16-16 (+.47 Units)
Pheonix + X + 110 (loss)-1.0 (Ot victory against the 'flightless birds' not enough to show me St Louis is out of their slump...throw in the 1/2 goal aswelll as the + juice & I beleive we have ourselves a solid wager)
San Jose + X + 115 (Win +1.15) (Flyers have lost their two leaders, roenick & Primeau, SJ has a winning record on the road)
SJ/PHA Under 4.5 + 116 (Loss -1.0)(See Vegas Vics thread)
Edm + X + 200 (Loss -1.0) (great odds)
[This message was edited by SportSavant on February 16, 2004 at 10:29 PM.]
Pheonix + X + 110 (loss)-1.0 (Ot victory against the 'flightless birds' not enough to show me St Louis is out of their slump...throw in the 1/2 goal aswelll as the + juice & I beleive we have ourselves a solid wager)
San Jose + X + 115 (Win +1.15) (Flyers have lost their two leaders, roenick & Primeau, SJ has a winning record on the road)
SJ/PHA Under 4.5 + 116 (Loss -1.0)(See Vegas Vics thread)
Edm + X + 200 (Loss -1.0) (great odds)
[This message was edited by SportSavant on February 16, 2004 at 10:29 PM.]