Guys - Thabks for keeping this up. I didn't mean to abandon this contest. I had something really important come up. Basically, I had to get sober. Won't say from what but it wasn't easy. I'm 5 days sober now with the worst behind me. I was headed to Pecos, Tx today to work in oil field with my cousin. I stopped at a rest stop and my car just died. I drive a Volvo with about 185k. It's been a great car until that just happened. Anyway, I'm in a hotel in Abiliene now and the Boss is picking me up in morning. I have someone picking my car up and taking it back to Dallas next Saturday. Fuuuuck what a day. Week for that matter. Anyway, thanks for keeping this Contest going. I was in no shape to do the standings and still can't while working long ass days in oil field. Good Luck and I may put in a few plays here and there. Thanks again!!