Student Moons Graduation Audience, Faces Criminal Charges
POSTED: 10:04 am EDT June 24, 2008
UPDATED: 10:23 pm EDT June 24, 2008
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><!--startindex-->NEW YORK -- A high school graduate was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after dropping his pants while picking up his diploma.<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" style="" id="playerImage_videoplayer_16700326" name="playerImage_videoplayer_16700326" bgcolor="#000000" quality="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" salign="tl" flashvars="clipID=268796&targetDivID=videoplayer_16700326" height="220" width="240">
<script type="text/javascript"> IBSYS.nbcvideo.appendVideo( 16700326, 268796, 220, 240, 22018); </script>The Lower Hudson Journal News reported that 18-year-old David Turano mooned hundreds of family members, faculty and his fellow classmates during the Briarcliff High School graduation ceremony held at Pace University.<table class="storyAd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="storyAdObj"> <!-- Begin Ad tag: square--><script type="text/javascript">{ "iframe": false, "addlSz": "", "element": "ad_N700074.2809", "interstitials": false, "beginDate": "", "endDate": "", "getSect": "", "name": "square", "qString": "", "width": "300", "height": "250", "section": "", "useId": "16694162", "interactive": false, "useSameCategory": false, "topic": "", "swSectionRoot": "", "useZone": "", "type": "DOM" }); </script><script style="display: none;" src=";kw=news+square+16694162;comp=false;ad=true;pgtype=detail;tile=3;sz=300x250;ord=1214402349266?"></script><noscript>
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</td></tr></tbody></table>Turano reportedly walked across stage, accepted his diploma, and then lowered his pants – exposing himself from both the behind and the front.Seconds after the incident, Kaishian took back Turano's diploma and withheld it, The Journal reported.
Video:Watch this idiot lose his diploma...guess he goes back to school for another year.
POSTED: 10:04 am EDT June 24, 2008
UPDATED: 10:23 pm EDT June 24, 2008

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><!--startindex-->NEW YORK -- A high school graduate was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after dropping his pants while picking up his diploma.<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" style="" id="playerImage_videoplayer_16700326" name="playerImage_videoplayer_16700326" bgcolor="#000000" quality="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" salign="tl" flashvars="clipID=268796&targetDivID=videoplayer_16700326" height="220" width="240">
<script type="text/javascript"> IBSYS.nbcvideo.appendVideo( 16700326, 268796, 220, 240, 22018); </script>The Lower Hudson Journal News reported that 18-year-old David Turano mooned hundreds of family members, faculty and his fellow classmates during the Briarcliff High School graduation ceremony held at Pace University.<table class="storyAd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="storyAdObj"> <!-- Begin Ad tag: square--><script type="text/javascript">{ "iframe": false, "addlSz": "", "element": "ad_N700074.2809", "interstitials": false, "beginDate": "", "endDate": "", "getSect": "", "name": "square", "qString": "", "width": "300", "height": "250", "section": "", "useId": "16694162", "interactive": false, "useSameCategory": false, "topic": "", "swSectionRoot": "", "useZone": "", "type": "DOM" }); </script><script style="display: none;" src=";kw=news+square+16694162;comp=false;ad=true;pgtype=detail;tile=3;sz=300x250;ord=1214402349266?"></script><noscript>
</td></tr></tbody></table>Turano reportedly walked across stage, accepted his diploma, and then lowered his pants – exposing himself from both the behind and the front.Seconds after the incident, Kaishian took back Turano's diploma and withheld it, The Journal reported.
Video:Watch this idiot lose his diploma...guess he goes back to school for another year.