I check in to see the fukin' lunatics are running this asylum. :lol:
Letting Spammy the Pig back in???.......Fooking priceless (and stupid).hno:
Waz up ya bunch of winers. (or wine-o's).
Base all go well bro? %^_
Willie, pull GDubya outta yo arse. :tongue2:
JokeyC, you reclaim your king of the hill (self-deluded oracle from above) perch? :aktion033 ucking:
Eek, how many pints you drink since the last time I was here? :drink:
Tizdoom, still worried about the fall of "Rome"? :shocked: (Me too)!
Barbonger, you keeping these Neocon ninnies in check dude? :smashf:
CDubya, you need to start taking the green pills bro. :coke:
Hasta la vista, Cusser
Letting Spammy the Pig back in???.......Fooking priceless (and stupid).hno:
Waz up ya bunch of winers. (or wine-o's).
Base all go well bro? %^_
Willie, pull GDubya outta yo arse. :tongue2:
JokeyC, you reclaim your king of the hill (self-deluded oracle from above) perch? :aktion033 ucking:
Eek, how many pints you drink since the last time I was here? :drink:
Tizdoom, still worried about the fall of "Rome"? :shocked: (Me too)!
Barbonger, you keeping these Neocon ninnies in check dude? :smashf:
CDubya, you need to start taking the green pills bro. :coke:
Hasta la vista, Cusser