So who started the 666 Satanic symbol after making a 3 pointer in NCAA BB?


New member
Feb 17, 2009
There are questions on both sides that cant be answered.

For every question that an evolutionist can ask a believer in creation that cant be answered there are just as many or more questions a creationist can ask an evolutionist that they cant answer.

The point is all of this stuff is so far above all our heads that it takes faith to believe in what you believe no matter what you believe.

There are plenty of Christians who believe in "God" and evolution, but they do so in defiance of Biblical teachings. Evolution isn't a theory - it's a fact. You can literally see it happening. I don't claim to know how we got here - or what our ultimate purpose may be - but I can tell you all of this "evil satan; end of the world; rapture stuff" is bologna and hogwash. Eventually we may understand more than we do now, but it isn't going to come from some theological book that was written 2,000 years ago.
Sep 21, 2004
There are plenty of Christians who believe in "God" and evolution, but they do so in defiance of Biblical teachings. Evolution isn't a theory - it's a fact. You can literally see it happening. I don't claim to know how we got here - or what our ultimate purpose may be - but I can tell you all of this "evil satan; end of the world; rapture stuff" is bologna and hogwash. Eventually we may understand more than we do now, but it isn't going to come from some theological book that was written 2,000 years ago.
Micro-evolution is happening but so what? Doesn't mean we evolved from apes. The problem in the world is sin and anyone who denies the presence of evil is living in a dreamland in their mind.
Sep 21, 2004
I do have one serious question for you Illini...

If you consider the incredible diversity, complexity, and magnitude of the animal species which we currently know do you suppose one man and his children managed to fit enough breeding pairs, along with their incredibly diverse dietary needs and water, onto a boat smaller than the Titanic and then support them for several months? Do you think they traveled all the way to China to harvest and grow bamboo which certain species of Panda eat exclusively? They must of had a hell of time getting all those animals away from Australia and Madagascar too - not to mention getting them back! tires me out just thinking about it!

I have many questions about Genesis myself. I definitely don't believe in a young earth. A day in Genesis is not a day in our understanding of a day. But I have a thousand questions that I don't know the answer to.
Sep 21, 2004
I do have one serious question for you Illini...

If you consider the incredible diversity, complexity, and magnitude of the animal species which we currently know do you suppose one man and his children managed to fit enough breeding pairs, along with their incredibly diverse dietary needs and water, onto a boat smaller than the Titanic and then support them for several months? Do you think they traveled all the way to China to harvest and grow bamboo which certain species of Panda eat exclusively? They must of had a hell of time getting all those animals away from Australia and Madagascar too - not to mention getting them back! tires me out just thinking about it!

Questions like this are easily answered by those that read the Bible in it's original languages, Hebrew and Greek.

I believe the Bible teaches a local or regional flood, and not one the covered the whole earth.

BTW, I know nothing about that web-site, other than that one article which does a good job of explaining why
the flood was a local flood.
Sep 21, 2004
Questions like this are easily answered by those that read the Bible in it's original languages, Hebrew and Greek.

I believe the Bible teaches a local or regional flood, and not one the covered the whole earth.

BTW, I know nothing about that web-site, other than that one article which does a good job of explaining why
the flood was a local flood.

Note that the first century historian Josephus talks about local flood theory, so it isn't something concocted by some 21st century apologist:

The first century Jewish writer, Josephus wrote about other writers who indicated that the flood was local and that some inhabitants survived by seeking higher ground:
"Now all the writers of barbarian [Greek] histories make mention of this flood and of this ark: among whom is Berosus the Chaldean... Hieronymous the Egyptian.... Nicolaus of Damascus, in his ninety-sixth book, hath a particular relation about them, where he speaks thus: 'There is a great mountain in Armenia, over Minyas, called Baris, upon which it is reported that many who fled at the time of the Deluge were saved; and that one who was carried in an ark came on shore upon top of it; and that the remains of the timber were a great while preserved. This might be the man about whom Moses, the legislator of the Jews wrote'."8

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
There are questions on both sides that cant be answered.

For every question that an evolutionist can ask a believer in creation that cant be answered there are just as many or more questions a creationist can ask an evolutionist that they cant answer.

The point is all of this stuff is so far above all our heads that it takes faith to believe in what you believe no matter what you believe.

Complete nonsense. The people who wrote the bible didn't know where the sun went at night. To compare bronze age myths with modern evolutionary theory is asinine.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
I'm not really afraid at all of what will happen after death. I'm terrified for the people that go to their death without Jesus. And I've spent 10 years contemplating truth and considered any and all possibilities. I can tell you that Jesus is Lord and everything else is a lie.


I've diagnosed you. Your a gambler right? Your betting on this theory to make it easier for you to face your fate, to cope with your day to day life. Good for you. This is your mechenism you use to keep yourself from going insane.

But honestly, you preaching Jesus is lord and you spent 10 years contemplating truthh makes me think you're coo-coo for cocunuts. There is abousolutely no evidence to support what you are preaching. Are you smarter than everybody else?

Sounds like your all in on this JESUS is lord theory. Good luck to you. If I could I would book your bet!

I also think you can be described as brainwashed, which may not be a bad thing if it helps you cope.
Sep 21, 2004

I've diagnosed you. Your a gambler right? Your betting on this theory to make it easier for you to face your fate, to cope with your day to day life. Good for you. This is your mechenism you use to keep yourself from going insane.

But honestly, you preaching Jesus is lord and you spent 10 years contemplating truthh makes me think you're coo-coo for cocunuts. There is abousolutely no evidence to support what you are preaching. Are you smarter than everybody else?

Sounds like your all in on this JESUS is lord theory. Good luck to you. If I could I would book your bet!

I also think you can be described as brainwashed, which may not be a bad thing if it helps you cope.
No evidence? What do you call the creation? What is this beautiful sphere that revolves around a star? Is it the result of an explosion of nothingness into matter and order and intelligence? Good luck with that absurdity.

I'm all in on Christ being who he says he is. I've put my faith in that which has the most evidence and also answers the deep questions about life and offers a solution to the problem of sin. It isn't popular with the world, and is rejected by most. But no other worldview accounts for why there is evil in the world and no other viewpoint offers permanent fulfillment. I know there is right and wrong, therefore I know there is a moral law giver, not just some friendly God that lets everyone in and doesn't care about morality. And I know that I've fallen way short of keeping that moral law. No way for me to make that right on my own, so yes, I need Jesus. No other philosophy measures up, and no religion offers assurance of acceptance by a loving God. I didn't make up Christianity, it's in the Scriptures. And when I read them, I absolutely believe that Christ is the answer and the only hope for a fallen world.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
No evidence? What do you call the creation? What is this beautiful sphere that revolves around a star? Is it the result of an explosion of nothingness into matter and order and intelligence? Good luck with that absurdity.

I'm all in on Christ being who he says he is. I've put my faith in that which has the most evidence and also answers the deep questions about life and offers a solution to the problem of sin. It isn't popular with the world, and is rejected by most. But no other worldview accounts for why there is evil in the world and no other viewpoint offers permanent fulfillment. I know there is right and wrong, therefore I know there is a moral law giver, not just some friendly God that lets everyone in and doesn't care about morality. And I know that I've fallen way short of keeping that moral law. No way for me to make that right on my own, so yes, I need Jesus. No other philosophy measures up, and no religion offers assurance of acceptance by a loving God. I didn't make up Christianity, it's in the Scriptures. And when I read them, I absolutely believe that Christ is the answer and the only hope for a fallen world.

I've heard the Jews are the choosen ones. Have you ever heard this?
Sep 21, 2004
I've heard the Jews are the choosen ones. Have you ever heard this?

The Jews were the chosen people of God in order to reveal himself to the world and tell of the coming Messiah. But Christ died for all that would receive him, Jew or Gentile. The Jews have largely rejected Christ, but not all. I have a Jewish friend that is a Christian, and I have several Jewish friends that are atheist or agnostic. Israel coming together as a nation again in 1948 was a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy that many would have laughed at being a possibility 100 years ago. Israel still has favor with God I believe, and the masses will come to Jesus out of Israel at some point, if my theology is correct. Biblical study and theology is complex and difficult, but the main message of the Gospel is simple. Repent and come to Jesus. Believe and receive eternal life.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
The Jews were the chosen people of God in order to reveal himself to the world and tell of the coming Messiah. But Christ died for all that would receive him, Jew or Gentile. The Jews have largely rejected Christ, but not all. I have a Jewish friend that is a Christian, and I have several Jewish friends that are atheist or agnostic. Israel coming together as a nation again in 1948 was a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy that many would have laughed at being a possibility 100 years ago. Israel still has favor with God I believe, and the masses will come to Jesus out of Israel at some point, if my theology is correct. Biblical study and theology is complex and difficult, but the main message of the Gospel is simple. Repent and come to Jesus. Believe and receive eternal life.

The same here. I have a few Christian friends that are Jewish. I also have Christian friends that are atheist and agnostic.

Funny isn't it?

To each his own,but nobody knows. Many people find religion as a last resort. You become brainwashed and than you may be able to beat your demons. It's a coping mechenism.
Sep 21, 2004
The same here. I have a few Christian friends that are Jewish. I also have Christian friends that are atheist and agnostic.

Funny isn't it?

To each his own,but nobody knows. Many people find religion as a last resort. You become brainwashed and than you may be able to beat your demons. It's a coping mechenism.
Honestly, I think it comes down to absolute truth. I mean if you think of it like a math problem and search for the truth, what do you come up with? There is definitely a God, and I think anyone that believes there isn't has infinitely more faith than the strongest Christian. So if there is a God, what was his purpose in creating me? I believe that the chief purpose of man is to know God and enjoy his fellowship forever. My soul has longed for that forever. To know my maker. There are only so many options. Is God someone that cares about right and wrong? My conscience has always believed that there is a standard, and I will be judged when I die. Internally before investigating any religion, I knew this inside. And I think everyone knows this too, whether they want to face it or not.

So when you look at the possibilities for truth in religions that claim to have revealed God, Christianity is different than all the rest. Christianity is about a God who reaches out his hand in grace to all that would receive him. It's about being justified instantly and not having to earn favor with God through attempts to please him. No other religion offers fellowship (friendship) with God that my soul longs for. I would encourage you to investigate for yourself and search for the truth. Ravi Zacharias is a great place to start. He's written 19 books and has tons of Q and A sessions. I'm sure plenty of them are on YouTube. You can't afford to be wrong about this. It does take faith, but the truth will stand up under scrutiny if it is true. I certainly believe that it is. What do you have to lose? We're all gonna die someday, maybe sooner than we would like.

New member
Nov 4, 2005
We're only a few posts away from a promised Tim Tebow reference on page 5. I'm aflutter with anticipation.

By the way, Illini's avatar is making a devil sign. No lie.
Sep 21, 2004
Complete nonsense. The people who wrote the bible didn't know where the sun went at night. To compare bronze age myths with modern evolutionary theory is asinine.

I'm not sure what this statement is supposed to prove.

Just because they wrote portions of the Bible, didn't mean they had to
understand 16th century or even 21st century science (ahead of time).

There are things about quantum physics that will be discovered in the next 100
years that scientists have no clue about now.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
Props to Illini! In here being ambushed by the masses. I agree with everything he has posted.

I've never understood the non-believers' adamant stance in here and in general. You guys want to prove your earthly intelligence that there is no creator so badly- and try to make the Christian view so childish and fairy-tailish.
Why? Just to show you are right? Why not just remain an unbeliever-and leave it at that? You deep down want proof that you are wrong-so that you can believe because if you didn't, you wouldn't even want to argue.
I believe we have just knowledge and not quite enough facts to believe in Jesus as savior. If everything that has ever existed in this realm was spelled out and proven for you-then it would not take faith to believe in God.
Faith is what the Lord demands.

There is this world, and there is a spiritual world where battles are being fought that we can't even fathom because of the box we live in. A Christian's job is to plant a seed in non-believers. God will do the rest.
Illini has consistently done a good job with that.

FYI, satan was the most beautiful angel before his fall, and he rules this earthly world. As noted earlier, he will do whatever it takes to keep you separated from your savior.
Don't be naive and think that you are put here in earth-through an incredible journey of evolution just so that you can survive and exist to serve yourself and fulfill your own needs and wants and desires.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Props to Illini! In here being ambushed by the masses. I agree with everything he has posted.

I've never understood the non-believers' adamant stance in here and in general. You guys want to prove your earthly intelligence that there is no creator so badly- and try to make the Christian view so childish and fairy-tailish.
Why? Just to show you are right? Why not just remain an unbeliever-and leave it at that? You deep down want proof that you are wrong-so that you can believe because if you didn't, you wouldn't even want to argue.
I believe we have just knowledge and not quite enough facts to believe in Jesus as savior. If everything that has ever existed in this realm was spelled out and proven for you-then it would not take faith to believe in God.
Faith is what the Lord demands.

There is this world, and there is a spiritual world where battles are being fought that we can't even fathom because of the box we live in. A Christian's job is to plant a seed in non-believers. God will do the rest.
Illini has consistently done a good job with that.

FYI, satan was the most beautiful angel before his fall, and he rules this earthly world. As noted earlier, he will do whatever it takes to keep you separated from your savior.
Don't be naive and think that you are put here in earth-through an incredible journey of evolution just so that you can survive and exist to serve yourself and fulfill your own needs and wants and desires.


Now we've 2 posters that believe Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Jay-c, Beyonce, many elite basketball players, possibly William Shatner, Penny Marshall, etc. are Satinist. Well shame on you for believing this and patting Illini on the back for starting these rumors.

When I hear Illini claiming Justin Timberlake is a satinist and Lady Gaga and anybody that makes the OK sign I lost respect for everything else he has to say.

Those are awful bold accuasations to be making. I ask would Justin T or Lady Gaga admit to these accusations or would they deny them? Are satinist proud to be to be satinist, like Illini,Falls, Tebow are proud to be Christians? Just asking, because I know Illini has the answer.
May 31, 2011
I personally believe in Xenu, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. According to our official Scientology scriptures, the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.



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Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005

Now we've 2 posters that believe Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Jay-c, Beyonce, many elite basketball players, possibly William Shatner, Penny Marshall, etc. are Satinist. Well shame on you for believing this and patting Illini on the back for starting these rumors.

When I hear Illini claiming Justin Timberlake is a satinist and Lady Gaga and anybody that makes the OK sign I lost respect for everything else he has to say.

Those are awful bold accuasations to be making. I ask would Justin T or Lady Gaga admit to these accusations or would they deny them? Are satinist proud to be to be satinist, like Illini,Falls, Tebow are proud to be Christians? Just asking, because I know Illini has the answer. comment on the Timberlake, Gaga stuff. I was referring to agreeing with the other relevant rhetoric.

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