He is correct so, therefore you are questioning everyone that does not have posted. Correct??If I a not mistaken, it is StevieRay whom is constantly asking those who post baseball records to include their +/-
Seriously, what good does it do anyone to know your baseball record without units won/lost.
That is exactly what I am asking you. Are you asking everyone that does not have that posted?
No problem with me except you are not asking all posters that do not post units. My point in the other thread was that if you were going to question one then question all who don't post unitsVic...really not sure where I am losing you on this one...this is some type of weird issue for you because when I posted a few days back asking a poster (don't even recall whom it was) to post their units won/lost you questioned me hard as to why I don't ask everyone and post in every thread especially GB2. Not sure what you are trying to uncover here but YES....I am asking ALL posters to please include their units +/- when they post baseball records. Is this a problem for you?
Do whatever you wish. I am not saying to do one thing or another. I am saying that (in my opinion) if you are going to question one then question all. That's all.
I was always under the impression we were free to post up our own post in a manner and with content in which the POSTER sees fit, not the readers. If a reader doesn't like that they are free to start their own post keeping peoples records. I just go past a worthless post, not complain or demand the poster change their style...:think2:
The subject is a dog chasing its own tail. If you look back at old post/threads, you'll see this discussed many times over. Basically take the good cappers picks and apply YOUR own unit system to them and how you apply your own units to those picks. Not many are going to be consistently truthful nor do the math to keep up in the long run over the course of a season, possibly football.Im no Mod, Im not the owner, heck Im not even a Clinton, so I am not demanding anything. I'm making a request for the betterment of the forum.