These forums dont kill sportsbooks.
They bring a different type of action, and lots of it.
Forums bring more serious and therefore more sophisticated types of bettors.
It allows new books to start up, and when books achieve a player from a forum, they also must be ready for that player to leave because forums advocate trying new outs with new offerings. You cannot expect to hold onto a forum player unless you are offering a good product.
Forums have helped many books grow, and have helped the industry grow. They are a good thing.
The problem is, new and naive books who listen to each and every bonus whore and scalper, and make changes to appease these players who will get up and leave as soon as the competition offeres something better, is what causes those books to go under.
Find me one big offshore who's principals spend time in the forums, and Ill find you 10 times as many busted books who spent all day focusing on the forums and changed their offereings to fit forum players' wants and needs.
A forum is what it is, a place for bettors to share ideas and experiences. Its not a place to build a biz plan.