COMPUTER. There are several companies that offer this service. What this software does is erase all cookies and anything incriminating that is left on your hard-drive. These companies include EE, (, staganos, and several others. Do your homework, and find out which one is most reputable. I have a friend who had some legal problems, and part of his parole was that he couldn't gamble online. Parole officer came in with other cops and seized his computer for analysis. He used this hard-drive washing software, and they found ZERO evidence that he was wagering online, and had to let him go. Without this software, he was convinced he would have been in deep shit. Any good softward that scrubs your harddrive will work. I say that everyone who is slightly paranoid about wagering online should use this. I hope this may help someone out there. Good luck, and let us all win and retain our ability to wager online!