Sydney Powell: "It will be biblical"


Apr 2, 2020

Sep 22, 2007
July 19, 2021
Never a slow news day

Dear Patriots,
There are days when someone says, "Boy, this is a slow news day. Not much is happening."

We say, "Balderdash! There is never a slow news day!"

What we DO have is:
Day after day of the Mainstream/Drive By/Fake News cabal that ignores, stifles, and de-platforms the real news that is happening on a daily basis.
Here are just a few subjects that the government media refuses to inform their dwindling audience about. These subjects cannot be covered, or if covered, are riff with lies.
* The fraud election of 2020
* The audits
* More state leaders demanding audits
* Vaccine deaths and injuries
* Children's immunity to Covid-CCP
* The ridiculousness of masks
* The excellent immunity you have if you have had Covid-CCP
* The success of HCQ, Ivemectim, and the Zelenski Protocol to prevent and cure Covid-CCP
* The availability of a spray that kills ALL viruses for three months on surfaces.
* The disgusting career of Dr Fauci
* The silencing of thousands of doctors and nurses who have on the ground experience with Covid-CCP and disagree with the government approach
* The dwindling capacity of the current President
* The computer content and life of Hunter Biden
* The invasion at the border
* The spike in child trafficking
* The massive government spending
* Rising inflation
* High energy costs
* High unemployment
* Decline of small businesses
* Ever rising taxes at all levels of govenment
* The parent revolt against public school curriculum
* The declining numbers enrolled in public schools
* The poor educational results of public school teaching
* The massive crimes and abuses in China
Cyber crimes of all kinds
The importing of deadly Fentanyl which is killing millions
Environment damages
Organ harvesting
Imprisonment of ethnic groups
* Devastating crime rate increases all over the country but especially in Dem-run states and cities
* The rise of citizens from countries protesting for freedom from their governments
* Censorship by Big Tech against anyone who brings any of this up

So, yes, when media bosses shut off all output of these issues, you might think there are slow news days!

Frankly, we have a hard time, on a daily basis, trying to select from the vast array of stories that you may have missed but need to know about.

Here are links to places to get real news. We urge you to forsake so-called Mainstream Media including Fox News, and dive deep into alternatives. There are many alternatives. Find your favorites and stick with them. This is not intended as a complete list, just to get you started.

Information is key to winning the battle. We have had many avenues closed to us to push out the truth. But other avenues are opening.

Sign up for newsletters, bookmark the sites, get alerts for new podcasts.

Find them! Read them! Share them!

- Revolver News

- Epoch Times

- The National Pulse

- The Gateway Pundit

- Just The News

- War Room

- Dan Bongino

- Dinesh D'Souza

- Sharyl Attkisson

- Alex Berenson


1- This is a BRILLIANT explanation by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who did his own research of why his patients were exhibiting micro-blood clotting after receiving the injection.
He did scans, which showed nothing, but then he did a D-dimer test (simple blood test that indicates new blood clotting) and found 62% of his patients experienced elevated D-dimer levels after the vaccine. Please watch this and share it. You may save a life!
2- Providence Teacher Ramona Bessinger On Biased CRT Curriculum:
It's "very stressful for me as an educator to have to teach ... a partial truth"
"we cannot omit entire segments of U.S., American history and world literature. And certainly we can't stop teaching the Holocaust."
3- Court Rules Against University That Targeted Christian Group,
Saying They Were 'Hard-Pressed' To Find A More Blatant Example Of 'Discrimination'

We will have MUCH more all week every week.
Encourage your friends and family to sign up to the Defending the Republic newsletter. It is one of the best ways to find honest information.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken

Keep on flappin' your gums, you dumb bitch (that goes for her and you, Road Scum). Ugly old hag is looking to get BUTT fucked in 4 states, what an idiot-and, what happened to all of those joyous "Reinstatement by August" claims, you dumb bastard? It's a week away, apparently you're seeing the butt fucking on the horizon, huh?

ELECTION 2020|Jul 12, 2021,04:23pm EDT|27,744 views

It’s Not Just Michigan: All The Places Sidney Powell, Lin Wood And Pro-Trump Attorneys Could Be Punished For ‘Kraken’ Lawsuits

Alison DurkeeForbes Staff


Updated Jul 12, 2021, 04:52pm EDT


A federal judge in Michigan considered Monday whether far-right attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood and their co-counsel should be sanctioned for their post-election lawsuit alleging widespread fraud in the state—but the Michigan case is just one of several places where the lawyers face professional consequences, including potential disbarment, for bringing their lawsuits.

Attorney Sidney Powell leaves the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C. on June 24.

Powell and her co-counsel filed four battleground state lawsuits alleging widespread election fraud that tried to overturn the election—all of which failed—and a federal judge heard arguments Monday on whether the attorneys should be sanctioned in their Michigan case.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has also asked a federal court to sanction Powell and her co-counsel and force them to pay more than $100,000 in attorneys fees for their lawsuit in that state, though those motions are still pending and there is no hearing yet set.

In addition to Michigan’s request for sanctions, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson filed separate complaints with the Attorney Grievance Commission of the State of Michigan and the State Bar of Texas seeking to have Powell and the other lawyers in the Michigan lawsuit disbarred.

Attorneys in Arizona filed an ethics complaint with the State Bar of Arizona against Powell, Wood and other attorneys behind her case in the state, calling for an investigation that could result in fees, suspension of their law licenses or disbarment in the state.

The State Bar of Georgia is investigating Wood for his post-election conduct—including his lawsuits with Powell and litigation he led separately, as well as for spreading outlandish conspiracy theories—which could potentially result in his disbarment.

Officials in Arizona and Georgia have not yet filed requests for sanctions or attorneys fees in the post-election lawsuits in those states.


U.S. District Judge Linda Parker signaled Monday sanctions in the Michigan case could soon be coming. The judge repeatedly criticized the affidavits that had been filed in the case as evidence of election fraud and suggested the attorneys did not do the due diligence required to ensure the affidavits were true before they filed them. “There’s a duty that counsel has to ensure that when you’re submitting a sworn statement...that you have done some minimal due diligence,” Parker said, striking down individual affidavits in the case as “fantastical” and based on “levels of hearsay.” The attorneys will now have two weeks to file additional supplemental briefs in the case before Parker issues a ruling on the sanctions or determines whether additional hearings in the case are necessary.

Powell has defended her allegations of election fraud and suggested during Monday’s hearing she did not regret bringing the Michigan case and would do so again. “We have practiced law with the highest standards,” Powell said of her and her co-counsel. Wood has broadly continued to defend himself against the allegations against him and unsuccessfully sued the State Bar of Georgia in an effort to stop their investigation. The far-right lawyer distanced himself from the Michigan lawsuit Monday, however, alleging he had no knowledge of his participation in the case until after it was filed and he had only broadly told Powell “when she asked that if she needed my help I would help her from a trial lawyer standpoint” in any of her post-election cases. “I feel like I’ve kind of been lumped in...when I did not ever agree to appear” in the case, Wood said, alleging he should not be subject to sanctions.

Powell’s battleground state lawsuits—a legal strategy the far-right attorney dubbed “releas[ing] the Kraken” after the 1981 film The Clash of the Titans—was part of a broader effort by the Trump campaign and its allies to overturn the election in battleground states. That effort ultimately failed and resulted in more than 60 failed court cases. In addition to the sanctions and debarment efforts against Powell and her co-counsel, attorney Rudy Giuliani has also had his law license suspended in New York and Washington, D.C., and plaintiffs including former President Donald Trump and the Arizona GOP have been forced to pay attorneys fees in their cases. Powell and Giuliani are also being sued for defamation by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic for spreading false conspiracy theories involving the companies’ machines.

Oct 30, 2006
Online: Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium - Stand Up for Liberty[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova]
[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova]Mike Lindell is having a 3-day Cyber Symposium. He will be releasing the evidence of the 2020 election fraud and interference. Mike has invited over 4,000 politicians, media people, and cyber experts to this symposium. He is also offering $5 million dollars to anyone who can prove that this evidence is NOT from the 2020 election.[/FONT]

Sep 22, 2007
Sidney Powell On Defending The Republic From Mandated Vaccines And Rigged Machines

Voting Machine Fraud / By LindellTV

ROTFLMAO, DEAD wrong again, you brain deadcocksucker. Can't WAIT FOR you be left with cum on your chin and a shocked look on your face in 4 days bitch. The lawyers discussed below include that ugly brianless old bitch Sidney "taking the Kracken to my wrinkled old crack" Powell, schmuck.

[h=1]Trump Just Took a HUGE Defeat in Court[/h]
Donald Trump legal team had people in court today in trouble for the lies they told on his behalf. But they 100% blamed Donald Trump for getting them to tell those lies and they believed him because he was president. This shows Trump lawyers throwing him under the bus, but also an admission they were spreading lies

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
ROTFLMAO, DEAD wrong again, you brain deadcocksucker. Can't WAIT FOR you be left with cum on your chin and a shocked look on your face in 4 days bitch. The lawyers discussed below include that ugly brianless old bitch Sidney "taking the Kracken to my wrinkled old crack" Powell, schmuck.

Trump Just Took a HUGE Defeat in Court

Donald Trump legal team had people in court today in trouble for the lies they told on his behalf. But they 100% blamed Donald Trump for getting them to tell those lies and they believed him because he was president. This shows Trump lawyers throwing him under the bus, but also an admission they were spreading lies

Can you imagine being so sad and pathetic that you actually believe the fairy tales that this little fairy in his walmart shirts spins.

It is pure fan fiction and complete nonsense,,,,this is the same dude that told us straightfaced that Trump wore his pants backwards to give a speech....

Not sure why fake news this blatant is allowed to be posted? Fuking moronic peckerwoods all around

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Can you imagine being so sad and pathetic that you actually believe the fairy tales that this little fairy in his walmart shirts spins.

It is pure fan fiction and complete nonsense,,,,this is the same dude that told us straightfaced that Trump wore his pants backwards to give a speech....

Not sure why fake news this blatant is allowed to be posted? Fuking moronic peckerwoods all around

lol. Just went to that YouTube site. Dadinch is rock fucking bottom. Good grief his ignorance is beyond imaginable

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
lol. Just went to that YouTube site. Dadinch is rock fucking bottom. Good grief his ignorance is beyond imaginable

If someone honestly thought Trump wore his pants backwards to give a speech, I could never trust them again.
But to a loser peckerwood who enjoys being shit on daily, he subs to the channel and eagerly awaits the next Anti Trump mouthshit this faggola makes.

Dec 13, 2007
Can you imagine being so sad and pathetic that you actually believe the fairy tales that this little fairy in his walmart shirts spins.

It is pure fan fiction and complete nonsense,,,,this is the same dude that told us straightfaced that Trump wore his pants backwards to give a speech....

Not sure why fake news this blatant is allowed to be posted? Fuking moronic peckerwoods all around

Nice irony QQbird.

on scale of 1 to 11 how lost are you?

Apr 2, 2020
Bozzie is a hopeless, friendless recluse whose ONLY joy in life is
trolling this forum. Badly, I might add. Pity this poor creature.

Sep 22, 2007
Bozzie is a hopeless, friendless recluse whose ONLY joy in life is
trolling this forum. Badly, I might add. Pity this poor creature.

You pea brained cocksucker, you're so stupid that, one you don't realize what a fool you look like plunging nito threads and adding the same stupid shit, word for word, and, two, you show that your little pigeon brain is incapable of more than one thought-you posted EXACTLY what you have here in my threads, only you changed the firs word in it from Bozzie's name to mine We can't be taxing that little dinosaur brain with multiple "approaches," lol. Stuff that acid covered dildo up your ass cyber SCHMUCK.

Sep 22, 2007
Sidney Powell On Defending The Republic From Mandated Vaccines And Rigged Machines

Voting Machine Fraud / By LindellTV

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ROAD SCUM! Where you at, BITCH, come outta yer RAT hole! Today is August 2nd, where's your REINSTATEMENT, you fucking moron? I was wondering after reading the following dismantling of Jungle Gym Jack-it-off Jordan, are you in his district, you Brainless Buckeye (what's a Buckeye? Ahhh, yeah, a worthless nut, that's YOU)? Wouldn't THAT be fitting...

Former RNC Chair Michael Steele merrily rips into Jim Jordan's selective Jan. 6 amnesia

STEELE: “I can tell you the time, the place, the date of every conversation I’ve ever had with every president of this country, period, going back to Bill Clinton. I can tell you where I was. I can tell you what was said. This son of a bitch is sitting up there acting like, ‘Well, I don’t know if it was before, I don’t know if it was after. Oh, lordy Jesus, I don’t remember. I gotta look at my notes.’
You know, bitch, what time you called the president, and you know what you said. You’re a grown-ass man. Stop acting like you’re 10 years old and you got caught masturbating by your mama. Stop that.”

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
FUCK you, and FUCK your bullshit map, made up by morons, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR "AUGUST REINSTATEMENT," YOU BRAINDEAD SCHMUCK????

Here is a map for you peckerwood, the reality of American, your kind is a big minority and on the way out


Sep 22, 2007
Here is a map for you peckerwood, the reality of American, your kind is a big minority and on the way out


Lol, that's essentially what you said last fall, how'd THAT work out for you, Dipshit?

Lick thick dick quick, prick.

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