Lander pukes,
"You don't know half the story Queersar ..."
Really, huh? You figure I was just guessing? I can assure you that I know/knew every bit that you were fed and then some.
"Royal's situation has changed. You had no insight into what the problems were and whether they would change or not."
You are simply clueless. Yes, I knew of the problems and while, of course, I didn't *know* that things would be ok, my opinion was that they would, knowing what I did. You, on the other hand, never stopped harrassing me about this issue. You're a pissant who is thrown crumbs, buddy. Don't try to pass yourself off as anything more than that.
"Instead you stuck by your little queer site's idea to keep them up ... well, that is until they followed Kenny's lead. Funny though, we didn't hear from your-faggy-self after Russypoo took them down ... hmmm"
My 'faggy-self'? lol seriously man, are you 12?
Wrong again, Einstein. Why you would associate me with MW is beyond comical. You obviously haven't been following along. I post there, I post here, and I post at pepes forum. Whatever. I'm quite certain that it would blow your mind that somebody doesn't have to be 'with' one or the other.
"Apparently they are back to their usual solid selves again"
Ya think?