Sydney Powell: "It will be biblical"


Sep 22, 2007

ROTFLMAO!!!!! You found a quote from a black man that you happen to agree with, ignoring the fact that he has been dead for close to 50 years and thus hasn't had any experience with "liberals" since then. You're a fucking moron, and you got butt fucked nervous times with your hilariously wrong predictions. Suck on swollen, blood gorged MOOSE cock Stevie Ray-cist, and keep up those CRACKERJACK predictions, lol.

Sep 22, 2007
Look folks . The penniless slob just posted an article with pics about the greatest attack on our democracy since the Civil War .

The brain dead puppet in the WH told him so .

Those severe charges by the dozens are coming any day now .

Last week, Anna Morgan-Lloyd, an Indiana woman who described January 6 on Facebook as "the best day ever," was sentenced to three years of probation after pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count and accepting responsibility.


Ahhh, more evidence today that the charges against those treasonous scumbags who stormed the Capitol is ramping up, your brain dead "ended" comments notwithstanding you welching, always wrong scumbag. Not even 2% of these case are settled, but you pronounced thm as "ended." Here's a woman who was actually a victim, unlike Babbling bullet ridden Babbitt that stupid twat:

Meanwhile more charges for those treasonous cocksuckers who shoudda been machine gunned:

545 Insurrectionists Now Charged as New Court Filing Reveals Assault on New York Times Reporter

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
ROTFLMAO!!!!! You found a quote from a black man that you happen to agree with, ignoring the fact that he has been dead for close to 50 years and thus hasn't had any experience with "liberals" since then. You're a fucking moron, and you got butt fucked nervous times with your hilariously wrong predictions. Suck on swollen, blood gorged MOOSE cock Stevie Ray-cist, and keep up those CRACKERJACK predictions, lol.

LMAO! He would be more outspoken against the racist commie liberal party now you ignorant trash worthless petty thief.

Keep sucking Trumps cock boy

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Ahhh, more evidence today that the charges against those treasonous scumbags who stormed the Capitol is ramping up, your brain dead "ended" comments notwithstanding you welching, always wrong scumbag. Not even 2% of these case are settled, but you pronounced thm as "ended." Here's a woman who was actually a victim, unlike Babbling bullet ridden Babbitt that stupid twat:

Meanwhile more charges for those treasonous cocksuckers who shoudda been machine gunned:

545 Insurrectionists Now Charged as New Court Filing Reveals Assault on New York Times Reporter

Yawn . Wake me when those sedition charges start coming in what the media is feeding you mental midgets as the greatest attack on our democracy since the Civil War .

P.S. You don’t incite a riot like this douchebag claims Trump did by telling people at his speech to march peacefully and make your voices heard you dumb f**k .


Sep 22, 2007
Yawn . Wake me when those sedition charges start coming in what the media is feeding you mental midgets as the greatest attack on our democracy since the Civil War .

P.S. You don’t incite a riot like this douchebag claims Trump did by telling people at his speech to march peacefully and make your voices heard you dumb f**k .


Digest dead dog dick, Dumbo. Meanwhile, another cock up the ass for Looney Rudy. He's running out of places for his license to be suspended.

Hey, Road Scum where you AT, bitch? Still prepping for that August reinsitatement, you fucking moron?

Following New York's Lead, DC Appellate Court Suspends Rudy Giuliani's Law License.

A few weeks ago, a unanimous 5-judge New York Appellate Court panel suspended Rudy Giuliani's law license for making "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, law makers and the public at large" in his capacity as Donald Trump's lawyer. Now, a District of Columbia Appellate court has suspended Giuliani's DC law license. What's next for Giuliani. Well, a Special Master is reviewing the evidence seized from Giuliani's home and office and preparing to turn over the evidence to federal prosecutors. Step by step, accountability is coming for Rudy Giuliani.

Sep 22, 2007
Did you guys donate to Rudy Colludy's legal fund, yet?

He needs your help!!!

You got THAT right: look at the one two punch he just received: suspended in two different jurisdictions, and here's a shocker: DDDDDD is stiffing him for his legal fees, ROTFLMAO!!!!!

[h=1]Trump MOCKS Rudy Giuliani after RUINING his LIFE[/h]Donald Trump has abandoned Rudy Giuliani after he asked to be paid for his work as Trump's personal lawyer. This comes as Rudy facing losing his legal licence and going to prison. Trump has no loyalty, even to people who lie for him

Sep 22, 2007
Keep up the good work, Dafinchie!!!!!
Oct 30, 2006
July 9, 2021
Good News Friday - July 9.

Dear Patriots,
It has been a short week! it is already Good News Friday! Summer is flying by.

We have numerous stories, some big, some small, that show there is wind at our backs as we fight to restore our country.

1- President Trump is leading a class action suit against Facebook, Twitter and Google and their CEOs.

For years now we have watched Congressional Committees haul Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Pichai up to The Hill and then lay into them on how they do business. But Congress has yet to do more than make huffy idle threats.

In marches Trump, fighting for our FREE SPEECH against the biggest monopolies on earth. Like Trump or not, he is the only politician stepping up and taking on the fight to protect our 1st Amendment rights.

As Trump said at the press conference, "If they can do this to me, they can do it to you."

Trump is the leader of one of two political parties in a two party political system. Big Tech has removed him from the conversation. As such, we only get ONE point of view and the left is never challenged.

The Fake News and everyone else is ignoring, mocking and playing this lawsuit down but it is a big deal.

* If you missed it, watch the whole press conference. It is very informative.

* Also, this video of Alan Dershowitz and Gregg Jarrett is a good explanation of the law suit. mendment.html?mref=23gga&mc=8uxj1

* 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump's Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN — Joe Biden Lucky to Get 1,000 ent-sue-twitter-facebook-google-rsbn/


2- Twitter has competition. Finally, it looks like we may have a spot on the internet where you can not get disappeared or cancelled. GETTR (Get Together) is a direct competitor to Twitter worldwide.

Check it out and if you like it, open an account. All of your property from your Twitter account can be transferred. -


3- The Audits are on the move. It is becomes harder to ignore the obvious every day.

BREAKING: PA Asks For Forensic Election Audit - Creative Destruction Media---July 7, 2021

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano has just formally asked for a forensic audit in Pennsylvania for the 2020 U.S. general election due to obvious evidence of massive election fraud.


4- This is a wonderful and hopeful presentation by Dr Simone Gold, founder of America's Frontline Doctors. She is a brave warrior!

This presentation is from April 2021 but it is still packed with worthwhile information.

For more information on America's Frontline Doctors go here:


5- One of the last real reporters in this country, John Solomon, outlines the many ways that Democrats are losing on Election Integrity in court.
For months now, President Biden and key Democrats have waged endless battle against state laws designed to improve the integrity of elections, ones that make voting easier and cheating harder.

From the start, the mission was complicated since its message ran smack into strong American sentiments in the court of public opinion: Polling shows three quarters of Americans support integrity measures like voter ID that Biden called "Jim Crow in the 21st century."

Now the Democrat train has run into a similar harsh reality in the courts of law, where justices and judges alike have concluded integrity measures aren't unconstitutional if they aren't designed to suppress based on race or skin color or socio-economic status.

The latest blow to the Jim Crow 2.0 argument was delivered Wednesday, when a federal judge refused to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Georgia's
new election integrity law.


6- Three issues pushed by Democrats: Defund the Police, Critical Race Theory, and Voter ID have blown up in the Left's faces. It turns out that polling shows the majority of Americans think the Democrat's positions on these are horrible. So, what do the Dems do?

They have started trying to convince people that the Republicans are the ones have promoted them. Don't let them get away with this! Hold firm on supporting our police, ditching propaganda in schools and urging Voter ID Laws.

It is because you are holding fast on these issues in your communities that the polling is so bad for the Dems.
After spending the better part of the year talking up a "defund the police" agenda, Democrats are now trying to claim that it's Republicans who want to strip the police of their resources.
Meanwhile, even as the left pushes the Marxist "critical race theory" into the nation's schools, military and private sector, it's denying what it's doing. Why is the left trying to gaslight America on this? Because, for one, an increasing number of parents are in open revolt over this noxious propaganda.

Then there's the issue of voter ID laws. Up until just days ago, Democrats were united in decrying voter ID laws as racist attempts to suppress minority voters.
Now, suddenly, they are all more accepting of the idea, if not openly endorsing it. But instead of admitting that their past opposition to this common-sense reform was a wrongheaded attempt at race-baiting, Democrats are pretending that they never opposed voter ID laws.

There are many places to look to see that all is not lost. Keep fighting in your communities on all fronts.

Share information.


Have a pleasant weekend we will have more for you next week.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken

P.S. We are just going to leave you with this little gem. On Thursday, Michael Avenatti was sentenced to 2.5 years in jail.
Watch the Fake News slobber over this criminal.

Sep 22, 2007

Do you EVER take a break from be a complete and utter moron? Can't WAIT for August to arrive Dipshit. Meanwhile, release the Kracken into the crack of Sidney's ugly, cottage cheese ass, and there are lawyer in Colorado who are, lterally today, in court to face sanctions for the same stupid, you brain dead douchebag.

Trump lawyers Powell, Wood might be penalized over Michigan election case

By: The Associated Press & Scripps National
Posted at 8:35 AM, Jul 16, 2021and last updated 7:46 AM, Jul 16, 2021
DETROIT (AP) — A federal judge in Detroit is considering whether to order financial penalties and other sanctions against some of former President Donald Trump’s lawyers.
During a Monday hearing, Judge Linda Parker spent hours drilling deeply into details about an unsuccessful lawsuit that challenged Michigan’s 2020 election results.
The lawsuit alleging fraud was dropped after Parker found no evidence that votes for Trump somehow were destroyed or given to Joe Biden.
Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the City of Detroit now want the lawyers to face the consequences of pursuing what they call frivolous claims.
The judge didn't make an immediate decision.
The attorneys include Trump lawyer-allies Sidney Powell of Dallas and L. Lin Wood of Atlanta.
In the hearing, Powell and Wood reportedly took different approaches as they faced scrutiny. Powell said she took full responsibility for the complaint filed in Michigan, while Wood said he didn’t read the paperwork before it was filed, NPR reports.
After the hearing, Wood posted a “video snippet” of the court proceedings on his social media and now he could be held in criminal contempt of court, according to court documents obtained by Forbes. The documents drafted Thursday say Michigan law prohibits the broadcasting of judicial proceedings.
The judge is giving Wood until next Thursday, July 22, to show cause to why should not be disciplined for posting the video.


Apr 2, 2020
Oct 30, 2006
July 19, 2021
Never a slow news day

Dear Patriots,
There are days when someone says, "Boy, this is a slow news day. Not much is happening."

We say, "Balderdash! There is never a slow news day!"

What we DO have is:
Day after day of the Mainstream/Drive By/Fake News cabal that ignores, stifles, and de-platforms the real news that is happening on a daily basis.
Here are just a few subjects that the government media refuses to inform their dwindling audience about. These subjects cannot be covered, or if covered, are riff with lies.
* The fraud election of 2020
* The audits
* More state leaders demanding audits
* Vaccine deaths and injuries
* Children's immunity to Covid-CCP
* The ridiculousness of masks
* The excellent immunity you have if you have had Covid-CCP
* The success of HCQ, Ivemectim, and the Zelenski Protocol to prevent and cure Covid-CCP
* The availability of a spray that kills ALL viruses for three months on surfaces.
* The disgusting career of Dr Fauci
* The silencing of thousands of doctors and nurses who have on the ground experience with Covid-CCP and disagree with the government approach
* The dwindling capacity of the current President
* The computer content and life of Hunter Biden
* The invasion at the border
* The spike in child trafficking
* The massive government spending
* Rising inflation
* High energy costs
* High unemployment
* Decline of small businesses
* Ever rising taxes at all levels of govenment
* The parent revolt against public school curriculum
* The declining numbers enrolled in public schools
* The poor educational results of public school teaching
* The massive crimes and abuses in China
Cyber crimes of all kinds
The importing of deadly Fentanyl which is killing millions
Environment damages
Organ harvesting
Imprisonment of ethnic groups
* Devastating crime rate increases all over the country but especially in Dem-run states and cities
* The rise of citizens from countries protesting for freedom from their governments
* Censorship by Big Tech against anyone who brings any of this up

So, yes, when media bosses shut off all output of these issues, you might think there are slow news days!

Frankly, we have a hard time, on a daily basis, trying to select from the vast array of stories that you may have missed but need to know about.

Here are links to places to get real news. We urge you to forsake so-called Mainstream Media including Fox News, and dive deep into alternatives. There are many alternatives. Find your favorites and stick with them. This is not intended as a complete list, just to get you started.

Information is key to winning the battle. We have had many avenues closed to us to push out the truth. But other avenues are opening.

Sign up for newsletters, bookmark the sites, get alerts for new podcasts.

Find them! Read them! Share them!

- Revolver News

- Epoch Times

- The National Pulse

- The Gateway Pundit

- Just The News

- War Room

- Dan Bongino

- Dinesh D'Souza

- Sharyl Attkisson

- Alex Berenson


1- This is a BRILLIANT explanation by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who did his own research of why his patients were exhibiting micro-blood clotting after receiving the injection.
He did scans, which showed nothing, but then he did a D-dimer test (simple blood test that indicates new blood clotting) and found 62% of his patients experienced elevated D-dimer levels after the vaccine. Please watch this and share it. You may save a life!
2- Providence Teacher Ramona Bessinger On Biased CRT Curriculum:
It's "very stressful for me as an educator to have to teach ... a partial truth"
"we cannot omit entire segments of U.S., American history and world literature. And certainly we can't stop teaching the Holocaust."
3- Court Rules Against University That Targeted Christian Group,
Saying They Were 'Hard-Pressed' To Find A More Blatant Example Of 'Discrimination'

We will have MUCH more all week every week.
Encourage your friends and family to sign up to the Defending the Republic newsletter. It is one of the best ways to find honest information.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken

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