I don't necessarily agree with this...But I thought I would throw it out as a little food for fodder. This way we can continue the argument that Conan and Ferris Bueller seem to have every year.
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<!-- BEGIN calling tombstones widget-->Sorry, SEC, you're not the best
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Veteran columnist Randy Hill is a frequent contributor to FOXSports.com.
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<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> //document.getElementById('number_of_comments').innerHTML = commentCount+" Comments"; </SCRIPT><!-- // Story Content // --><SCRIPT> if(fanid.length > 0 && typeof(nflDefaultLeague)!= "undefined") { leagueId = nflDefaultLeague; //find teamId of default league (if exists) for(var i=0; i < teamsInfo.length; i++){ if(teamsInfo[4] == leagueId){ defaultTeamId = teamsInfo[0]; ** ** var fantasyLeaguePlayerJsPath = 'http://msn.foxsports.com' + '/nugget/200002_' + leagueId + '|||' + fanid; ** </SCRIPT>The SEC will not finish the 2008 regular season as the strongest conference in college football.
Thank you very much, you've been a great audience and don't forget to tip the waitress.
By the way, that first sentence will not be explained away as a series of typographical errors. It could serve as a colossal error in judgment, but I'm sticking to it ... like a wayward skydiver on a saguaro cactus.
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This highly unusual declaration has occurred because the crew at FOXSports.com offered me the opportunity to rank the six BCS conferences. At first twitch, I decided this could be my chance to make a compelling case for why the Pac-10 is much more than mighty USC and a roll call of flag football-caliber superstars.
Despite being a 25-year follower of the Pac-10 and dedicated admirer of USC's talent, passion and success in big games, it took little time to decide that this league was in no position to consider itself on par with the SEC for '08.
But, for this season only, there is a league that qualifies for a slight top-to-bottom edge over the league of Tim Tebow and Matthew Stafford. Continue reading while I ice down my frontal lobe.
1. Big 12
It should be noted that I usually do my best to seriously dislike the Big 12.
What's not to dislike? Choke-lahoma and that raving, 41-year-old "man" who coaches at Oklahoma State aren't easy to rally behind.
The 'Horns haven't been off the hook since Vince Young left for the NFL. In recent seasons, the Nebraska Blackshirts defense seemed incapable of preventing a sportswriter from scoring at the Playboy mansion.
Kansas used to have more NFL prospects on its basketball team and Missouri hadn't shown us much in years.
But things certainly turned around last season, with the final national poll listing four Big 12 teams in the top 10. All four should be capable of rolling again, although the deep thinkers still need another year of convincing from Kansas.
According to preseason rankings conducted by our pals at CollegeFootballNews.com, seven Big 12 teams are listed in the top 35; the SEC has seven in the top 37. While this is subjective and quantifies nothing, it does suggest quality depth in a conference that, at least, should be a runaway as the most entertaining to watch.
While bowing to the SEC's rank as the nation's foremost league over the last 10 years, the Big 12's edge for 2008 is attached to the return of 10 starting quarterbacks.
Calling roll, we find that Chase Daniel (Missouri), Sam Bradford (Oklahoma), Todd Reesing (Kansas), Colt McCoy (Texas) and Graham Harrell (Texas Tech) are among the top pitch men in the nation.
Harrell, receiving dynamo Michael Crabtree and a veteran offensive line could make the Red Raiders this year's sleeper squad if the defense can make a few stops.
Colorado, with QB Cody Hawkins and the nation's top running back recruit (Darrell Scott) in tow, is far from an intramural program, while Bo Pelini seems poised to put some pop back in the Cornhuskers.
Mike Sherman should be an upgrade at Texas A&M and Mike Gundy's 2007 rant deflected attention away from what has become a solid Cowboy program.
2. SEC
The most frantically supported league in the country went 7-2 during the last bowl season, including LSU's clouting of Ohio State in the BCS title game.
SEC backers are more than willing to point out that three teams smell like legitimate title contenders this season. <STYLE>.moreTeamsDiv { position:relative; float:right; padding-right:10px;**.moreTeamsHdr { background-image:url(/fe/img/Story/moreTeamsOn_header.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:top; height:35px; color:#000000; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding-top:4px; padding-left:4px; font-weight:bold;**.moreTeamsLinks a:link, .moreTeamsLinks a:visited { color:#1266a4; text-decoration:none; padding-top:4px; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-bottom:4px;**.moreTeamsLinks a:hover { text-decoration:underline;**.moreTeamLinks { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:none;**.storyPoll { padding-bottom: 5px; float:right;**</STYLE>
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While allowing the league's defensive speed and intensity to take a bow, I'll step in and point out that three of its top teams are breaking in new quarterbacks. Almost half of the SEC's 24 coordinators are in their first season on the job.
And with all of its talent, devotion and history of triumph, those out-of-conference schedules make us wonder what SEC teams are so afraid of.
3. Pac-10
I realize the top-to-bottom rankings may scream for the Big Ten to be ranked higher, but I'll go with the league that has more outside speed and a greater awareness of how to throw.
Unfortunately, USC may have the only program capable of reaching a BCS date this season, and the Trojans — whose offensive talent should overwhelm concerns regarding its experience — could very well be playing for the title in January.
Oregon looks stickier on defense, but — despite optimism for the new skill people in Eugene — Jonathan Stewart and Dennis Dixon were the players who escorted the Ducks toward elite status. And they're bye-bye.
Arizona State has a load of talented players returning, but its inability to keep QB Rudy Carpenter away from the prone position may continue ... there's no experience at offensive tackle.
UCLA will coach up a storm and recruit to match, but QB-injury issues and a weak offensive line spell immediate doom for Rick Neuheisel. Everyone else seems less than commanding, although Cal has the potential to impress before losing an important game.
4. Big Ten
Ohio State is loaded, the cart is filling up at Illinois, Wisconsin may finally have enough team speed to deal with some SEC teams in a bowl game and Michigan's future looks much brighter than the present.
Solid seasons from Penn State, Michigan State and Purdue could push the Big 10 to third on our roster by season's end.
5. ACC
If eventual resurrections can be counted on in Miami and Tallahassee, the future ceiling for this league is not bad. If consistency from Clemson is relied upon when the league looks for national respect this year, fifth seems about right.
Eight consecutive BCS-game losses will not be soon forgotten, but Paul Johnson coaching at Georgia Tech is a boost for the league.
6. Big East
It'll be interesting to see if West Virginia can remain separated from its cronies following a big coaching change. After two years of in-league haymakers, we quickly should find out which of these up-and-coming programs is good enough to stay.
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<!-- BEGIN calling tombstones widget-->Sorry, SEC, you're not the best
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Veteran columnist Randy Hill is a frequent contributor to FOXSports.com.
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<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> //document.getElementById('number_of_comments').innerHTML = commentCount+" Comments"; </SCRIPT><!-- // Story Content // --><SCRIPT> if(fanid.length > 0 && typeof(nflDefaultLeague)!= "undefined") { leagueId = nflDefaultLeague; //find teamId of default league (if exists) for(var i=0; i < teamsInfo.length; i++){ if(teamsInfo[4] == leagueId){ defaultTeamId = teamsInfo[0]; ** ** var fantasyLeaguePlayerJsPath = 'http://msn.foxsports.com' + '/nugget/200002_' + leagueId + '|||' + fanid; ** </SCRIPT>The SEC will not finish the 2008 regular season as the strongest conference in college football.
Thank you very much, you've been a great audience and don't forget to tip the waitress.
By the way, that first sentence will not be explained away as a series of typographical errors. It could serve as a colossal error in judgment, but I'm sticking to it ... like a wayward skydiver on a saguaro cactus.
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This highly unusual declaration has occurred because the crew at FOXSports.com offered me the opportunity to rank the six BCS conferences. At first twitch, I decided this could be my chance to make a compelling case for why the Pac-10 is much more than mighty USC and a roll call of flag football-caliber superstars.
Despite being a 25-year follower of the Pac-10 and dedicated admirer of USC's talent, passion and success in big games, it took little time to decide that this league was in no position to consider itself on par with the SEC for '08.
But, for this season only, there is a league that qualifies for a slight top-to-bottom edge over the league of Tim Tebow and Matthew Stafford. Continue reading while I ice down my frontal lobe.
1. Big 12
It should be noted that I usually do my best to seriously dislike the Big 12.
What's not to dislike? Choke-lahoma and that raving, 41-year-old "man" who coaches at Oklahoma State aren't easy to rally behind.
The 'Horns haven't been off the hook since Vince Young left for the NFL. In recent seasons, the Nebraska Blackshirts defense seemed incapable of preventing a sportswriter from scoring at the Playboy mansion.
Kansas used to have more NFL prospects on its basketball team and Missouri hadn't shown us much in years.
But things certainly turned around last season, with the final national poll listing four Big 12 teams in the top 10. All four should be capable of rolling again, although the deep thinkers still need another year of convincing from Kansas.
According to preseason rankings conducted by our pals at CollegeFootballNews.com, seven Big 12 teams are listed in the top 35; the SEC has seven in the top 37. While this is subjective and quantifies nothing, it does suggest quality depth in a conference that, at least, should be a runaway as the most entertaining to watch.
While bowing to the SEC's rank as the nation's foremost league over the last 10 years, the Big 12's edge for 2008 is attached to the return of 10 starting quarterbacks.
Calling roll, we find that Chase Daniel (Missouri), Sam Bradford (Oklahoma), Todd Reesing (Kansas), Colt McCoy (Texas) and Graham Harrell (Texas Tech) are among the top pitch men in the nation.
Harrell, receiving dynamo Michael Crabtree and a veteran offensive line could make the Red Raiders this year's sleeper squad if the defense can make a few stops.
Colorado, with QB Cody Hawkins and the nation's top running back recruit (Darrell Scott) in tow, is far from an intramural program, while Bo Pelini seems poised to put some pop back in the Cornhuskers.
Mike Sherman should be an upgrade at Texas A&M and Mike Gundy's 2007 rant deflected attention away from what has become a solid Cowboy program.
2. SEC
The most frantically supported league in the country went 7-2 during the last bowl season, including LSU's clouting of Ohio State in the BCS title game.
SEC backers are more than willing to point out that three teams smell like legitimate title contenders this season. <STYLE>.moreTeamsDiv { position:relative; float:right; padding-right:10px;**.moreTeamsHdr { background-image:url(/fe/img/Story/moreTeamsOn_header.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:top; height:35px; color:#000000; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding-top:4px; padding-left:4px; font-weight:bold;**.moreTeamsLinks a:link, .moreTeamsLinks a:visited { color:#1266a4; text-decoration:none; padding-top:4px; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-bottom:4px;**.moreTeamsLinks a:hover { text-decoration:underline;**.moreTeamLinks { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:none;**.storyPoll { padding-bottom: 5px; float:right;**</STYLE>
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While allowing the league's defensive speed and intensity to take a bow, I'll step in and point out that three of its top teams are breaking in new quarterbacks. Almost half of the SEC's 24 coordinators are in their first season on the job.
And with all of its talent, devotion and history of triumph, those out-of-conference schedules make us wonder what SEC teams are so afraid of.
3. Pac-10
I realize the top-to-bottom rankings may scream for the Big Ten to be ranked higher, but I'll go with the league that has more outside speed and a greater awareness of how to throw.
Unfortunately, USC may have the only program capable of reaching a BCS date this season, and the Trojans — whose offensive talent should overwhelm concerns regarding its experience — could very well be playing for the title in January.
Oregon looks stickier on defense, but — despite optimism for the new skill people in Eugene — Jonathan Stewart and Dennis Dixon were the players who escorted the Ducks toward elite status. And they're bye-bye.
Arizona State has a load of talented players returning, but its inability to keep QB Rudy Carpenter away from the prone position may continue ... there's no experience at offensive tackle.
UCLA will coach up a storm and recruit to match, but QB-injury issues and a weak offensive line spell immediate doom for Rick Neuheisel. Everyone else seems less than commanding, although Cal has the potential to impress before losing an important game.
4. Big Ten
Ohio State is loaded, the cart is filling up at Illinois, Wisconsin may finally have enough team speed to deal with some SEC teams in a bowl game and Michigan's future looks much brighter than the present.
Solid seasons from Penn State, Michigan State and Purdue could push the Big 10 to third on our roster by season's end.
5. ACC
If eventual resurrections can be counted on in Miami and Tallahassee, the future ceiling for this league is not bad. If consistency from Clemson is relied upon when the league looks for national respect this year, fifth seems about right.
Eight consecutive BCS-game losses will not be soon forgotten, but Paul Johnson coaching at Georgia Tech is a boost for the league.
6. Big East
It'll be interesting to see if West Virginia can remain separated from its cronies following a big coaching change. After two years of in-league haymakers, we quickly should find out which of these up-and-coming programs is good enough to stay.