Texans-49ers.....Over 37.....$150.00/$135.00
2 Team/6 Point Teaser/$300.00/$272.72
Texans-49ers.....Over 31
49ers +3
2 Team/6 Point Teaser/$300.00/$272.72
Texans-49ers.....Over 31
49ers +3
Greenbacks won't post his records or units +/- so we always have to keep him honest. Hope he sweeps it today!
Preseason Football - 4-4-0 -203.28
Not the kind of thing u wanna see after takin a big swig of a drinkirrigated circuit:missingte
Greenbacks Preseason Football - 4-5-1 -503.28
I think Enfuego did not see BAS and Hache Man's post. He's ready for a vacation!
I think Enfuego did not see BAS and Hache Man's post. He's ready for a vacation!
Let's be clear Galaxy. I'm not bashing anyone in their sports forums. Not at all.
I'm keeping an accurate record as the OP does not post his records or units +/-. There is nothing wrong with that as transparancy in the pick's forum is paramount here.
You'll notice in the baseball thread I wished him "good luck" too. I would never wish for a poster to lose their games. Never.
I am not harassing you. I'm ensuring transparency by keeping an accurate record which you won't or refuse to do.
I want you to turn it around and win. Posting winners benefits the entire RX community.
Seems like we now see why greenbacks doesn't keep a record. It offends him and hurts his feelings!