The Amero is what I would term a fantasy piece. I would call it "exonumia"
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Exonumia is the study of coin-like objects such as token coins and medals, and other items used in place of legal currency or for commemoration. This includes elongated coins, encased coins, souvenir medallions, tags, badges, counterstamped coins, wooden nickels and other similar items. It is related to numismatics proper (concerned with coins which have been legal tender), and many coin collectors are also exonumists.
Besides the above strict definition, others extend it to include non-coins which may or may not be legal tenders such as cheques, credit cards and similar paper. These can also be considered notaphily or scripophily.
The noun exonumia is derived from two classical roots: exo, meaning "out-of" in Greek, and nummus, meaning "coin" in Latin; thus, "out[side]-of-[the category]coins". Usually, the term "exonumia" is applied to these objects in the United States, while the equivalent British term is paranumismatica.
The words exonumist and exonumia were coined in July 1960 by Russell Rulau, a recognized authority and author on the subject, and accepted by Webster's dictionary in 1965.
Copper trade token of Durfee & Peck, Indian traders on Missouri River in various locations, circa 1869
Items such as bus tokens (transportation tokens), bar or pub tokens, and casino tokens or chips are some of the more common forms of exonumia. Related, but normally considered to be a different branch of numismatics, is odd and curious money. Another important area of token collecting is Latin American coffee or plantation tokens. Many but not all of these tokens were made in the states while others were made in Europe and England. You will find these tokens circulated in more than one language although Spanish is the prevalent one. Plantation tokens can have an array of denominations and names. The name can be the owner or their relatives. Sometimes the token can have the name of the farm or finca. Lastly, tokens had allegorical symbols to identify the owner. Very little documentation exists since the inception of Latin American tokens, therefore, many tokens cannot be verified as to who the real owner is or what the symbol or symbols meant.
Tokens in Latin America were used as currency since there wasn't enough official currency available. Customarily, workers could convert the tokens to official currency on Saturdays. It is widely understood that many plantation owners in Latin America had their own commissaries, therefore, the workers were able to use the farm owners tokens to pay for provisions. It is important to note that in the 19th century many of the plantation workers and families lived on the farm they worked on.
Latin American tokens were made in all types of base metals and alloys plus plastic, celluloid and bakelite. Unique to Costa Rica were tokens made in paper fashion, either uniface or printed on both sides. Many people call these paper chits. The word "Boleto" is used solely in Costa Rica for the word token whereas "ficha" is used in the rest of Latin America.
[edit] Other forms
Chronologically exonumia in America got its start when some 'coined' metal was used as currency when actual money was not easily available in the economy. Tokens were used both to advertise and facilitate commerce. Token authority, Russell Rulau, kept a broad definition for exonumia. And lines between categories can be fuzzy. For example an advertising token may appear as a medal. Good For tokens may also advertise They can be called “Little billboards.” Strictly, exonumia is anything not a governmental issue coin. This could almost mean anything. Para-numismatica, or alongside currency, appears more limiting, hinting that tokens may have some sort of “value” or monetary usage. One definition of Para-numismatica is anything coin like but not a coin. In America this is not the accepted usage. Rulau's tome, American tokens 1700-1900. This includes many tokens not associated with any monetary value. While he included many items, many types of exonumia was not included just so the book would not get too big.
The following groupings of categories are continually expanding. One way of parsing tokens is into these three categories. Generally, but not exclusively tokens fall into 1) had a ‘value,’ facilitating commerce. 2) It could be a Commemoration, remembrance, dedications or the like for some person place ideal or event, and 3) were of a personal nature. However, typically catalogs of tokens are organized by location, time period and/or type of item. Historically the need for tokens grew out of the need for currency. In America there were some tokens that legally circulated alongside or instead of currency up until 1864. Hard Times tokens and civil war tokens each were the size of the contemporary cent. Afterwards value based items, i.e., (Good For …, Good For amount of money, Good For one quart of Milk, Good For one beer, and Good For one ride…) were specifically linked to commerce of the store of issue. Exonumists are attentive to not only the history behind the items but the shape, and what type of item it is.
Richard's Token Database is a colabrative online database for United States Good For's. [1]
The following categories of are typical types that are studied and collected. Again, this is not all inclusive.
Exonumia Tokens
Modified /Augmented:
>Love Token
>Hobo nickels Indian Head/Buffalo nickel; (Usually "buffalo nickels" engraved crudely by hand mostly in that era (1913-38))
>Carved Potty tokens
>Counter stamp / countermarked (not marked by government)
>Elongated coins'
>Encased Coin
>Encased Postage
[Generally, this was actual currency –or postage- that had a modification to it so its previous use in the economy is removed or refocused]