Actually the liberal Facebook meltdowns are pretty pricelesss. Such whiney bitches.
For sure. It's one of those deals where you enjoy the hell out of seeing her and her supporters take in the ass from a complete buffoon until you remember that complete buffoon is now the leader of the free world.
after 8 years of economic failure, lousy wages, weak home ownership, growing welfare, racism, civil unrest, the middle east on fire, the Russian Reset making our asses bleed............
I'm going to tell you we just got rid of the "complete buffoons", we have nowhere to go but up, the buffoons have been fucking up everything across the boards and now the buffoons are being run out of town
at what point do you want to stop imposing failed policies on us? is there ever enough failure for you?
I am stunned. the books had to lose as Trump had all the value and apparent backing.So he is in, now what?Hopefully he does well and shakes things to a positive direction.