this isn't insane to any of you? due to the fact that you can't buy shares OF A PERSON, this site is clearly for entertainment purposes. on the rare happenstance that they actually pay you the money that you "make" by the same random string of luck, if they up and decide to shut down the site and your money is magically gone, that's it, it's just gone. unless of course you report them to the sec (no, not the southeastern conference you moron... actually yes, when you get burned on this, call auburn or lsu or something, it'll work and you'll get your money back, i promise)
if it's true that there's a sucker born every minute, this site is hording the fuck out of them... dizz, i'll take a look at your analysis, maybe find something i might have missed, etc so i normally wouldn't wish you or anyone for that matter ill, but i seriously hope everyone that "invests" real money with this place gets absolutely destroyed and the creators of this site get filthy fucking rich and laugh their asses off doing it. good luck retards.