what he did is not all that horrible. I assume he is not a sharp guy with an edge.
For any negative expectation wager the best thing you can do is bet your entire bankroll on the event, and quit either way for good. He bet 1/3 on each so that is not too horrible.
Many things to think about here. Bad MM, Thought he had an edge in all 3, just lost a dime really, but its still an issue that arises alot among gamblers like ACE hinted. Good thread to think on for newbies.
stormie he is using monopoly money.........:nono5:
i deposited a dime with a book last month have it up to 6,500 30 day rollover so i have to wait. what did i do..
put about 4,500 on the superbowl gameline totals (for a possible middle..) fuc* them if they think i am going to give it all back.. because of that 30 day holding period..
That might sound funny coming from me. But he built the grand to 8 K, and I know he wasn't following any sort of moneymanagement system to do that, that I know of.
So he was living by the sword and he eventually died by the sword.
It just goes back to what I asked a couple days ago. Wht if he goes 3-0 instead of 0-3. Then we would probably be reading "A guy runs a grand up to 16000 and loses it all in one night". Sooner or later you are going to go broke. Because it is obvious to me that NO amount of winnings was going to be enough for whomever this was.
When you bet like that the results are almost always going to be the same. The only thing that changes is the intensity of the explosion.
In the end he still only lost a grand, or at least can rationalize it that way.