: From a Long Time ~ Carolina fan here to CK ; tough 1 2nite... Just wanted to say that I appreciate your halftime lines which are sharp as h*** ... Whether or not you choose to keep posting it's your right tho' I for one appreciate the insight you give... Record(s) or not all that matters in the end is having a positive day ; week ; year whatever... Don't let the negativism of others detract from the strength of your capping knowledge & wisdom... I know unlike some that you are just trying to help people ; most who may just be in it for the short term... Not willing to grind it out... Believe it or not I would venture to say 1/3 of them are shills... Either way bol in your future endeavors and have a great 09' ~ PA
1-2 as carolina cold shooting continue in this one just like the bc game.I will stop posting here for a while as i really dont like the back and forth pissing match.i win games and lose games but if that what some people want from me i will not go that way.take care and bol always.ck