It's really simple.
Obamacare was designed to gut the coverage of middle class workers by raising their premiums while also introducing crazy deductibles to their coverage. Also young people who were the least likely to use medical services were given raised premiums with big deductibles for services they were unlikely to use. Buying health insurance was made mandatory. So essentially it meant that young insureds and middle class insureds (heck throw in wealthy insureds) were now expected to pay higher premiums for less coverage. Coverage that would only apply in catastrophic circumstances.
Why were working class Americans' policies structured in such a way? To accommodate and pay for all the underclass who previously had no insurance but were encouraged to sign up for Obamacare. 20 million of them who previously only used emergency wards for emergency care. Now they were encouraged to bathe themselves in free care with no limitation.
How was that fair to the working class who were essentially paying for them (the underclass) but were themselves expected to pay for their first $5, 000 or $10,000 of annual care (their Obamacare deductibles)?
So now that the non paying outliers are completely immersed in the medical system at the cost of the working people, how does one get back to premiums for the working class that even approach affordable?
Add in soaring, unchecked medical costs for drugs and procedures, burgeoning lawsuits by unscrupulous patients and lawyers, and you have today's medical mess.
THERE IS NO CURE without coverages for the nonpayers being scaled back.
Democrats AND Republicans need to get together, put their special interests aside and decide on affordability for Americans who pay first, and those who don't second. Otherwise the whole damned thing is going to collapse.
Obama should have never invited all nonpayers into the system for carte blanche services while the payers have to go without because they cannot afford the services they need that are not covered by their huge deductibles, although their premiums are higher than ever.
But unsustainable costs never meant anything to Obama and his ilk, as long as his base had their free services expanded. He never gave a rats ass about the middle class. Nothing pisses me off more than when I heard him and his acolyte, Elizabeth Warren, talk about the things they are/ were doing for the middle class. Bullshit.
Some one please tell me how this crap is now supposed to be fixed. It can't be without taking all the nonpayers off the rolls again. THAT will never happen.
So when Republicans wanted to repeal Obamacare they had about a year to get it done. Seven years later the clusterfuck is part of the government landscape. They should have shut up six years ago.