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September 20, 2008
Barack Obama's tax increase plan
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By Lee Wilson
No one is talking about this, but to me it's vital in understanding what Obama is saying he'll do.
Obama said many times that he would "roll back" George W. Bush's tax cuts. He said that very thing at the CNN Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate in Manchester, NH, 6/3/07.
In the recent Bill O'Reiley interview with Barack Obama, Obama said that he would not raise taxes on about 95 percent of Americans. He would raise taxes on the other 5 percent of Americans, known to him as "the rich."
But if you put the two together, it paints a picture similar to what he first proposed back when he was talking about raising everyone's taxes.
How? Because when the Bush tax cuts come up for expiration, Obama said he will let them expire. Which, though technically we can't call that a tax INCREASE because he'd actually just be letting Bush's tax cuts "expire." That would effectively be a tax increase on every taxpayer because every taxpayer received a cut under the Bush tax cut based on what they paid in.
So what that basically means is that, if elected, he'll preside over a tax increase for every tax payer and then will hike taxes AGAIN on those who are the top 5 percent of wage earners. So he is accurate in saying that his plan doesn't call for a tax increase on all tax payers, but he said he would let it happen.
What this does is raise taxes to the level he first stated he would as the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CNN and Fox News all reported. Yet with the convenience of technically not having to tell us that and not technically having it called a tax increase, Obama misleads us.
So if Obama wins, the taxes of all taxpayers will go up and then the top 5 percent will get hit again. That's a sneaky plan. Don't say I didn't warn you.
September 20, 2008
Barack Obama's tax increase plan
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By Lee Wilson
No one is talking about this, but to me it's vital in understanding what Obama is saying he'll do.
Obama said many times that he would "roll back" George W. Bush's tax cuts. He said that very thing at the CNN Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate in Manchester, NH, 6/3/07.
In the recent Bill O'Reiley interview with Barack Obama, Obama said that he would not raise taxes on about 95 percent of Americans. He would raise taxes on the other 5 percent of Americans, known to him as "the rich."
But if you put the two together, it paints a picture similar to what he first proposed back when he was talking about raising everyone's taxes.
How? Because when the Bush tax cuts come up for expiration, Obama said he will let them expire. Which, though technically we can't call that a tax INCREASE because he'd actually just be letting Bush's tax cuts "expire." That would effectively be a tax increase on every taxpayer because every taxpayer received a cut under the Bush tax cut based on what they paid in.
So what that basically means is that, if elected, he'll preside over a tax increase for every tax payer and then will hike taxes AGAIN on those who are the top 5 percent of wage earners. So he is accurate in saying that his plan doesn't call for a tax increase on all tax payers, but he said he would let it happen.
What this does is raise taxes to the level he first stated he would as the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CNN and Fox News all reported. Yet with the convenience of technically not having to tell us that and not technically having it called a tax increase, Obama misleads us.
So if Obama wins, the taxes of all taxpayers will go up and then the top 5 percent will get hit again. That's a sneaky plan. Don't say I didn't warn you.