although located in the dominican republic sterling is run from las vegas by the infamous earl (the pearl) lappo. he calls him self eric and handles any bettor playing nickels or more from las vegas through cell phone numbers forwared .His son david lappo who calls himself dan lewis works the small players(phone/internet) from the D.R. this place was set up not to pay by two outright stiffs.i am owed 41k and they simply wont talk wont pay also prominent DB book owner tells me he got stung 70k by earl the pearl after paying 140k .some one in lv could locate earl he slips in little bits of truth between the lies. if people would have sent these thieves $ in alladins gold pharce bailout it would have been ugly Bottom line you people and myself fell for eddie hadded but smelled the lappo family 3000 miles away .my best attempts are being made to put this place out of its missery(trouble with payroll 4 employees 3$ per hour) any phone numbers for small bettors or any numbers for that matter.