Yes you are correct you are nowhere near as sharp as I am.
No question about that, see at least you are coming along.
Now let me teach you something else since obviously
you don't know how to do it. On the net you will find
a serach engine, one of many, this one is called Google.
Now take a phrase from one of the paragraphs that I
pasted for you. (are you still with me) and key it into
google. This will take you to the exact location of that
phrase. (isn't that amazing, you can't believe what
scientists are doing today) when you arrive, with a
little bit of research and effort you will be able to find the
names of the scientists involved. I think that will answer
your question. However, if you have problems with this,
and I can anticipate that you will, please feel free to
get back to me or anybody else that is a little bit sharper
than you.
Again, you accuse me of cliches but come up with none.
A few weeks ago I was accused of being "unamerican."
that individual when asked to produce an unamerican
comment could not. A week or so later someone accused
me of being "ultra liberal," I am quite sure he didn't even
know what it meant. Probably heard it on your favorite news
show, Fox the no spin zone. When asked to come up with
some kind of evidence. Alas, he had none. Tonight, you
blame me for being trite and spewing platitudes. When asked
for some evidence--again there is none. Seems to be a pattern
with guys like you. Very easy to level charges but not able
to back them up. This makes you "not credible," or as some
other people might say simply "stupid." I can't understand
why someone would make charges without evidence. But
people like you have no problem with it. You really should
try to make sure of your facts. You didn't really think that
with your limited intelligence and obvious lack of education
that you would be able to best me in a logical disucssion.
But earlier in your last post you admitted that, sorry I forgot.
Now I suggest to you that you find somebody in your league
and play with them for awhile. Because presently you are
on a terrible losing streak.