So tired of rooting for the Dolphins


Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
It is a huge mistake not drafting him.

All these CLOWNS who are pretending Brady Quinn isn't that good don't know football. Marino dropped to #31 in the draft and he is just another example of how STUPID these N.F.L. GM's really are. These guys are as clueless as the posters who are bashing Brady.

Taking Russell over an N.F.L. ready QB is about the most obvious sign of drafting a player just because the media jumped all over the giant slob from L.S.U.

How could anybody really believe Russell will be a better QB in the N.F.L. than Quinn. That's a no-brainer and all of you can bring this post back up in 5 years.

No way will any QB be better then Quinn in this draft. None of them let alone Russell. Get back to reality fans!

Brady Quinn was the media hyped guy not Russell. Quinn had interviews on every show every day... He went to ND...

So how was JaMarcus the media hyped guy?

I don't think either will be very good IMO... but how can you say that he can't read defenses and Brady can... Are you a coach? Have you played with these guys?

New member
Sep 26, 2006
You can pretend all you want, but Brady Quinn is NOTHING you say he is! He has all the talent he needs and he has the brains to match!

Your post isn't an opinion it's called lies. Brady did more than Russell, Smith, you name the QB and Brady has done better and did do better than all of them. And he probably had the weakest Offensive line of all of them! That's a fact that YOU and nobody else seemd to want to address.

Where did I say Brady was good because his defense wasn't? Where do you come up with this stuff?

You are just another internet poster who makes stuff up when they have no substance to back your clueless statements.

You know football? Yea right!

New member
Sep 26, 2006
Brady Quinn was the media hyped guy not Russell. Quinn had interviews on every show every day... He went to ND...

So how was JaMarcus the media hyped guy?

I don't think either will be very good IMO... but how can you say that he can't read defenses and Brady can... Are you a coach? Have you played with these guys?


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Brady Quinn was the media hyped guy not Russell. Quinn had interviews on every show every day... He went to ND...

So how was JaMarcus the media hyped guy?

I don't think either will be very good IMO... but how can you say that he can't read defenses and Brady can... Are you a coach? Have you played with these guys?

Dr. Know it all is just another dumb ass fan who thinks he knows what he is talking about.

The fact that he thinks he knows whether or not JaMarcus Russell can read a defense is the funniest thing some couch potato fan has ever said.

In order for Dr. KNow itall to understand if JaMarcus Russell could read a defense, he would have to:

1. Know the LSU Offense inside and out - enough to know Russell's progression of each receiver.
2. Have an end zone cam for every game.

He's clueless and thinks he knows way more than he does.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Let me say that not only is JaMarcus bigger, stronger, and have a cannon for an arm, he also played against some of the best talent and defenses in the SEC.

Could you compare Bradys Army/Navy/Air Force/High School girl's flag football team to SEC defenses????

Ask Ohio State about SEC defenses. The all world undefeated Ohio State who BEAT Michigan and had the HEISMAN winner. The SEC made them look like a joke.

New member
Sep 26, 2006
How many offensive lineman from Notre Dame will be drafted this year in the first 3 rounds?

Take the last 4 years including this year and tell me how many offensive lineman have been drafted at Notre Dame. And then check Ohio State and USC and LSU and you will see how great Brady Quinn really was. He did it without an offensive line.

That is the QBthat I want every time! And a QB that doesn't throw interceptions on top of it and you clueless people still think this guy isn't a great 1?

No wonder bookies are all rich. Reading these posters comments tell me all I need to know. You guys have no chance to win if you ignore the IMPORTANT parts of being an N.F.L. QB.

Brady has it more than anybody since Manning. Payton that is!

New member
Sep 26, 2006
Dr. Know it all is just another dumb ass fan who thinks he knows what he is talking about.

The fact that he thinks he knows whether or not JaMarcus Russell can read a defense is the funniest thing some couch potato fan has ever said.

In order for Dr. KNow itall to understand if JaMarcus Russell could read a defense, he would have to:

1. Know the LSU Offense inside and out - enough to know Russell's progression of each receiver.
2. Have an end zone cam for every game.

He's clueless and thinks he knows way more than he does.

I'm not a fan of any sport. I watch them because that's where I make my money. I beat sports betting because I know sports better than just about anybody. If it wasn't for betting I would never waste a minute of my day watching these slobs play a game.

I would never spend a dime going to a game and would never be a fan of anyone. I'm not that weak! Hero worshiping is for losers and people who don't have lives.

Sports are good for playing and for betting.

But if your just going to guess you should at least keep your money in your pocket.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Where did I say Brady was good because his defense wasn't? Where do you come up with this stuff?

You are just another internet poster who makes stuff up when they have no substance to back your clueless statements.

You know football? Yea right!

See below asswipe...

If Brady Quinn played for USC or Ohio State the last 4 years Brady would be a 2-time champion and would be the #1 pick without a doubt.

It was not Bradys fault Notre Dame lost almost all of the games against any top 10 teams. They can't beat them!

Russell has not proven anything and drafting him #1 is without a doubt the dumbest pick ever! Nobody knows if this guy can even read defenses!

#1 - If Brady Quinn played for USC or Ohio State he would be a 2 time champion and #1 overall pick? HHAHahHAhaH

WHO CARES HOW MANY CHAMPIOSNHIPS HE WINS? You must want to draft Troy Smith #1 overall, amd Chris Leak, and Eric Crouch and Ken Dorsey. Dumb comment.

#2 - It's not Brady's fault ND cant beat top 10 teams.

Again you are talking about wins and losses in college when trying to determine the talent of a QB. And how does that make sense? If Brady is the leader of the offense, it must not be the offense's fault, it must be the defenses fault. Either way, winning and losing games is not how you draft quarterbacks.

You also dont draft based on TD/INT ratios against Air Force, Navy, Army, Coast Guard and Girl Scouts.

#3- You're right nobody knows if Russell can read a defense. Incuding you. You dont know LSU's system, his progressions, nada. Russell and Brady threw about the same amount of INT's last year and Russell played much better defenses than Brady ever faced.


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I'm not a fan of any sport. I watch them because that's where I make my money. I beat sports betting because I know sports better than just about anybody. If it wasn't for betting I would never waste a minute of my day watching these slobs play a game.

I would never spend a dime going to a game and would never be a fan of anyone. I'm not that weak! Hero worshiping is for losers and people who don't have lives.

Sports are good for playing and for betting.

But if your just going to guess you should at least keep your money in your pocket.

Give me a break. Between Michigan and Brady Quinn you are a square.

You arent beating the books on ANYTHING.

You bet on teams with no value. You are losing your ass. You never post picks.

Bla bla bla bla bla

New member
Sep 26, 2006
Give me a break. Between Michigan and Brady Quinn you are a square.

You arent beating the books on ANYTHING.

You bet on teams with no value. You are losing your ass. You never post picks.

Bla bla bla bla bla

Why would I post picks?

And WHERE did I say that Notre Dames defense had anything to do with Brady Quinn? That comment would be stupid, but I never made it and of course you can't prove I did because it's just another internet tactic to change a posters words.



UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Why would I post picks?

And WHERE did I say that Notre Dames defense had anything to do with Brady Quinn? That comment would be stupid, but I never made it and of course you can't prove I did because it's just another internet tactic to change a posters words.



You want to talk about tactics. Look at you changing the subject to be out to this "show me where i typed this" game.

I pointed out about 5 stupid things you said, and you dont want to talk about any of that though. You want to tlak about this nonsense.

FYI - when you said "its not brady quinns fault notre dame cant beat those top 10 teams"

What do you think that implies? That implies DEFENSE. Because it certainly wouldnt imply offense because thats a knock on Quinn that he wasnt goo enough to get it done - because after all he was the leader of the offense.

Either way, the point is the same. You are trying to project how good Brady Quinn will be in the pros because "it is not his fault he cant beat top 10 teams."

You're a joke.

If I were you I would change screen names and ghost because you have proven to be clueless on a multitude of topics. :missingte

Why dont you answer your theory that Brady Quinn will be a good pro because its not his fault his team isnt good enough. Or maybe ou should teach Jamacrus Russell what reads he should make.

Or maybe Brady Quinn will be a good pro because he has a brain. Albert Einstein always should have broken that rushing record.

Or maybe quinn will be good because he had one of the greatest TD/INT ratios ever vs. Air Force and Army.

I mean, those are some of the most clueless comments i have ever seen. Not to mention, when you said Quinn throws one of the prettiest balls in the country, I doubt you have ever seen a Notre Dame game before. And if you have, you are even worse at observing talent outside of stats and Trev Alberts opinion.

New member
Sep 26, 2006
I did say that Brady Quinn did everything at Notre Dame WITHOUT a good offensive line. That is a fact and you really should check for yourself how many #1 picks Notre Dame has had on the offensive line. NOT THE DEFENSIVE LINE! DA!

Then check USC and OHIO STATE and LSU and bla, bla, bla! Brady Quinn played about as good as you can seeing how he never got the protection the other QB's in college got. He did better than he should have.

And you keep talking about speed. Speed means nothing if you don't know the game of football if you're a QB. Didn't you know that? Oh yea, you are a fan and wouldn't know this.

Vick? If speed had anything to do with the QB position then why isn't vick the best QB right now? Well?

Speed means NOTHING if you can't change the plays at the line. And yes I DO KNOW that Quinn CAN CHANGE PLAYS at the line and Russell doesn't and CAN'T!

You will see when the season starts how smart this Russell is. It will show BIG TIME!

Don't debate this with me. Debate it with yourself when Russell makes fool of himself and Brady makes an All-star team. Quinn will make an all-star team before the big slob from LSU. That's an easy prediction!

New member
Sep 26, 2006
You want to talk about tactics. Look at you changing the subject to be out to this "show me where i typed this" game.

I pointed out about 5 stupid things you said, and you dont want to talk about any of that though. You want to tlak about this nonsense.

FYI - when you said "its not brady quinns fault notre dame cant beat those top 10 teams"

What do you think that implies? That implies DEFENSE. Because it certainly wouldnt imply offense because thats a knock on Quinn that he wasnt goo enough to get it done - because after all he was the leader of the offense.

Either way, the point is the same. You are trying to project how good Brady Quinn will be in the pros because "it is not his fault he cant beat top 10 teams."

You're a joke.

If I were you I would change screen names and ghost because you have proven to be clueless on a multitude of topics. :missingte


You say I imply stuff?

Are you not the 1 implying things?

If a team has the best defense in the world and can't protect it's QB the team will not win. It has NOTHING to do withthe defense. But you want to IMPLY that that's what I meant?

You are implying that is what I meant. Wow :WTF:

Do you even understand what you just did? You implied! Not ME! :missingte

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
this dude is pointless to argue with. He brings up TD/INT ratio as a measure of how well someone will do in the pros. Brutal. Instead of coming back with long winded responses, I think I will do something more useful with my time like sit in my backyard, drink a few beers, and watch birds.

:dancefool :drink:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004

You say I imply stuff?

Are you not the 1 implying things?

If a team has the best defense in the world and can't protect it's QB the team will not win. It has NOTHING to do withthe defense. But you want to IMPLY that that's what I meant?

You are implying that is what I meant. Wow :WTF:

Do you even understand what you just did? You implied! Not ME! :missingte

dude you are just taking straight nonsense now.

you make about 50 dumb statements in one post and now you have turned on this pathetic...

"omg show me this" and "imply...who implied me implied i implied"

dude you're pathetic...sack up man up and defend your comments and stop playing the semantics games to deflect the attention from your dumb comments

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
this dude is pointless to argue with. He brings up TD/INT ratio as a measure of how well someone will do in the pros. Brutal. Instead of coming back with long winded responses, I think I will do something more useful with my time like sit in my backyard, drink a few beers, and watch birds.

:dancefool :drink:

yeah im done

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I did say that Brady Quinn did everything at Notre Dame WITHOUT a good offensive line. That is a fact and you really should check for yourself how many #1 picks Notre Dame has had on the offensive line. NOT THE DEFENSIVE LINE! DA!

Then check USC and OHIO STATE and LSU and bla, bla, bla! Brady Quinn played about as good as you can seeing how he never got the protection the other QB's in college got. He did better than he should have.

And you keep talking about speed. Speed means nothing if you don't know the game of football if you're a QB. Didn't you know that? Oh yea, you are a fan and wouldn't know this.

Vick? If speed had anything to do with the QB position then why isn't vick the best QB right now? Well?

Speed means NOTHING if you can't change the plays at the line. And yes I DO KNOW that Quinn CAN CHANGE PLAYS at the line and Russell doesn't and CAN'T!

You will see when the season starts how smart this Russell is. It will show BIG TIME!

Don't debate this with me. Debate it with yourself when Russell makes fool of himself and Brady makes an All-star team. Quinn will make an all-star team before the big slob from LSU. That's an easy prediction!

i can careless about his offensive line. they out-talented the air force and navy defensive lines.

instead of looking at what OLinemen were drafted it didnt matter because he plays against air force. he has all the talent on his team, not the other way around.

and wtf are you talking about speed? i neevr once used the word speed. talk about making shit up. i never once mentioned anything about speed. THROWING arm sregnth was all i am mentioning.

you are clueless.

im gonna go grab some beers. i'll drink one for you. :drink:

New member
Sep 26, 2006
During the season all you heard about was how great Troy Smiths arm was and how average Brady Quinns was.

And every time I watched Troy Smith throw a sideline pass it was in the ground or over the guys heads. And Brady Quinn throws were right on target. But everyone keep saying Troy Smith had a great arm. Sure he does.

People make up stuff all the time and you people believe tham. I don't! If I did I would never make any money. That is a fact!

You need to start watching these games and stop reading about them. Watch the games and start to learn the game. It works and you can stop guessing!

New member
Sep 26, 2006
this dude is pointless to argue with. He brings up TD/INT ratio as a measure of how well someone will do in the pros. Brutal. Instead of coming back with long winded responses, I think I will do something more useful with my time like sit in my backyard, drink a few beers, and watch birds.

:dancefool :drink:
You have a better way to judge talent?

Seriously? What do you look for or do you just read stuff?

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I did say that Brady Quinn did everything at Notre Dame WITHOUT a good offensive line. That is a fact and you really should check for yourself how many #1 picks Notre Dame has had on the offensive line. NOT THE DEFENSIVE LINE! DA!

Then check USC and OHIO STATE and LSU and bla, bla, bla! Brady Quinn played about as good as you can seeing how he never got the protection the other QB's in college got. He did better than he should have.

And you keep talking about speed. Speed means nothing if you don't know the game of football if you're a QB. Didn't you know that? Oh yea, you are a fan and wouldn't know this.

Vick? If speed had anything to do with the QB position then why isn't vick the best QB right now? Well?

Speed means NOTHING if you can't change the plays at the line. And yes I DO KNOW that Quinn CAN CHANGE PLAYS at the line and Russell doesn't and CAN'T!

You will see when the season starts how smart this Russell is. It will show BIG TIME!

Don't debate this with me. Debate it with yourself when Russell makes fool of himself and Brady makes an All-star team. Quinn will make an all-star team before the big slob from LSU. That's an easy prediction!

Just to answer your question. ND has arguably one of the smartest and best centers in college football... you need great college lineman not great pro caliber lineman.
Brady got sacked 31 times last year what was that 2 1/2 times a game... Not horrible but not great... he had far from a terrible line

I bet you were one of those idiots saying Vince Young wasn't smart enough to play in the NFL haha.

JaMarcus Russell was sacked 39 times by the way hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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