....."Just because he's got a library card, doesn't make him fvkking Yoda..."TommyMullins said:Ashcroft Was A Good Choice. He Is A Very Decent Man. Compassionate And Values Human Life.
TommyMullins said:Invading Iraq Was Necessary. Hussein Was A Threat To His Neighbors And To The Usa.
cussin'it said:.....uh Alex I said "dumb and easy" for $500 not $50!!!.......
Christ man have you not got it yet? Are you so preoccupied by "my gun is bigger than yours"??
This mutt is an enemy of middle-class hard working people! He/they are threatening our liberties and are addicted to power. They are selling our economic future down the road. He is an elitist, and serves his masters well, at the expense of all of us.
And Ass-croft, don't even get me started there...one word, fanatic.
stacilu said:Tommy there are many leaders that are a threat to their
neighbors and us. Should we invade all these countries?
Iran, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, N Korea and some
others. Tommy we don't have enough troops. Is
that simple enough for you to understand? Forget about
all the intellectual reasons for it being a bad idea.
Keep in mind Kerry voted for it as well. Obviously the intelligence was off on the weapons or we probably wouldn't have gone it so abruptly. This answer certainly was not an unavoidable item as after 9/11 Bush owes it to us not to take any chances with dangerous people obviously one of which was Saddam.stacilu said:Ok Royal
So obvious but I will be one of the millions to answer this
question. How about the invasion of Iraq to stop
terrorism. No terrorism against the US ever came
from Iraq before the invasion. Afghanistan ok, probably
necessary. We are fighting ben Landen and al Quaeda,
Iraq was contained. Now, we find terrorism flourishing
in a country that never had any. Just one answer to
your question Royal, there are dozens.
Intelligence wrongly indicated that there were weapons. Kerry voted for it also.stacilu said:Tommy there are many leaders that are a threat to their
neighbors and us. Should we invade all these countries?
Iran, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, N Korea and some
others. Tommy we don't have enough troops. Is
that simple enough for you to understand? Forget about
all the intellectual reasons for it being a bad idea.