Slammed for Using Food Stamps: Ga. Woman Seeks Apology


Dec 9, 2008
Sometimes you just have to sit and laugh when you hear all of the views and responses people take on this type of subject.

People who are too disabled to hold a good paying job shouldn't be allowed to have children? Really? First off this chick has been disabled long before she would have been able to seek employment. If she wasn't on welfare she would be on some sort of disability program. Are people actually saying aside from the pain and treatment she has to go through everyday that prevents her from seeking the career or fulfilling her dreams she had when she was a little girl we should also allow her disabilities from extending her bloodline and raising a child. Should we also strip the parental rights from somebody who gets diagnosed with cancer or not fix them if they get diagnosed with the disease because they will most likely live a short life and won't be able to earn the same type of coin if they were cancer free?
All I was talking about was the ability of being able to provide for your children and yes, because of this your financial situation should matter when it comes to the decision of having kids, at least it would be the case for me personally. If I can't financially sustain a family, I wouldn't want to put my wife/gf and/or future child into a situation, where every month would become a struggle moneywise.
As you use the cancer patient analogy: It doesn't matter anyways if you earn less, as long as it's still enough to provide for yourself and your family (in other words: enough for yourself and the people depending on you). But back to the cancer: When I was diagnosed 5 years ago, I wasn't thinking about having kids at that time and it was treatable. But I can guarantee that if the outlook had been worse, the last thing I would have done, would have been getting my girlfriend pregnant at that time: If I was diagnosed with an untreatable disease and only had a very limited amount of time left, in my opinion it would be extremely selfish to have kids since you force the mother into a situation, where she is highly likely to end up as a single parent and all the problems that creates and thereby you might put both her and your child into a very bad situation. Even a discussion with your wife/gf at that time about having kids would be pretty selfish: Because you were dying and wanted kids, but she didn't because of the outlook of having to raise your child mainly on her own after your death, she probably would feel guilty if she refused because in a way she'd be refusing the final wish of her dying husband/bf.

Anybody should make his own decisions and if you want kids, go ahead regardless of your situation, if you feel like that's the right thing to do. There are more important factors than just fundamental financial needs when it comes to the question of having kids or not.
But it's also a decision, that affects more people than just you and also affects people (=your child), that have to live with the consequences of your decision, so at least you should take all this circumstances in effect when making your final decision...

Feb 28, 2005
Dont be dumb man. Responsibility is one thing. I get that. But saying a person shouldnt have sex or have a kid just because they were dealt a bad hand and have a disability is downright stupid.

So someone who is HIV+ should risk having a child?


New member
Oct 15, 2011
I've responded on several 911 calls for EMS when we arrived - in the hood - we'd find a teenage girl (I've been to as young as 13 years old), 9 months pregnant, no father/baby-daddy to be found, living in US Government subsidized housing, and she would say, "I'm gonna get me a check!" This is no bullshit. This is real life. Many/most in this community are bred to think this way. It's just a way of life, living. As soon as they are old enough, they they can "get me a check!"

Nevermind the abuse of the 911 system.....

So true, and many have no idea just how prevalent and true this statement you made is.

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Too many people on the system.Time to revamp it with thumb prints.Welfare people should not be able to vote!ONLY TAX PAYERS! I went to deliver free computers too 1 house 1 for each kid. 5 all together! Yea 5,on 1 wall they have a 70 inch T V with x-box. On the other 54 inch with playstation 3.They have 2 scooters that thy move around in.6 kids.Every person in that house is OBESE!!!Time to get a damm job.There are more programs than you can imagine.Its time to get rid of the politicins that want these programs!NO foriegners should be able to go on the system only tax paying americans.I see more shit than anyone on this site because i deliver to these F* freeloaders. Wake the hell up america!!!

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Every single 1 of you would be collecting checks if you were disabled so lets be real.
Speak for yourself Dude!
I know many "disabled" people who have to much pride not to work.
It gives them a sense of pride to be part of the working community.

New member
Oct 15, 2011
thats what whites are embarrassed to admit. whites are the true leaches living off the system when you look at the sheer numbers.
Why dont you look at % and/ratios of those on the dole before you start putting Race into the statement!

New member
Oct 29, 2006
So someone who is HIV+ should risk having a child?


No. Of course not. Let's use some common sense here.

The guy made a blanket statement concerning people with disabilities. To paint everyone with the same brush just because they have a disability is stupid IMO.

Every situation is different.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Why dont you look at % and/ratios of those on the dole before you start putting Race into the statement!

How come when we talk about whites on welfare the conversation ALWAYS shifts to percentage and ratio. But when it is a minority on welfare it is ALWAYS about them bucking the system? So white people are on welfare because they need it so it is okay because there are more white people in this country but when minorities are on welfare it is because they are lazy and looking for white people to take care of them.

Feb 28, 2005
ho, I think we can all agree: there are PLENTY of white pieces of shit too!


New member
Aug 12, 2006
ho, I think we can all agree: there are PLENTY of white pieces of shit too!


I think everybody here has a enough sense to agree with your statement. It is just the nature of a discussion takes a different turn depending on the race. I have seen enough threads here that state the criminal activity of a black person in the projects and the article doesn't even mention the word "welfare" once but at least 10 people make a comment about blacks abusing welfare and how the program should be eliminated. But here is an article about a white person on welfare and not one person used the buzz statements like "those people" or "glad to see my paycheck is going into her pocket" or "drug test all people on welfare".

I am one to admit that there more black people on welfare than business owners or black doctors and lawyers. I wish it was the other way around but I refuse to blame it on the character make up of ones race. A black child in a decent neighborhood with a decent family will most likely succeed in life just like a white person with the same upbringing. Just like a white child who grows up in a neighborhood filled with low lifes and no role models is likely to fail in life right along with the blacks of similar upbringing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sometimes you just have to sit and laugh when you hear all of the views and responses people take on this type of subject.

People who are too disabled to hold a good paying job shouldn't be allowed to have children? Really? First off this chick has been disabled long before she would have been able to seek employment. If she wasn't on welfare she would be on some sort of disability program. Are people actually saying aside from the pain and treatment she has to go through everyday that prevents her from seeking the career or fulfilling her dreams she had when she was a little girl we should also allow her disabilities from extending her bloodline and raising a child. Should we also strip the parental rights from somebody who gets diagnosed with cancer or not fix them if they get diagnosed with the disease because they will most likely live a short life and won't be able to earn the same type of coin if they were cancer free?

People on welfare live a charmed life and have so many luxuries and eat steak and shrimp every night? About 1 out of every 10000 is able to work the system this way. These type of people are about as rare as those people that know how to rig a radio contest consistently so they are always the 100th caller. People that are on welfare live in the shittiest of neighborhoods were your states resources seldom find its way too. Their is no hope in the community, the schools are way below standards, and their is no positive influence to ever create a change. If you happen to get the whole 9 as far as government covered resources like public housing and a monthly check and food stamps the income is so fixed your average non welfare collecting person would think they are in a prison. Sure when they get their check or food stamps it can appear they have no worries cause their shopping cart is full of pepsi and hostess but you never see the other 3 weeks when that $200 a month they get for groceries to support a family of 5 is all gone and they are eating canned beans and rice. You don't see the kids who don't get the luxury of back to school shopping or an allowance to earn to spend on the weekends and aren't treated with family vacations. These people are on a tight budget whether they know how to budget or not.

Wait, why are they buying Pepsi & twinkies? If you're on a limited budget, why not buy staple foods. Milk, bread, oatmeal, rice, eggs, cereal, etc.

Ah, but that would require discipline, delayed gratification, and personal responsibility. Who cares about stretching your grocery dollars for 3-4 weeks, when you can have that cupcake today.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Wait, why are they buying Pepsi & twinkies? If you're on a limited budget, why not buy staple foods. Milk, bread, oatmeal, rice, eggs, cereal, etc.

Ah, but that would require discipline, delayed gratification, and personal responsibility. Who cares about stretching your grocery dollars for 3-4 weeks, when you can have that cupcake today.

Sometimes you have to treat the kids. Or do you prefer that children that receive government assistance should eat the paste from feeding bags and not celebrate birthdays and Christmas and should not own a computer and do their homework on a classic typewriter. Should they not own a microwave or television either. Should all people on welfare be banished to a cabin in the woods ala Little House On The Prairie and wear potato sacks to school and not be allowed to use hygiene products.

Sep 21, 2001
Sometimes you have to treat the kids. Or do you prefer that children that receive government assistance should eat the paste from feeding bags and not celebrate birthdays and Christmas and should not own a computer and do their homework on a classic typewriter. Should they not own a microwave or television either. Should all people on welfare be banished to a cabin in the woods ala Little House On The Prairie and wear potato sacks to school and not be allowed to use hygiene products.

They should be allowed a bag of oats and some water - if they need a protein source from time they will be allotted some chicken gizzards or feet - if baby food stamp or section 8 wants a treat they can buy it with their drug proceeds

Dec 29, 2006
She shouldnt get any gift because she is a freeloading bum stealing from the rest of us. The reason this article is in the news is so people can say "See there are white people on food stamps too!"

New member
Aug 12, 2006
She shouldnt get any gift because she is a freeloading bum stealing from the rest of us. The reason this article is in the news is so people can say "See there are white people on food stamps too!"

Considering how fucked up the job market is out there. Would you rather she take your job for less pay and then you can collect $300 a week of unemployment?

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Wait, why are they buying Pepsi & twinkies? If you're on a limited budget, why not buy staple foods. Milk, bread, oatmeal, rice, eggs, cereal, etc.

Every person in the world is going to spend whatever resources they have on whatever they value most. Obviously their values must be wrong, otherwise they wouldn't be collecting food stamps

Dec 29, 2006
Considering how fucked up the job market is out there. Would you rather she take your job for less pay and then you can collect $300 a week of unemployment?

She would need at least 4-5 years training to "take my job" and do it effectively. She'd also have to travel all the time, so it's doubtful she would be willing to do my job even if she could finish the training. Maybe you should also pay for her college and babysit her kids during that time?

New member
Oct 16, 2011
she can have my job.I work 12 hours a day carrying heavy packages up to 150 lbs by my self up to 3rd floor apts.Then i have 29 pickup stops that i pick up between 2 and 300 packages.Most of the time with no dock.Add in i am timed on how fast to do it.usually 7 seconds a stop.We are being followed by bosses,gps units on the trucks and are constantly harrassed why we cant go faster.My back,elbows,and knees are shot!I rather sit home getting obese eating cupcakes and ice cream when its 20 below 0 and snowing 2 feet.I must stay out till everything is finished.Oh by the way you never get to see your family,dont get home till close to 900pm.I cant wait for the busy season.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
She would need at least 4-5 years training to "take my job" and do it effectively. She'd also have to travel all the time, so it's doubtful she would be willing to do my job even if she could finish the training. Maybe you should also pay for her college and babysit her kids during that time?

Don't kid yourself Captain. Unless you are a surgeon, engineer or a lawyer any monkey off the street could do most of our jobs.. Just because it took you 4-5 years to max out your pay grade doesn't mean you are in charge of the national security of our country. If we can grab a lost kid fresh out of high school and drop him in South Carolina for a 3 month training session and then fly him out to the front lines to defend the country before he can legally walk into a casino and place a bet or drink a pint of ale shows you just how interchangeable we all are.

Also you people need to get this idea out of your head that your tax dollars are feeding the lazy, poor and incapable people in this country. It is a tax not a donation. Your money is highjacked out of your check and spent where ever the government deems fit. That could be in the form of illegal payoffs, NASA research, fuels for Air Force One, subsidizing tobacco farms, or illegal wiretapping and contract killings. Even if they eliminated all welfare programs guess what you will still pay the same amount in taxes. Only in this country where we get only 6 holidays and 5 sick days a year do we brag about being worked into an early grave and get pissed off that somebody with a medical condition who has a lesser quality of life and less riches gets financial and medical treatment. No wonder people in Canada and Europe live longer when they get an entire year off of work fully paid to adjust to a new born in their life or to go through a cancer treatment. In America if you come down with cancer you will lose your job, house and benefits from the co payments alone.

Instead of resenting the people that work less in this country we should take offense with the government on how come we have to work so much. Uncle Sam is a smart motherfucker. He knows exactly how to keep us puppets at bay from demanding truth, justice and kickbacks that the people deserve. I am pretty sure after you finish reading this your retirement eligibility has been pushed back another two years and 100,000 good paying and long standing jobs have been sent off to another country.

New member
Feb 17, 2009
Don't kid yourself Captain. Unless you are a surgeon, engineer or a lawyer any monkey off the street could do most of our jobs.. Just because it took you 4-5 years to max out your pay grade doesn't mean you are in charge of the national security of our country. If we can grab a lost kid fresh out of high school and drop him in South Carolina for a 3 month training session and then fly him out to the front lines to defend the country before he can legally walk into a casino and place a bet or drink a pint of ale shows you just how interchangeable we all are.

Also you people need to get this idea out of your head that your tax dollars are feeding the lazy, poor and incapable people in this country. It is a tax not a donation. Your money is highjacked out of your check and spent where ever the government deems fit. That could be in the form of illegal payoffs, NASA research, fuels for Air Force One, subsidizing tobacco farms, or illegal wiretapping and contract killings. Even if they eliminated all welfare programs guess what you will still pay the same amount in taxes. Only in this country where we get only 6 holidays and 5 sick days a year do we brag about being worked into an early grave and get pissed off that somebody with a medical condition who has a lesser quality of life and less riches gets financial and medical treatment. No wonder people in Canada and Europe live longer when they get an entire year off of work fully paid to adjust to a new born in their life or to go through a cancer treatment. In America if you come down with cancer you will lose your job, house and benefits from the co payments alone.

Instead of resenting the people that work less in this country we should take offense with the government on how come we have to work so much. Uncle Sam is a smart motherfucker. He knows exactly how to keep us puppets at bay from demanding truth, justice and kickbacks that the people deserve. I am pretty sure after you finish reading this your retirement eligibility has been pushed back another two years and 100,000 good paying and long standing jobs have been sent off to another country.

Great post.

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