and they will taint you in any way they can.

Pray. Share.​

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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Oct 30, 2006

Easter 2023

April 05, 2023​

Dear Patriots,
While politically the country is witnessing historic events, we take comfort in Holy Week and all the meaning it has for Christians.
As you reflect on Good Friday, take time to thank God for giving us Jesus.
The horror of Jesus' arrest and betrayal, the brutality of His torture and trials ending in His crucifixion and death, the silence and stillness of the cold, lifeless tomb... lead us in rejoicing that Sunday brought the spiritual equivalent of a nuclear explosion.
Because Jesus rose from the dead! He is Alive!
May God richly bless you and your loved ones as you live in the glorious truth that Jesus is Alive!

Pray For Our Nation
We will be taking Good Friday off and will resume our regular schedule on Monday.
We wish you all the Joy and Peace and goodness of the Risen Christ this Easter and always.
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic

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To have confidence in the outcome of any electio


If you liked this post from Defending The Republic, why not share it? All of our newsletter are archived HERE .
Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Not enough people are awake yet.

We need more MAGA fighters..

Donald Trump and family
Sydney Powell
Gen Michael Flynn
Mike Lindell
Jim Jordan
Steve Bannon
Kari Lake

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Not enough people are awake yet.

We need more MAGA fighters..

Donald Trump and family
Sydney Powell
Gen Michael Flynn
Mike Lindell
Jim Jordan
Steve Bannon
Kari Lake
not sure they will wake up, the rhinos in the GOP should by hung

Jul 16, 2007
It will be biblical when the republic party wins the next election and they return the favors tenfold.
But it's democrats own fault what they are doing.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
not sure they will wake up, the rhinos in the GOP should by hung
As long as the fake corrupt money continues to flow, why would anyone change?

Every single evil we are fighting is funded by fake fiat money.

Once the global 'progressive' fiat system collapses, people will be forced to change and society will reorganize itself toward a more traditional God-driven value system.

“It’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.”

We're not there yet.

Sep 22, 2007
Not enough people are awake yet.

We need more MAGA fighters..

Donald Trump and family (A Criminal Defendant Dumb & Dumber, Rubber Titties (all defendants in a 1/4 billiion dollar suit getting ramed up their asses), Gerad Kuschner, the scrawny slum
Sydney Powell
Gen Michael Flynn
Mike Lindell
Jim Jordan
Steve Bannon
Kari Lake
Donald Trump and family (A Criminal Defendant Dumb & Dumber, Rubber Titties (all defendants in a 1/4 billiion dollar suit getting rammed up their asses), Gerad Kuschner, the scrawny slumlord mute who used his Diddler-in-Law's name to get 2 billion dollars from the murderous Saudis)

Sydney Powell (Brain Dead Skank who even Rudy Guliani thought was crazy, who promised "Biblical" results in uncovering "Dem Voter Fraud" but turned up ZIP in 70 bullshit cases and is narrowly avoided disbarment in Texas (whatta surprise) and is currently expected to be indicted (along with many others) in Georgia

Gen Michael Flynn (A traitorous rat bastard who should be strung up for betraying our country to Russia AND Turkey, not to mention the J6 crap)

Mike Lindell (Pillow Putz, claims he has bankrupted by Main Stream Media, and is currently getting a billion dollar lawsuit rammed up HIS ass by Dominion and others)

MTG (A brain dead, BUTT ugly, baboon looking bitch who showed up for all of 10 minutes yesterday to "protest" the arrest of Scumboy, but soon beat a hasty retreat: She's obviously angling to be his VP, and would drop and give him 20 head bobs at high noon on the front lawn at Mara Largo, but, Blubber Boy is ALL about "optics," and, as previously mentioned, she is clock stopping material)

Jim Jordan (Jungle "Gym" JACK-it off Jordan, a Moron Extraordinaire, made a lotta noise about "investigating" the investigators, but was left with absolutely nothing but his dick in his hand (or, maybe the dick of one of those wrestlers he betrayed)

Steve Bannon (Two time felon {ahh, but, good news, his Boss will be RACING ahead of him in that category in the not-too-distant future] who is just counting the days before he loses his appeal of his latest conviction and has his louse ridden ass thrown in jail. Did you notice that the Chinese turd whose YACHT Hobo Steve got arrested on ALSO got arrested last month ( Like Hillary said, a bagful of deplorables

Kari Lake (THIS brainless twat has been kinda QUIET lately, but, she's been getting BUTT fucked by the voters and the courts in Arizona continuously since November. Keep on GRIFTING, uh, I mean, PUSHING, Scary, lol

WOW! That's QUITE a list, Sheriff Jagoff, and, I'm SURE they, collectively, are gonna get the job done for the LONG awaited "Reinstatement!" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :trio::trio::trio::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:+signs11 9++signs11 9++signs11 9+:lie::lie::lie::arrowhead:arrowhead:arrowhead

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Not enough people are awake yet.

We need more MAGA fighters..

Donald Trump and family
Sydney Powell
Gen Michael Flynn
Mike Lindell
Jim Jordan
Steve Bannon
Kari Lake
I wonder what the measuring stick is that their using to decide how awake people need to be.. If you were a skeptic you could call " not enough people are awake yet " this . moving the goalposts to keep this theory and narrative going.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I wonder what the measuring stick is that their using to decide how awake people need to be.. If you were a skeptic you could call " not enough people are awake yet " this . moving the goalposts to keep this theory and narrative going.
Enough people awake (backed by the military) to avoid civil war.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
They have had years to wake up. Can’t tell u the people that are clueless that shouldn’t be

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
They have had years to wake up. Can’t tell u the people that are clueless that shouldn’t be
They won't wake up.

If the PLANdemic didn't wake them up, nothing will.

Many historians note that less than 1/3 of Americans supported the American Revolution. The rest did nothing and just reaped the benefits.

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