You know whats funny is I spoke to Spiro about 2 weeks ago and Spiro brought up a converstion he had with Russ about Rio , Spiro said he told Russ that Olyimpic does big transfers with Rio and he doesn`t have any problems doing business with Rio . Now my question is this , you would think that after a VERY respected leader in this industry tells you that a book is ok to play with that should be good enough .Here`s an idea Russ , maybe if you weren`t spending so much time spreading bullshit lies about Rio you would have seen the Blue Marlin thing coming , just a thought . I am no longer working for Rio , but we still do alot of business together . So far the ONLY " facts " Russ has brought forth about Rio going under is him , think about it , he has been on Rio`s ass for 2 years now , 2 YEARS now . In 2 years NO player or agent has come forward and said he`s not gotten paid , NO ONE . Yet Russ STILL says Rio`s going under . Come on , this is becoming a JOKE . Rio is solid . But don`t take my word or even Kenny`s or Russ`s for that matter , ask the Leaders of the industry . You can call Olympic , Grande , Del Mar , Pinnacle , Jazz , Cascade , Catalina , Buckeye , Hollywood , Cris . These people ALL respected books , i`m sure some people think some of this books are more respected then others , but the point is YOU as an individual can call these places and ask for YOURSELF . STOP listening to Russ and even Kenny . Do your own homework , it is your money .I`m writing this because what Russ is doing is WRONG , dead wrong . Rio isn`t going anywhere , they are solid . I`m sure Russ will post something about me or Kenny or some other bullshit but here is my question to you Russ , I will bet you $20,000 U.S. dollars that in 1 year from today Rio is still in business with no LEGITIMATE stiffs . So why don`t you put your money where your big fat piece of shit mouth is ? This is MY money NOT Rio`s , to make it fair Spiro or Henry can hold the money , now if thats to much money you can just tell whats comfortable for you . Can`t wait for a response on this ... if there is one .