This sums it up.
He was a creep, who went the wrong way, IMO in supporting a VERY just cause, opposition to the Vietnam War. I believe Violence OF ANY KIND is never the answer, and he resorted to violence. But NOT Terrorism, where the goal is to kill innocent people. Ayres specifically targeted Buildings, and warned then in advance, to avoid injuring people.
"In his book about his Weatherman experiences, Bill Ayers objected to describing the WUO (Weather Underground Organization) as "terrorist." Ayers wrote, "Terrorists terrorize, they kill innocent civilians, while we organized and agitated. Terrorists destroy randomly, while our actions bore, we hoped, the precise stamp of a cut diamond. Terrorists intimidate, while we aimed only to educate. No, we're not terrorists." It is true that even if Bill Ayers was in fact "aiming" to educate, what renders groups certain classifications is the consequences of their actions, not their aims. Nonetheless, Weathermen also specifically aimed to engage in activities that did not result in the hurting of any individuals. For instance, they specifically targeted government buildings at night to avoid killing citizens.
In addition, the consequences of Weathermen's actions led to the destruction of a lot of property and no human life, ever.
"It was extremely poor judgment on Weathermen's part to resort to violence and odd and erroneous on Ayers' part to elevate violence and destruction of properties built with the tax money from many people who also opposed to Vietnam War to the level of education. It's an utter insult to all true educators, of whom he is currently one. Nonetheless, Weathermen were extreme vandals, not terrorists. Is vandalism of government property bad? Absolutely. Is it as bad as actions that most Americans consider to be terrorism: intentionally targeting and killing civilians to push any kind of a social agenda? Absolutely not."
I know none of this will convince you because you are rigid in your beliefs, but you asked, I answered (Again). Ayres was never convicted of terrorism, never went to trial as a terrorist, and any evidence that tried to paint him as such was illegally obtained and invalid.
If you're willing to go beyond the simplistic Palin "Pallin around with Terrorist" Nonsense, ones sees that Ayres was misguided in his use of violence, but was not a terrorist, unlike the scum who Dave Supports who sent Ricin to Obama and Bloomberg with the express hope of killing them. If you have any integrity about this Gassy, you'll join in on urging Dave to recant. I suspect you don't, so you won't, but I'm always hopeful of enlightenment.