<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JackStraw:
Arkansas -4 1/2. Stu has never lost a game of
the Millenium.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
that is 100% CRAP!
hell - this douchebag has game's of the millenium/century/lifetime/all-time/etc. EVERY WEEK and he doesn't win them all.
stu feiner is nothing but a bullshit artist who couldn't hit 50% to save his life (out of, say, 200 picks). he is one of the biggest scamdicappers in the country - along with his brother-in-law kevin duffy. these 2 are to honest handicapping what roseanne is for fitness and beauty. and let's not leabe out jack price, who along with these 2 make up the "Triple Crown of Scamdicappers."
i have busted these 3 several times and will do so again anytime anyone wants me to. i hate these 3 that much - especially feiner. how someone hasn't put a bullet in the side of his head yet is beyond me.
need to know more about feiner/duffy/price: