Record: 69-41 +109.2448 units on single games; 15-24 +1.848 units on parlays
Total Units at the Rx: +111.0928 units
Toronto Blue Jays -1.5 -125 4 units
Toronto Blue Jays/Detroit O9.5 3 units
Toronto Blue Jays -1.5 -125 AND N.Y. Mets -190, 3 units paying 5.2410
Toronto Blue Jays -1.5 -125 AND Pittsburgh -260, 3 units paying 4.476
Total Units at the Rx: +111.0928 units
Toronto Blue Jays -1.5 -125 4 units
Toronto Blue Jays/Detroit O9.5 3 units
Toronto Blue Jays -1.5 -125 AND N.Y. Mets -190, 3 units paying 5.2410
Toronto Blue Jays -1.5 -125 AND Pittsburgh -260, 3 units paying 4.476