Stupid, horsey faced old bitch Ingrahm has to eat crow, headed the way of O'Reilly?


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
What is really wrong with what Ingram said? ""David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.) ""

So she said he was whining about not being accepted.... Wasnt he? And by the rates they accepts people into UCLA... He was at the bottom of the barrel because of his GPA and being from Florida... so it was pretty predictable he wouldnt be accepted.

Admit rate — Overall
California Residents (% of admits)

GPA and test scores of middle 25%-75% students
High School GPA
4.13 - 4.31
ACT Composite Score
30 - 34
ACT English Language Arts
28 - 32
SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing
640 - 730
SAT Mathematics
640 - 770
SAT Essay


YET Hogg has said things 100x worse.... BUT HE and the LIBERAL MEDIA and their SHEEP (like DaFinch) give him a pass because "He is just a child"... YET this "Child" can curse, insult others, and be the beacon for a Gun Movement, and issue threats, boycotts and and blackmail... BUT when he gets slightly called out, the whining starts "Im just a kid!!!!, DONT PICK ON ME!!! BUT I CAN PICK ON YOU AND SAY VILE THINGS!! Neener neener neener"

Liberals and the media the sheep follow are whats wrong with our society
Can't argue with that.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Can't argue with that.

But its his double standard lol... Claims to be an adult, acts, talks, insults, curses, etc like an adult... BUT when someone treats him like an adult, he and the Liberal media and sheep all scream "CHILD!"

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot.. AND IT SHOULD BE... with the SURVIVOR who was actually at the school that day KYLE, he is JUST AS OUTSPOKEN AS HOGG on the Gun Control issue, but he SUPPORTS THE 2nd AMENDMENT! Why arent the news catering to him, Why isnt he appearing on Ellen? Now... Imagine if Kyle was calling ELLEN "Disgusting" like Hogg called Dana... OR Democrats "Sick Fuckers" for killing unborn babies? etc.... The Sheep on the left, and the Liberals would want him crucified and burned, with no "Being a child" excuse.

Left has a sick sense of double standards when it doesnt fit their agenda!

Sep 22, 2007
Lol, Scumbags at Jackal News taking it in the shorts, too, because of that dumb bitch. Didn't realize that O'Reilly got theazzkick(&^ last April. As Yogi Berra would say, deja vu all over again.,-not-advertisers,.html

Fox News, not advertisers, are hurting the most from the Laura Ingraham boycott

thinkprogress.orgApril 2, 2018

Advertisers fled Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle en masse last week after the host, Laura Ingraham, made disparaging comments mocking Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg.
While some corporations might have expected to see some damage to their brand as a result of the boycott, new data from YouGov BrandIndex shows that the companies have actually fared well in spite of the boycott.
Poll respondents were asked, “If you’ve heard anything about the brand in the past two weeks — through news, advertising, or word of mouth — was it positive or negative?”
The only brand that gained a significant amount of negative perception among consumers in recent days was Fox News.
The data reaffirms the idea that consumer-driven boycotts are effective. As Michael Hiltzik points out in a Los Angeles Times column, “Advertisers of consumer products fear controversy more than anything — especially political controversy.”
Similarly, boycotts of companies supporting the National Rifle Association (NRA) gained traction after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February.

[h=3]The NRA is being supported by these companies[/h]

Since Hogg called for an advertiser boycott last week, over a dozen companies have announced they will no longer advertise during Ingraham’s show, specifically citing her rhetoric as the reason.
Liberty Mutual, one of the Ingraham’s top advertisers, called the Fox News host’s comments “inconsistent with our values as a company.”
The backlash began when Ingraham mocked Hogg last Wednesday for not getting in to certain colleges. “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.),” she tweeted.
Ingraham’s tweet was up for over 24 hours before she eventually issued an apology to Hogg. Her apology only came after a number companies announced they would stop advertising during her show.
Whether planned or on accident, Ingraham is taking a week-long break from the show to celebrate “Easter break” with her children. Ingraham’s “break” immediately drew comparisons to another former Fox News host whose show was the target of an advertising boycott.
Shortly after The New York Times reported that Fox News paid millions of dollars to five women who said they were sexually harassed by Bill O’Reilly, 77 advertisers left the show in a mass exodus.
O’Reilly subsequently announced he would be taking a “scheduled” vacation that he had planned — but he never returned. O’Reilly was supposed to return on April 24 of last year, but on April 19, Fox News let him go.

Sep 22, 2007
ANOTHER moron has to grovel and eat shit:

[h=1]Eagles Of Death Metal singer does groveling 180 on 'pathetic' Parkland survivors[/h]

Lee Moran

April 3, 2018

Jesse Hughes, the frontman for U.S. rock band Eagles of Death Metal, has issued a groveling apology for inflammatory criticism of teens who organized the March For Our Lives advocating stronger gun laws.
The staunchly pro-gun singer — whose band was caught up in the deadly November 2015 terror attack by Islamic State militants on Paris’ Bataclan theater — was widely criticized last week after he accused student survivors of the Parkland, Florida, high school mass shooting of “exploiting” their friends’ deaths.
It might be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic and disgusting,” Hughes wrote in a series of Instagram posts, since deleted.
Following a major backlash on his band’s Facebook page, Hughes over the weekend appeared to have softened with this video apology:

What I had intended to be a statement about the hijacking by any side of the aisle of the beautiful agenda of a movement of our nation’s youth came off seeming like a mean-spirited personal attack and slight of the youth themselves, and even a personal attack of its leadership,” Hughes said in the clip.
Hughes claimed he was “not attempting to impugn the youth of America and this beautiful thing they’ve accomplished.”
“I truly am sorry,” Hughes added. “I did not mean to hurt anyone or cause any harm. As someone who’s watched their friends shot in front of their eyes and seen people killed that they love I should have handled this a lot more maturely and responsibly and I did not do that and I messed up.”

Sep 22, 2007
Eva Braun can even stop the bleeding when she slinks away into her rat hole, lol:

[h=1]Laura Ingraham Dumped By Yet Another Sponsor Despite Being Off TV For A Week[/h]

Ed Mazza

HuffPostApril 5, 2018

The bad news keeps coming for Fox News host Laura Ingraham even while she’s on vacation: Another sponsor has reportedly dropped her show.
Ace Hardware will no longer advertise on “The Ingraham Angle,” TheWrap reported on Thursday.
“I can confirm that we do not have any plans to nationally advertise on Ingraham’s show in the future,” an unnamed spokeswoman for the company told the website.
TheWrap said Ace had two ads on the show in March, including one on March 28, the day she launched her ill-fated slam against David Hogg, a teen survivor of the Feb. 14 mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Ingraham mocked Hogg, who has become an outspoken advocate for gun control, for not getting accepted into some of the colleges he had applied to.
In response, Hogg called for a boycott of her show, and Ingraham apologized as sponsors began to drop her show.
Hogg did not accept her apology.
She only apologized after we went after her advertisers,” he told The New York Times. “It kind of speaks for itself.”
Nutrish, TripAdvisor, Wayfair, Expedia, Nestlé, Johnson & Johnson, Stitch Fix, Jenny Craig, Hulu, JoS. A. Bank and more have dropped her show. TheWrap said Ace Hardware is the 19th company to ditch Ingraham.
My Pillow said it would continue to advertise on Ingraham’s show.
Ingraham announced a vacation as the sponsors fled, and Fox has insisted it would stick with her.
We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts,” Fox News Co-president Jack Abernethy told the Los Angeles Times earlier this week. “We look forward to having Laura Ingraham back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children.”

Sep 22, 2007
Lol, Mrs. Ed is still getting mounted by the teenager:

[h=1]Advertisers keep up pressure on Laura Ingraham[/h] David Knowles 2 hours 48 minutes ago

Laura Ingraham returned to Fox News this week, but the bad news for her continued.
The exodus of advertisers from Ingraham’s show resumed following her weeklong hiatus, meant to stem the loss of sponsors unwilling to associate their brands with her program.
Allstate Insurance and SlimFast diet drink announced that they would no longer run ads on the program in the wake of the host’s attack on Parkland, Fla., high school student David Hogg.
“We have stopped advertising on the Laura Ingraham show and have no plans to resume in the near future,” SlimFast tweeted on Tuesday. “We are also monitoring all ad placements carefully.”
An Allstate memo obtained by the Wrap detailed the company’s decision to pull its ads from Ingraham’s show.
“Laura Ingraham’s comments about David Hogg were inconsistent with our values,” the memo stated. “Allstate believes in youth empowerment and last year helped 5 million youth find their voices and take action to make the world better. We have not advertised on ‘The Ingraham Angle’ since Wednesday. We hope our youth can help us find a path to a less divisive future.”
In a March 28 tweet that has not been removed from her Twitter feed, Ingraham mocked Hogg — whose views on gun control she disagrees with — for not being accepted by some colleges.
“David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.),” Ingraham wrote.
Amid withering criticism, Ingraham issued a qualified apology to Hogg a day later.
“Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” Ingraham wrote on Twitter.
So far, 22 companies have pulled their ads from the show, including TripAdvisor, Expedia, Nestlé, Stich Fix, Hulu, Jenny Craig, Office Depot, Honda, Miracle-Ear, Liberty Mutual, Principal Financial Group, Ruby Tuesday, Entertainment Studios, Nutrish, Johnson & Johnson and Wayfair.
In her return to her program on Monday, Ingraham blasted the effort to target her advertisers.
“Their efforts are Stalinist, pure and simple,” the embattled host said. “Their objective is a total transformation of American society, not through rational discourse and open debate but through personal demonization and silencing.”
Ingraham’s argument didn’t resonate with at least one advertiser that, until last night, was still a sponsor.
“We were unaware that our ad would be running on The Laura Ingraham Angle last night,” Blue Apron, a home delivery meal service, wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “We will no longer be advertising on the show, and will be working with our media buying partners to more closely monitor where our ads appear going forward.”

Sep 22, 2007
Wow, steaming towards 30 advertisers, Mrs. Ed must be whinnying nervously, lol:

Ebates Is 27th Laura Ingraham Sponsor to Pull Ads

Ross A. Lincoln

The WrapApril 13, 2018


Cashback website Ebates has pulled its advertising from “The Ingraham Angle,” becoming at least the 27th sponsor to exit Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, and the second to do so on Friday.

“We wanted to address concerns about our advertising,” the company said in a statement posted on Twitter. “Ebates is a platform for all and we do not support polarizing statements of any kind. We placed our ads through a 3rd party and unfortunately this spot was placed incorrectly. We have since resolved the issue.”
Also Read: Laura Ingraham Shades Corporations That 'Wilt' Under Pressure, Still Doesn't Mention Boycott
“The Ingraham Angle” has been hit by an advertiser boycott campaign spearheaded by Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg after Ingraham mocked him for “whining” about his rejection from several California colleges. She subsequently apologized, and Fox News has stood by her.
Ebates had been one Ingraham’s remaining national sponsors, but received complaints on social media after one of its ads ran during Wednesday night’s episode.
Since the campaign began, most of Ingraham’s biggest sponsors, including Mitsubishi, Blue Apron, SlimFast, and IBM have bailed, and ad time on “The Ingraham Angle” has been cut roughly in half. In fact, commercial breaks on Thursday’s episode added up to just under 10 minutes total. By contrast, data from the tracking firm Kantar showed that “The Ingraham Angle” averaged 14 and a half minutes of ads prior to the boycott campaign.
But there was a bright spot for Ingraham on Thursday night: Among the episode’s 12 national advertisers was Ace Hardware, which reversed its previous decision to stop sponsoring the show.

On Friday, German chemical company BASF pulled ads from “The Ingraham Angle,” saying in a tweet that “our advertising selection is based on channels rather than individual shows. However, we have adjusted this schedule so it will not include Ms. Ingraham’s show.”

Sep 22, 2007
Laura Ingraham, Alex Jones and Other Right-Wing Media Allies Turn on Trump Over Syria Strikes

dup thread
Sep 21, 2004
[ Eat shit DuuuuuuuuFelch ]

[h=1]Report: Hogg Advertiser Boycott Campaign Backfires as ‘The Ingraham Angle’ Viewership Jumps 20%[/h]

The Associated Press

by BEN KEW16 Apr 20181,774
[h=2]A campaign led by anti-gun activist David Hogg aimed at the advertisers of Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show The Ingraham Angle appears to have backfired, as her ratings have reportedly risen by over 20 percent.[/h]“Since Ingraham returned from vacation on April 9, total viewership of her program has averaged about 2.7 million (Monday through Thursday; Friday’s numbers are not available),” Newsbusters reported.
“Compare that to the ratings from March 26 through March 29, the Monday through Thursday just prior to the boycott: That week, Ingraham’s total viewership averaged 2.23 million,” it continued. “The increase in her ratings since the boycott began is more than 20 percent.”
The rise in ratings follows a campaign led by student activist David Hogg, who began targeting Ingraham’s advertisers after she made derogatory comments about Hogg’s failure to get into certain colleges – an action for which she later apologized.

However, Hogg pressed on with the campaign, urging companies to boycott The Ingraham Angle, denouncing the apology as an “effort just to save your advertisers.”
Around 27 companies including Office Depot, Jenny Craig, Hulu, TripAdvisor, Expedia, Wayfair, StitchFix, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Atlantis Paradise Island, and Liberty Mutual agreed to pull advertising, although other companies have refused.
Despite the campaign, Fox News have expressed their support for Ingraham, warning that they “will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts.”
Advertisers that refused to boycott the show, such as pillow company MyPillow, have also seen “strong” sales in recent weeks, despite a boycott campaign led by Hogg’s supporters over the company’s refusal to bow to their wishes.

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