"Special Live" Selections! .. Sun .. 6-10-07


New member
May 6, 2006
This thread can be a great learning tool for anyone who likes to chase..

no disrespect to U.S.

we have all been their at one point or another.

their will always be another race to wager on ........fwiw

I can tell you first hand, this thread made me remember to put my post it notes back on the monitors as reminders to stop when dropped "x" amount for the day/night. I don't have problems with folks who chase but know it can and does at times get on the pricey side - this is why sometimes you have to work backwards (max amount on last wager, reducing until first wager). Hopefully he hit his $2,016 super or he's going to be down $11,396 for the day/night.

New member
May 6, 2006
in my opinion he is betting with monopoly money. I can almost guarantee that he did not bet as much as he claims in his posts. Therefore his posts are misleading.

I do believe that was the last race of the night. Does anyone have what the final tally of the fake money lost was?

I have him dropping $11,396 tonight.

There are issues in either situation about the wagers (fake/real).

Anyone who has been around the block, knows people can have bad (in this case very bad) day/night. It's tough to lose that much jack - I don't care how large the roll was, it will sting.

New member
May 6, 2006
What the PHUK happened there? Geez! Pulled Up of all things!

There you Wrongside You got your wish! Are you happy now!

I know I am! Be sure to spread the word for all for me!

I seriously doubt he's happy you lost over $11,000 today. Might be a good idea to take a break for a while to clear your head/mind.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Today will be a special thread dedicated to Chalk plays Only!

I personaly will be wagering $400 to WIN ONLY per play!

I expect to see around 20 -30 plays for the day.

I will Win around 70% of my plays!

I have been tracking this play for the Last couple of weeks.

I have charted 151 plays that fit the criteria for my selection!

I was going to leave this alone but I just couldnt let this insane post go unanswered. I have been playing horses for a long time and it seems like some of the guys here trying to talk some sense into you have been too.

Anyway, I did keep track of the chalkfest portion of the bets. Not surprisingly, no where near 70% as predicted. So all of this charting and criteria other bullshit sound like just that - bullshit.

Through post 166 where the $400 win bets stopped, I counted 36 bets with 13 winners, which is 36%. No one cares how many of the 23 LOSERS ran 4th or better, they did not win, so the bet is lost.

The cost of those losers was -$4,320 assuming you were really making $400 bets. The average win price was $3.88 so you would have needed to win 19 of the 36 bets, just over 50% to show a tiny profit.

I really dont understand what the point of posting all of this is though - it is not helping anyone. There is no way people are sitting around refreshing their browser to see if you will play something with 1 minute to post time. Horse racing is a great sport, it is a good place to make money, there is a ton to learn, lots of statistics, jockeys, trainers, all of these things that could be discussed at this forum but you think you can blindly stare at pools or something and win? You wouldn't know if you were betting a 3 legged mule with a blind jockey in a hail storm and you don't care. It would be funny if it wasnt so pathetic.

Anyway, I don't want to discourage you, you sound like you have all the answers even though your imaginary bets here say otherwise. I hope you keep pumping your money into pools at some of the tracks that I am betting, it will just make my prices all the better.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
he is down over 20g's from 5-7-07

please take some time off and figure out a better way of playing the ponies.

No this does not please me to see somebody lose like this. If this is real money I am clueless how you can come back from this.

New member
May 6, 2006
he is down over 20g's from 5-7-07

please take some time off and figure out a better way of playing the ponies.

No this does not please me to see somebody lose like this. If this is real money I am clueless how you can come back from this.


Recouping the cash can be done, but it would take money-management run to perfection and to only be on a couple (three max) tracks in which you (the person) knows inside & out, front to back and side to side. Not saying it's an easy road (it's not) but if one chips a little away daily, it could happen. Again, I appreciate you not ripping a new one during the last few evening selections.

New member
Sep 9, 2005

Recouping the cash can be done, but it would take money-management run to perfection and to only be on a couple (three max) tracks in which you (the person) knows inside & out, front to back and side to side. Not saying it's an easy road (it's not) but if one chips a little away daily, it could happen. Again, I appreciate you not ripping a new one during the last few evening selections.

Have you seen anything from US to think that he can manage his money. Maybe some people but I just don't see it from him. He chased with 500-600 exactas. That is not what I would call money management.

Many people that stayed out of his threads came in here today to say how foolish this was yet no not US he is special he can do it. Well we all saw how he "did" it.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
please take some time off and figure out a better way of playing the ponies.

No this does not please me to see somebody lose like this.

agree, and it might help to lose the attitude and bravado shown at the beginning of this thread. There is always something new you can learn in horse racing, if you think you know it all, you will lose it all.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
I know this may come as a shock to most, However I am going to show my versitility and show how to make good money moves whenever you need it.
I have posted how much I am wagering per play only because It would not make any sense or make much profits wagering small amounts. This is a short priced but high consistancy play. This is why you need to wager a larger amount to make it a rewarding profit maker!

I am ready to take this study and put my numbers to work here today!

Let's reap the profits we came to take!

Best of Luck to everyone today no matter how you get it! :thumbsup: :toast:

you mean this post

New member
Sep 9, 2005
I am locked and Loaded & ready to roll!

I will be posting my Updates with the wagers I am persoanlly making today!

So that will be $400.00 per play I post!
(You may wager what you feels is comfortable for you if you wish to or not ..)

I will post the actual payoff then multiply it by 200 times & show the Profit!

This is for those who feel you can't make Profits playing Chalks, Today is the day to see it done!

Let's do this! ... :thumbsup:

or this post also.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
No Problemo Mazel ... Let's just wait till the end of the day! You all are counting me out over 1 race!

Now that's the most rediculous thing I have ever heard in my 30 + years of racing!

yeah these post are pretty bad.

Pac see this is where he turns people the wrong way. No reason at all for all these I am better than all kinda of post.

New member
May 6, 2006
Have you seen anything from US to think that he can manage his money. Maybe some people but I just don't see it from him. He chased with 500-600 exactas. That is not what I would call money management.

Many people that stayed out of his threads came in here today to say how foolish this was yet no not US he is special he can do it. Well we all saw how he "did" it.

Sad to say, no haven't seen the ability to manage the money (shall one say) wiser. What I was saying, it can be accomplished but takes time - taking a little back daily. Set limits, not only on losing but winning as well. The latter may seem strange to some but here's why. If you go to the track/otb/on-line thinking you have every race to wager upon, you will get burnt in the long run. If you will play but a half dozen and have others `capped you might be ok but if you go and hit your first few races, take the money and LEAVE while it's still with you. The "magic" number I use when not cashing is 3 races in a row - if I miss them all, that track is done for the day; even if it's races 1 thru 3, I'm done there. On the other end of the scale, I set it at $10,000 but will put half elsewhere - if on-line will send it to the bank following the race, if in person will put it in a locker or ask management to hold it for me for a couple hours and when leaving for the day/night will ask for a security guard to cart me to my vehicle. I have never been turned down for either request and generally give the manager and driver $20-$50 depending upon how they treat myself.

$500 and $600 exacta's are very costly and even if he hit a few of them, his exotic tally would still have been in the red. To me, it would have been better to play triples for a lower amount using a key or key (w/p). Again, everyone wagers how they feel is best for them.

Looking forward to seeing some harness listings from you this coming week.

New member
May 6, 2006
yeah these post are pretty bad.

Pac see this is where he turns people the wrong way. No reason at all for all these I am better than all kinda of post.


To be fair, and you should realize it's what I try to do, people did jump on him when the first few did not cash. Perhaps at that point he began to feel the pressure that he built up of "having to win/be perfect".

I have a granddaughter who thinks that if she doesn't get all A's her parents won't love her because she's not perfect. As a parent/soon to be one/or know someone who is one you know this is not the case but in the child's mind it's true. Maybe US feels the same way, I don't know but will agree with you he's been a bit more feisty the last few days/nights when things have not gone as planned (and then he gets an ear full from folks - not saying right or wrong).

Everyone can learn from everyone about this sport. I too have been involved in this sport for a number of decades but was shown something new (might have forgotten about it) last week from a person who had only been working with horses for a month.

This thread can serve as a good reminder on many a topics when wagering. Hopefully, the "newbies" will read it all and learn from the mistakes made (it also can apply to those who've been around a while).

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Well I do feel bad for him. But damn he brings a lot of shit on himself. I have visited other horse racing forums and he acted the same way there. As far as I can tell he lost his ass the same way at those other sites as he has done here. Someone elso found the other sites he was at. I can't take credit for that. But I did go through some threads and he was a documented loser at those sites also.

I am just just sure that he is a capable of winning anything on a consistant bases. Infact I am sure that this tote sytem is a for sure loser. Did you see I copied and post from another site that he himself posted. He states that he doesn't even know what type of race it is. He doesn't know the distance, surface, jockey, trainer, equipment on or off or how long the horse has been off.

Now this is just a stupid way of doing things. But hey that's just me.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Well I do feel bad for him. But damn he brings a lot of shit on himself. I have visited other horse racing forums and he acted the same way there. As far as I can tell he lost his ass the same way at those other sites as he has done here. Someone elso found the other sites he was at. I can't take credit for that. But I did go through some threads and he was a documented loser at those sites also.

he has posted at trackchampion fwiw

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
he has posted at trackchampion fwiw

So What! I know guys who post at 3 sites each day simultaneously!

Do you or anyone else see a problem with that?

I at times like a change of scenery and people!

This stuff just kills me ... It's like you think I am the only one doing this or something.

Since you guys are such great detectives I would like you to find someone for me can you do that too?

New member
Oct 20, 2002
why should you let this stuff bother you.

only thing that should bother you is your skills at money management

which needs im:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:provement..

New member
Sep 20, 2004
stretch runner- you are assuming the conclusion first- that someone can actually make a profit every day. that, of course, is extremely difficult. so, let's make sure we understand just how difficult the premise in your argument- if people could grind out profits day in and day out betting exclusively favorites, you'd have smart people quitting their day jobs all over the world. i'm not sure how much one has to bet to grind 200-300 per day i profits (it is a lot more impressive if you're a $2 bettor instead of a $10k bettor), but if you're betting significant amounts of money to make 200-300 then you are quite vulnerable to a bad streak that would bankrupt even the heartiest bankroll.

to say you don't care about ROI in this context belies an astounding ignorance. i would gladly book this type action all day long.....

if US (or anyone around for that matter) can do this, i'm the holy roman emperor.

well, fortunately for me, i can keep my priestly vestments in the attic for another day. i must say this exercise in futility was amusing to watch in hindsight, even though we all knew how this tragedy would end.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
taking a 4/5 firster breaking from the rail- genius. hey, US, i wish you luck, but this "special favorite" menu you're serving today is about the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in over 20 years of handicapping horses. bon chance.

there are some great quotes in this thread........

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