So....30 million breached and 2 suicides?I would think there are more suicides based on per capita per day with general population...Hey but I could be wrong...Just more media crap...
This is a good & valid point, sounds reasonable to me. I'm angered by these deaths though as to me they are 2 lives that ended unnecessarily in Despair as result of yet more Holier-Than-Thou Internet Social Justice Warriors (
SJW) who consider themselves qualified to be Judge & Jury...and to force the rest of humanity to live their lives as they feel they should be lived.
Based solely upon their opinion on matters.
How Society on The Whole doesn't easily see this as obvious Mental Illness is completely puzzling to me: this new phenomenon born of The Internet where we see individuals imposing their beliefs on how humans should conduct their lives...its obvious "Delusions of Grandeur". This Hacktivist Group does not have any special insight into what is "sin" and what is not and they've no right whatsoever to impose their stupid beliefs upon others.
The ONLY creature that is completely monogamous is the
DUCK. Possibly some Penguins. I guess these SJW believe Men should live as Ducks do? And maybe a few Penguins? is this realistic?
In the end, In the "Big Picture" what was gained? Their Hacking Collective got some press, their 15 minutes of Fame. Some people died needlessly, in Torment. Possibly leaving behind absolute devastation & wreckage for their loved ones.
This is all so frustratingly childish, this Judgement flung about by any who chooses to take up the Microphone & Soapbox to stand upon and shout from...that The Internet has cursed us with.
Extra-Marital Affairs. Whoop-de-Freekin do. A few self righteous feel a guy should bed down with one woman for his entire life because of a piece of paper, an archaic religious ceremony and outdated tradition society enmasse has been brainwashed into believing has any real value & permanence
past what each individual does or does not themselves attatch to it?
This is all so miserably stupid $ Childish all these internet warriors, like 6 years olds battling within a Sandbox.
I hope these Hackers' future is the same as
except I'd like to see them tried and convicted of Murder, jailed for a few decades so they can try their hands at steering imprisoned murderers on
how to Live their lives. What "Rules" they need to follow. That'd be an interesting experiment and the best thing IMO to do with people who wanna forcibly impose their beliefs upon the rest of humanity.