Stay Away From Cell Phones - The Unkown Conspiracy


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone


By Sue Mueller

Many organizations including the cell phone industry often downplay the risk of cell phone radiation to the brain. Results from short-term studies were used to convince consumers that use of a cell phone is not associated with brain tumors or cancer, which only develop decades after exposure.

To be fair, no one knows exactly how much harm a cell phone can do to a person. Howe

Recently, new media has reported a study showing the radiation from cell phones is so full of energy they can be used to cook eggs.

In the experiment, researchers placed one egg in a porcelain cup (because it is easy to conduct heat), and put one cell phone on one side and another cell phone on the other. The researchers then called from one cell phone to another and kept the cell phones on after connecting.

During the first 15 minutes, nothing changed. After 25 minutes, however, the egg shell started to become hot and at 40 minutes, the surface of the egg became hard and bristled. Researchers found the protein in the egg had become solid although the egg yolk was still in liquid form. After 65 minutes, the whole egg was well cooked.

The study shows how scary cell phone radiation is. People should try to avoid use of cell phones. Although so far no one has proved the radiation from cell phones can cause something clinically significant. By the same token, there has been no one who can disprove the existence of such a risk.

Children should be forbidden from cell phone use because they still grow their brains and are particularly vulnerable to radiation.


How Two Russian Journalists Cooked An Egg With Their Mobile Phones


Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.

The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.


After 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.

25 minutes: The egg became very warm.

40 minutes: The egg became very hot.

65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Filed In:

  1. Urban Legends
<!--gc-->How to Cook an Egg with Your Cell Phone

Netlore Archive: Forwarded messages offer scientific proof that you can cook an egg by placing it between two cell phones and placing a call

Description: Email flier
Circulating since: May 2006
Status: False

Email example contributed by Nicole T., 7 July 2006:
<TABLE cellPadding=0 width="85%" bgColor=#bbbbbb><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellPadding=15 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff><TBODY><TR><TD>How Two Russian Journalists Cooked an Egg with their Mobile Phones

Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.
The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.

After, 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.
25 minutes: The egg became very warm.
40 minutes: The egg became very hot.
65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)

(Photos credited to Anatoly Zhdanov, Komsomolskaya Pravda)

Comments: The "news" that radio frequency emissions from a pair of cell phones can be harnessed for cooking caused quite a stir in the blogosphere when it broke last February. Skeptics insisted it was impossible -- that the slight wattage emitted by mobile phones isn't strong or consistent enough to heat an object to cooking temperature. Some tried to replicate the experiment, without success. Others investigated the original source of the information, the Wymsey Village Web, and questioned its authenticity. Mightn't the name "Wymsey" be a clue?

Sure enough, the site's Webmaster, one Charles Ivermee of Southampton, U.K., stepped forward to acknowledge authorship of the article and confirm that its content was purely satirical, not factual. "It was 6 years ago," Ivermee told Gelf Magazine, "but I seem to recall that there was a lot of concern about people's brains getting fried and being from a radio/electronics background I found it all rather silly. So I thought I'd add to the silliness." He expressed bewilderment at how seriously people seemed to be taking it. One British exam study site, he said, had republished the information without even attempting to verify it.

Dial and error
New York Times food writer Paul Adams, who specializes in testing unconventional cooking methods (he's your man if you want to learn how to poach a salmon in the dishwasher), tried Ivermee's tongue-in-cheek recipe in March 2006. "I stood an egg in an egg cup between two short stacks of books," he wrote. "With my new Treo 650 I called my old Samsung cellphone, answering it when it rang. I laid the two phones on the books so their antennas pointed at the egg."

It didn't work. After 90 minutes the egg was still cold. "Clearly, people are eager to have their technophobias confirmed," Adams observed, "but a cellphone's power output is half a watt at most, less than a thousandth of what a typical microwave oven emits."

At about the same time, reportedly, the hosts of the U.K. TV show "Brainiac: Science Abuse" attempted a more dramatic version of the experiment, arraying 100 cell phones around a single egg and dialing them up all at once. The result? At the end of the "cooking" process, the egg wasn't even warm.

The yolk's on us
Contrary to all common sense, two journalists from the Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda claimed they successfully cooked an egg with two cell phones in April 2006. Citing "a popular British Internet forum for students" as the inspiration for their project, Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko followed Ivermee's instructions to the letter, situating a raw egg between two cell phones, switching on a portable radio to emulate conversation, and dialing one phone from the other to establish a connection.

After three minutes -- the amount of time Ivermee claimed it took to thoroughly cook an egg -- theirs was still cold, the Russians reported. At the 15-minute mark, the same. But 10 minutes later, they remarked, the egg had gotten noticably warmer. When the experiment came to an abrupt end at the 65-minute mark because one of the cell phones ran out of power, Lagovski and Moiseynko said they cracked open the egg and found it was cooked to the equivalent of a soft boil.
"Therefore," they concluded, "carrying two cell phones in the pockets of your pants is not recommended."

I don't know about that, but based on the preponderance of evidence I do recommend taking most of what they say with a giant grain of salt.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
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New member
Feb 8, 2007
Yet ANOTHER embarassing thread courtesy the L-dogg.
I know you're busy drinking your urine but could you respond to what DEAC posted?

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Yet ANOTHER embarassing thread courtesy the L-dogg.
I know you're busy drinking your urine but could you respond to what DEAC posted?

Beep beep, ba beep beep beep

Enough with the profane blasts towards other members.

If you're foolish enough to post a hoax story that could be easily dunked with a simple Snopes check, you're subject to derision

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Aug 6, 2006
Lauren just wash your cell phone with urine and it will shield you from all the adverse effects and leave you sunny side up!

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Cell Phone Dangers - What They Don't Want You To See..

<object height="344" width="425">

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Here Dr. Charlie Tia, a preeminent Australian neurosurgeon discusses what he believes is a contributing factor to this exponential increase in brain tumors among children: excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from mobile phones and other electrical and electronic equipment and appliances.


The Political Ramifications of This Of Course Are too numerous to mention....Why Has This Video Been Removed Several Times despite numerous requests to have it put back on? Where is Congress In All Of This?


Summary of American Legal Actions Regarding Mobile Phones and Health Effects

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Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
MERGED the hoax news story thread with the Oh My God, Congress Is Censoring YouTube Videos! thread.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
For Those Amongst You Whom Take Authority For Truth Instead of Taking Truth For Authority...Larry Zeiger aka Larry King had a little something to say about the subject.....Enjoy

Cell Phone Radiation Linked to Cancer - Part 1

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Cell Phone Radiation Linked to Cancer - Part 2

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
Egg story looks like a hoax, but they have been linked to cancer and infertility

New member
Feb 8, 2007
Loren, these clips have nothing to do with boiling an egg with cell phones.

I know it sucks to be really wrong about a whole slew of things but at least be a man and own up to being wrong about this egg nonsense.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Loren I know you partake in Urine Therapy

but do you also spend time in an Orgone Chamber

im curious pal

also who are you tonight NCAA B


Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
Our kids will have on hell of a class action lawsuit.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Keep in mind folks..that the naysayers will be the 1st to suffer from brain damage in the coming years...Dump The Phones and don't let your children anywhere near them!!!!!!

DAVID WOLFE on Cell Phone Cell Tower Radiation Protection

15 October 2008

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Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Living Near Power Lines Linked to Alzheimer's Disease: New Research (Cell Phones!!!)

Living Near Power Lines Linked to Alzheimer's Disease: New Research

Tuesday, April 07, 2009 by: David Gutierrez

Living near power lines may significantly increase a person's risk of death from Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Bern, Switzerland, and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The study is the first to definitively link exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields to elevated mortality from dementia.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, which is characterized by progressive cognitive decline.

Researchers examined residential census data for more than 95 percent of Switzerland's population for the years 1990 and 2000, and compared this information with mortality figures for 4.7 million people over the age of 29 between 2000 and 2005. They found that people who lived within 50 meters (160 feet) of a long-distance power transmission line were 1.24 times more likely to die of Alzheimer's disease than those who lived 600 meters (2,000 feet) or more away.

Those who had lived near the power line for five years or more had 1.51 times the risk of those living farther away. This risk was increased 1.71 times for those who had lived close to a power line for 10 years, and two times for those who had lived within 50 meters for 15 years or more.

The figures for senile dementia were similar to those for Alzheimer's disease.

Long-distance power lines transmit power at 220-380 kilovolts. They do not give off radiation at the same frequency as other power lines, which transmit smaller amounts of electricity shorter distances.

The researchers noted that the extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields created by long-distance power lines are also created by many household electrical appliances and even the wiring within buildings. The World Health Organization has classified these fields as possible carcinogens.

Due to the fact that household appliances are probably more significant sources of ELF field exposure than power lines, the researchers recommend precautionary measures such as not sleeping too close to active electric appliances, such as clock radios or electric blankets, for long periods of time.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
MERGED Lauren's latest CellPhoneKook thread with the last one he created a while back

Would have caught it sooner, but had to take a few calls for work that came in on my......ObviousPunchLine

Oh, and I swear I'm not making this up.....Our townhome community located about fifty yards from a major line of those giant ass electrical towers that split Pinellas County going north/south.

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