Really, I should not be doing this, but oh well.
We limited your internet access, asked you to not exceed $ you bet $50 20 seperate times. Seems to me...manipulating a glitch in a software would be taking advantage of the book...or attempting to defraud them....or STEALING...which is EXACTLY what you did. I paid you as that is what the posters and moderators here thought was fair. I hated it, as I knew you would never admit you were in the wrong, rather I knew you would non-stop bash me for catching you stealing. I guess I should say thanks for proving me right.
Oh, and Slash, Mvbski is THE FARTHEST thing from a bonus whore. He is just a good client who knows good service when he sees it. When he notices a bad line, he would report it rather than bet it...if he sees a mistake or a glitch, he points it out rather than take advantage of it. You are on the opposite end of the spectrum, doing whatever it takes to whomever as long as you make a buck. It only cost my book $1900 to find that you are not a client to be trusted, but Karma will get you back... of that you can be sure.