Why do the so-called "sharps" end up playing at garbage books with multiple names...is it just to get a bonus? Obviously they know about Pinnacle, Oly, ect...right? There is considerable risk when you drop down in quality from the top tier of books, I think we all agree on that.
Just recently I have seen very respected posters mention they are playing at Sportstrivia,Blockbusterbets,Apex, ect., and the like. Now these might not be bad books but they sure ain't Pinnacle... right??? WTF am I missing?
Is this just old fashion greed or are the top tier books just too hard for them to beat?
Just recently I have seen very respected posters mention they are playing at Sportstrivia,Blockbusterbets,Apex, ect., and the like. Now these might not be bad books but they sure ain't Pinnacle... right??? WTF am I missing?
Is this just old fashion greed or are the top tier books just too hard for them to beat?